Beauty of Picturesque Nature



General Information

General Information

The Alma Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary, non-profit organization of businesses and professional people working together to promote business and assist community development. Special events sponsored by the Chamber include Easter Egg Hunt, Oktoberfest and Christmas Festivities.

The Alma Community Center is located at 244 E 11th and is available for rent on a first-come-first-served basis with both hourly or daily rates. A $100.00 deposit is required. This will be returned when the center has been checked out to make sure that it was left in satisfactory condition. Contact City Hall to rent the community center.

Alma has a full-time professionally trained City Marshal, who can be reached at City Hall ((785) 765-3922) for non-emergency calls.

Our fire protection is provided by Wabaunsee Fire Department #6; a volunteer fire department of 17 people.

The Wabaunsee County Sheriffs Department tests the sirens during Spring in readiness for the upcoming tornado season every Monday at noon. In case of an approaching tornado, the siren will be sounded should you need to seek cover. Please remember that the Community Center basement will be opened when the siren sounds for those of you who do not have a basement. If the siren does sound, please take cover immediately and remain there until the all clear is sounded.

The City of Alma contracts out the trash removal for the fee of $19.25 per month. You can obtain a poly cart to hold your trash for a fee of $20.25 per month. However, your trash is to be bagged if you do not have a trash container. Trash must be placed curbside by 7:00 a.m. on Thursdays.

The City provides a site for dumping yard debris such as leaves, grass clippings, trees and shrubs. The dumping of other than approved materials is prohibited. Violators are subject to prosecution. The site is located southeast of town on Highway 99, just past the new water plant on the south side of the highway. It is open 24 hours a day.

As a community, Alma takes a lot of pride in its appearance, so we ask residents to keep their yards groomed and free of discarded appliances and inoperable vehicles. See Ordinance Chapter VIII.

The City of Alma provides electric, water, gas and sewer utilities as well as trash pick up to residents. There is a non-refundable service charge of $10.00 per utility for new customers. Meters are read on or around the last day of each month. Charges for these services are billed to customers on the 10th of each month, and are delinquent after the 20th. All utilities, including trash service, are billed on one bill. Payment of bills can be made either by online, direct bank draft, credit card or check. A drop box is located outside the front entrance of City Hall for your convenience.

If you are a new resident of Alma, or moving to a different residence within the city, you must register to vote at the Wabaunsee County Courthouse before the registration books are closed 20 days prior to an election. All federal, state and local elections will be announced in the local paper.

If you are new to Kansas, you will need to purchase your car tags at the Wabaunsee County Courthouse.

Under the Fair Housing Act, it is Against the Law to: Refuse to rent to you or sell you housing:

  • Tell you housing is unavailable when in fact it is available
  • Show you apartments or homes only in certain neighborhoods Set different terms, conditions, or privileges for sale or rental of a dwelling
  • Provide different housing services or facilities
  • Advertise housing to preferred groups of people only
  • Refuse to provide you with information regarding mortgage loans, deny you a mortgage loan, or impose different terms or conditions on a mortgage loan
  • Deny you property insurance
  • Conduct property appraisals in a discriminatory manner
  • Refuse to make certain modifications or accommodations for persons with a mental or physical disability, including persons with HIV/AIDS-related illnesses, and persons recovering from alcohol and substance abuse. Fail to design and construct housing in an accessible manner
  • Harass, coerce, intimidate, or interfere with anyone exercising or assisting someone else with his/her fair housing rights

If you feel you have been discriminated against please call the Department of Housing and Urban Development at +1 (800) 669-9777.

Thank you,

Maurice Baker, Mayor
City of Alma, Kansas

City Personnel

City Personnel
h fgh gh
City ClerkSherry
Assistant City ClerkLindsey
City MarshalMichael
Cemetery SextonGary
(785) 580-3851
City SuperintendentMichael
Assistant City SuperintendentTrent
Utility EmployeesJeff Clark
Kevin Griffith



The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Jared Falk, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley and Don Westhoff. Council Member Dan Deiter was absent. Mayor Ken Smith declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Marshal Mike Baker and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Barbara Frank, Chris Cassell, Dustin Sievers, and Kevin Griffith. 

Public Comment: 

Kevin Griffith requested the speed limit on Ohio be lowered to 20 MPH from 7th to 2nd or at least by the park. After much discussion it was decided to have City Attorney Tom Barnes investigate this matter more. 

Don Westhoff moved to approve the minutes September 3, 2024, as submitted. Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried. 

Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $240,146.63. Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried. 

Don Westhoff moved to add the Alma Rec Committee to the Agenda. Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried. 

The rec members discussed money raised from the Alma Match Day and how it will be going towards new soccer fields at McKnight Park. They asked if the city would help pay for fuel for the project. 

Don Westhoff moved to approve paying up to $600.00 of fuel for the project only if it is needed if there is excess dirt. Jared Falk seconded. Motion carried. 

There was discussion of a shed for the soccer fields and tennis courts. Paul Gronquist would like someone from the Alma Rec to ask the school about it. 

Chris Cassell, Dustin Sievers, and Kevin Griffith left the meeting at 6:42 p.m.


A meeting request for Sherry Smith to attend a virtual IIMC Online Professional Development Records Management 1 Retention and Disposition on September 19 was approved. 

A meeting request for Sherry Smith to attend a virtual IIMC Online Professional Development Records Management 2 Retention and Disposition on October 2 was approved. 

A meeting request for Mike Baker to attend Breath Alcohol Intox Training in Topeka on November 15 was approved. 

Council Member Don Westhoff moved to approve Ordinance 537. Uniform Public Offense Code. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Don Westhoff moved to approve Ordinance 538. Standard Traffic Ordinance. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Don Westhoff motioned to appoint Sherry Smith as voting delegate for the League of Municipalities and Mike Baker as an alternate. Jared Falk seconded. Motion carried. 

City Personnel Reports:

Sherry’s written report: 

  • A citizen is interested in having a fundraiser and selling beer at it. She will need an individual special event permit. Will need application turned in by next council meeting to be approved before the event. 
  • Inquired about a raise and back pay for a seasonal employee. 

Don Westhoff motioned to approve the raise at the recommended rate. Jared Falk seconded. Motion carried. 

  • Inquired about travel time. Paul Gronquist would like to wait to discuss and vote until Dan Deiter is present. Jared Falk would also like to extend the same courtesy of waiting. 

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following: 

  • Would like to get approval for a few pieces of equipment. First is for a 2006 International plow truck that sells on Purplewave on September 24. Trent and Gary went and looked at it today. He would like to bid up to $45,000 to purchase it. We have the money in equipment reserve to cover this purchase. 

Don Westhoff moved to approve the purchase of a plow truck not to exceed $45,000.00. Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.  

  • Several months ago, our Milwaukee crimper tool disappeared from our bucket truck. He would like to purchase a replacement crimper tool from Stanion Electric Supply for $3500.00. Will pay for this out of electric reserve.

Tonya Hensley motioned to purchase a crimper tool not to exceed 3,500.00. Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried. 

  • Discussed purchasing an odorometer several months back, but he wanted to hold off until he tried purchasing one with grant money. We are not able to do that so he would like to purchase an Odorator 2 from Heath Consultants for $5,450.00. We use this to check the odorant level in our natural gas. We are required to do this monthly. At the beginning of this year, we found out our odorometer is obsolete and can no longer be calibrated or maintained. Since then, we have been borrowing Eskridge’s, but we really need our own. We can pay for this with the gas fund.

Don Westhoff motioned to purchase an Odorator 2 not to exceed $5,450.00. Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried. 

City Marshal Mike Baker reported on the following:

  • Received a bid from WTC for a new camera and installation for $738.40. 

Don Westhoff moved to approve the bid for $738.40 for a new camera. Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried. 

  • Gave update on the vehicle that was towed to city shop. Finance company will remove the vehicle. Tom Barnes stated to have them pay the tow bill before letting them remove the vehicle from the property. 

Jared Falk left the meeting at 7:26 p.m. 

Council Reports: 

Don Westhoff discussed potholes needing repaired. Also discussed possible lighting at Park Valley. There is a branch in the yard at the community center. 

Tonya Hensley had nothing to report. 

Paul Gronquist discussed the sidewalk and branches at 215 E 7th.  Also discussed the end of the year pool report. Don Westhoff and Tonya Hensley would like the city to advertise the pool manager position for next season. 

Ken Smith discussed Alma Match Day. He gave an update on the car damage claim. Ken asked when we do performance evaluations. We do them in December. He also asked about open meeting laws for the Alma Rec Committee. Tom Barnes stated that they need to advertise and take minutes. Someone will talk to the Rec to make sure this is being followed. 

At 7:50 p.m. Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to the Alma City Hall on October 1, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business. Tonya Hensley seconded, and the motion carried. 


Lindsey Silva, Assistant City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, and Don Westhoff.  Council Members Jared Falk and Tonya Hensley were absent. Mayor Ken Smith declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever, and City Marshal Mike Baker. Also in attendance was Barbara Frank. City Attorney Tom Barnes arrived at 6:20 p.m.

Public Comment: 

There was no public comment.

Don Westhoff moved to approve the minutes August 20, 2024, as submitted. Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried. 

Don Westhoff moved to approve the minutes August 20, 2024 Public Hearing, as submitted. Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $120,295.44. Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried. 

Paul Gronquist asked about the tow fee for a vehicle that the city had towed. Mike Baker replied that the car was taken to the city shop, the owner was given 30 days to pay the fee and remove the car.


J & J Construction submitted a bid for sidewalk project #2024-1. Don Westhoff moved to accept the bid from J & J Construction in the amount of $52,400.00. Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

City Personnel Reports:

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • There was discussion on convenances at Darcy regarding renting of mobile homes. Sherry will call the register of deeds for a copy of the convenance.
  • A roll dumpster will be dropped off the last week in September and picked up no later than October 11, 2024. 
  • She thanked Dan and Ken for attending the Alma Area Foundation Match Day at the American Legion. She has ideas on how to better advertise for next year’s match day.

Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever reported on the following: 

  • He discussed a claim that was turned into the city for alleged damage to a vehicle while doing street work on Missouri Street. After much discussion it was decided that City Attorney Tom Barnes would draft a letter stating that the city received the claim but will be denying the claim as it has not been determined that the city is at fault.

City Marshal Mike Baker reported that a traveler was found at the city shop after hours. While he did not take anything, he was looking around. He suggested that a camera be put up in an area that is in a blind spot. He will get a quote for a new camera from WTC.

Dan Deiter was asked by an Alma Rec member if the city would consider purchasing a storage shed that the school district is selling. They would store soccer and tennis equipment in the shed.

Dan moved to approve purchase of an appreciation plaque not to exceed $150.00. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Council Reports: 

Dan Deiter will not be at the meeting on September 17, 2024.

Don Westhoff asked when Ohio Steet between 10th and 11th Streets would be repaired. Trent replied that is next in line. Ken Smith asked about fixing the entry way into the city brush dump.

Paul Gronquist reminded Trent that the sidewalk at 7th and Ohio on the north side of the street has sunk, Michael was to get with the contractor to fix this. 

Ken Smith gave an update on the grant. All documents have been signed and will be submitted no later than September 6th, 2024.

At 6:54 p.m. Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to the Alma City Hall on September 17, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business. Don Westhoff seconded, and the motion carried. 


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Jared Falk, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, and Don Westhoff. Mayor Ken Smith declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance was Barbara Frank, Josh Huske and Brian Foster-BG Consultants. 

Public Comment: 

Josh Huske gave an update on the tennis courts; he asked if the city had any millings they could lay in between the courts. He would rather do this than plant grass that would be taken out when concrete is poured in the future. Michael said the city has enough millings that this could be done. Josh informed the council that the first tennis home meet in 20 years will be on August 27, 2024. He also thanked Alma Rec board member Dustin Seivers for all his help with the courts. Josh left the meeting at 6:06 p.m.

Brian Foster-BG Consultants discussed the agreement language for the PHMSA grant project that his firm will be assisting the city with. He asked the council to consider capping the limit of liability insurance at $500,000.00. After much discussion it was Jared Falk moved to authorize Mayor Ken Smith to sign an agreement with a revision of $1,000,000.00 liability insurance. Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried. Don Westhoff voted no. 

Jim MacGregor will assist the city in applying for a grant to replace the main water lines within the city. BG Consultants will also assist with this project. Brian left the meeting at 6:50 p.m.

Don Westhoff moved to add employee sick time to the agenda. Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Don Westhoff moved to approve the minutes August 6, 2024, as submitted. Jared Falk seconded. Motion carried. 

Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $223,010.70. Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried. 


Dan Deiter moved to approve the 2025 Alma City Budget. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Dan Deiter moved to approve the 2025 Alma Recreation Budget. Jared Falk seconded. Motion carried.

Don Westhoff discussed employee sick time. Clerk Sherry Smith reported that she changed a setting within the timeclock software that will not allow sick time to be eligible for overtime. The employees can now utilize sick time (not counted as working hours) if circumstances arise that they will have to work over 40 hours a week. Don also discussed increasing the employees pay rate if they get called out after hours to time and a half regardless of taking sick leave prior to being called out. Jared Falk motioned to increase the pay rate to time and a half when called out. Don Westhoff seconded. Motion was denied. Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist and Tonya Hensley voted no.

Michael Slobodnik asked the council to consider allowing the on-call employees to extend their travel time to 45 minutes while on call. Currently they can only travel 15 minutes from Alma while on call. This will be discussed at a future meeting.

There was a lengthy discussion regarding employees’ pay when attending meetings/trainings.

City Personnel Reports:

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • She is not able to attend the Alma Area Match Day on August 27, 2024, due to a conflict. Dan Deiter and Ken Smith will attend.
  • New nets for the tennis court had to be purchased. They will be delivered in time for the first meet on August 27, 2024.
  • She asked about doing a fall city wide clean up. It was decided to do this the last weekend in September through the second week in October. 

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following: 

  • He discussed updating the security system at all city buildings. He will look into more options before the next meeting.
  • He has put the sidewalk project out for bid.
  • He asked the council to put $26,000.00 of the reimbursement from the state back into equipment reserve.
  • The new street sweeper the city purchased does not meet the city’s needs. He would like to place it on Purple Wave.
  • He gave an update on the street work being done by the high school.

Don Westhoff asked about the hole in the street by Dollar General. This will be taken care of as soon as possible.

Dan Deiter asked about the shelters at the RV park. The city is currently waiting for the cement slab to be poured. There was also discussion about the roofs. 

Old Business:

There was a discussion about solar power. Michael has been talking to Wamego, they have an ordinance in place as well as an inspector. Wamego also utilizes the same billing software that Alma does.


Council Reports: 

Dan Deiter congratulated Sherry Smith for obtaining her CMC Designation (Certified Municipal Clerk).

Don Westhoff did not have anything to report.

Jared Falk did not have anything to report.

Tonya Hensley did not have anything to report.  

Paul Gronquist did not have anything to report. 

Ken Smith did not have anything to report.

At 7:58 p.m. Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session for attorney client privilege for 10 minutes and to have Sherry Smith, Michael Slobodnik, and City Attorney Tom Barnes in attendance. Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried. 

Barbara Frank left the meeting. 

At 8:08 p.m. the regular meeting resumed.

There was no action taken coming out of the executive session.

Ken Smith drew the following names to receive a $50.00 credit on their utility bill. This drawing was for completing the lead and copper survey that was sent out.

Richard Ross, Dennis Treff, Gwen Hendricks, Scott William, Joyce Mathies, Larry Garrison, Holy Family Parish Rental, Mike Orton, Marty Williams, Jane Barnes, Tracy Phillips, Don Hendricks, Linda Stevens, Lakiva Chisolm, James Heder, Phil Schutter, Coleen Falk, General Dishman, Hendricks Hardware, Vicki Evans.

At 8:11 p.m. Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to the Alma City Hall on September 3, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business. Tonya Hensley seconded, and the motion carried. 


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

Mayor Ken Smith called the Public Hearing of the Alma City Council to order at 5:45 p.m. with the following Council Members present: Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, Jared Falk and Don Westhoff. Mayor Ken Smith declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order.  City representatives in attendance were City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Clerk Sherry Smith. 


The mayor asked if there was any public comment. There was none.


At 5:57 p.m. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn the Public Hearing for the City of Alma 2025 Budget and the 2025 Alma Recreation Budget.  Council Member Don Westhoff seconded this motion.  Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.


City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Jared Falk, Tonya Hensley, and Don Westhoff. Paul Gronquist was absent. Mayor Ken Smith was absent. Council member Dan Deiter declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva, Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever, City Marshal Michael Baker, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance was Barbara Frank, Justin Miller, and Linda Bundy. 

Don Westhoff moved to add the resignation of pool manager to the agenda. Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Public Comment: 

Barbara Frank reported that there are branches by Stop 2 Shop that need to be trimmed. 

Justin Miller asked if it would be okay to sell single can beers on the south side of his liquor store during Hot Alma Nights. It will be set up to sell on the gravel and the sidewalk will not be blocked. The council agreed. 

Ken Smith arrived at 6:07 p.m.

Linda Bundy thanked everyone for the opportunity of working as city pool manager. She presented a July pool report and recommendations for the next pool year. The council thanked Linda. Linda left the meeting at 6:09 p.m. 

Don Westhoff moved to approve the minutes of July 16, 2024, as submitted. Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried. 

Tonya Hensley moved to approve the bills in the amount of $78,012.43. Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried. 


A meeting request for Michael Baker to attend the Kansas Association Chiefs of Police Meeting in Salina, KS on October 4th was approved. 

A virtual meeting request for Sherry Smith, Lindsey Silva, and Michael Baker to attend the First Amendment rights & Social Media webinar on August 15th was approved. 

Don Westhoff moved to regretfully accept the resignation of Pool Manager Linda Bundy. Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried. 

City Personnel Reports:

Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva did not have anything to report. 

Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever reported on the following: 

  • Reported that an area south of Park Valley is possibly under contract.
  • Discussed sick time and hours worked. It was decided to put payroll discussion on the agenda for the next meeting. Sherry Smith will send everyone the current policy for review before the meeting. 


Sherry Smith arrived at 6:26 p.m. 

City Marshal Mike Baker reported on the following:

  • He has taken the patrol truck to Jimmy’s to look at due to an oil issue. Will continue to take it to him every two weeks to keep an eye on it. 


City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • Budget hearing with be August 20th at 5:45 p.m. 
  • Assistant pool manager, Rhett Parry, has agreed to take over as the pool manager for the remainder of the season. Don Westhoff moved to increase his wage to the recommended full time pool manager rate. Jared Falk seconded. Motion carried.  

Don Westhoff asked about the letter of interest from Dylan Barber regarding the pool. Lindsey Silva gave an update that Dylan is interested in helping the pool manager next year with marketing/social media, scheduling, and he would also like to continue to teach water aerobics next season. 

Council Reports: 

Dan Deiter reported that the budget looks good. He asked if Joe Silva might have any suggestions on improvements at the City Lake. Don Westhoff would like to have a dock built in memory of Mark Falk. Lindsey Silva will ask Joe Silva to research places that build docks.   

Don Westhoff reported that there are potholes on Missouri Street and a big hole by Dollar General that is getting worse.

Jared Falk reported that there is a hole by Stop 2 Shop. He also discussed the roofs at the RV sites. He would like all colors to match. 

Tonya Hensley did not have anything to report.  

Ken Smith reported that there is a pothole by the entrance of Park Valley. Trent reported that they fixed some potholes there earlier today. 

At 6:52 p.m. Tonya Hensley moved to go into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel for 15 minutes and to have Sherry Smith, Michael Baker, Lindsey Silva, and City Attorney Tom Barnes in attendance. Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried. 

Trent Viergever and Barbara Frank left the meeting. 

At 7:07 p.m. the regular meeting resumed.

There was no action taken coming out of the executive session.

There was some discussion on employees’ travel times when attending conferences and school and how many hours employees should be compensated for. Will do some more research on this. 

At 7:12 p.m. Tonya Hensley moved to adjourn to the Alma City Hall on August 20th, 2024, at 5:45 p.m. for the 2025 City Budget Public Hearing and to conduct regular city business. Don Westhoff seconded, and the motion carried. 


Lindsey Silva, Assistant City Clerk


The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Jared Falk, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, and Don Westhoff. Mayor Ken Smith was absent. Council President Paul Gronquist declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Marshal Michael Baker, City Pool Manager Linda Bundy, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance was Barbara Frank, Scott Williams, Debbie Webb, Travis Poovey and Mary Reed-Spenser.

Public Comment:

Debbie Webb asked the council to consider a variance for her property, she would like to add a covered deck. This will encroach on the set back by roughly 10 feet. Dan Deiter moved to approve the variance. Tonya Hensley seconded the motion. Motion carried. Debbie and Scott left the meeting at 6:04 p.m.

Travis Poovey and Mary Reed-Spenser from the Wabaunsee County Fair Association asked the council to consider closing the north side of 9th Street from Grand Ave to Illinois Ave. The south side will be open for traffic flow. They would like to place the food vendors on the closed off section of 9th street. It was the consensus of the council to close this area as requested.

Barbara Frank asked the council for clarification regarding the pool manager position. At the July 2, 2024 council meeting, it was presented to have Justin and Mindy Miller fill in for the weekend of July 6-7. At that meeting it was decided to see if a current employee could fill in as there was not time to officially hire the Millers. If a current employee could not assist, application would be collected, and a special meeting would be held if necessary to go over applications. A current employee was able to assist. She also asked about the flags that are on display on East 7th Street. The homeowner was asked to take down the flag with vulgar language. He did so with no issue. Mike Baker also asked him to move the flags back, as they were in the way of traffic.

At 6:23 p.m. Don Westhoff moved to go into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel for 15 minutes and to have City Attorney Tom Barnes, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik and City Pool Manager Linda Bundy in attendance. Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.

Sherry, Mike and Barbara left the meeting.

At 6:39 p.m. Don Westhoff moved to extend the executive session by 5 minutes. Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.

The regular meeting resumed at 6:44 p.m.

Sherry, Mike and Barbara returned to the meeting.

Linda Bundy left the meeting at 6:44 p.m.

There was no action taken coming out of the executive session.

Tonya Hensley moved to approve the minutes of July 2, 2024, as submitted. Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Don Westhoff moved to approve the bills in the amount of $196,310.61. Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.


A meeting request for Mike Baker to attend League Annual Conference in Wichita, KS from October 10th until October 12th was approved.

City Personnel Reports:

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • She made a mistake and submitted the wrong minutes to the paper to be published. The correct minutes were published this week (June 18, 2024 minutes).
  • She gave an update on the 2023 audit. She also gave an update on the 2025 budget, if council is in agreement with the proposed budget, the public hearing will be set for August 20, 2024 at 5:45 p.m.
  • At the last meeting there was discussion on a Matching Grant that is available from the Alma Area Foundation. For every dollar raised, the Alma Area Foundation will donate $.50 up to $5,000.00. It was decided to participate and apply the funds to the parks as needed. Don Westhoff moved to approve setting up an investment account in the amount of $1000.00 with the Alma Area Foundation. Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • He asked to hire Gary Ringel to assist with street work. This is a temporary position. Dan Deiter moved to hire Gary at the recommended wage. Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.
  • He also presented a Gas O&M book for the council to review. This will be presented yearly.

City Marshal Mike Baker reported on the following:

  • He gave an update on the property at 225 Iowa. County Attorney Tim Leisman is willing to act as executor of the property. City Attorney Tom Barnes will contact Tim to discuss this further. Mike will also reach out the son of the Ledbetter property.
  • The curbs around 9th and Illinois will be painted yellow. This will take care of all parking issues.

Council Reports:

Dan Deiter replaced a piece of paneling on the park house.

Don Westhoff talked about repairing the hole in the road entering Dollar General.

Jared Falk asked to have an executive session at the end of the meeting.

Tonya Hensley was asked why the young men that mowed for the city were sitting in the shade rather than mowing. She replied that they are allowed to take a break, and if it is hot, they need to take a break more often for safety reasons. She asked Micheal to remind them that the community is watching. She also asked about taking old notices off Front Desk. Sherry will take care of this.

Paul Gronquist did not have anything to report.

At 7:24 p.m. Jared Falk moved to go into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel for 5 minutes and to have City Attorney Tom Barnes in attendance. Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Sherry, Michael, Mike, and Barbara Frank left the meeting.

At 7:29 p.m. the regular meeting resumed.

Sherry, Michael, Mike, and Barbara Frank returned to the meeting.

There was no action taken coming out of the executive session.

At 7:31 p.m. Don Westhoff moved to adjourn to the Alma City Hall on August 6, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business. Tonya Hensley seconded, and the motion carried.


Sherry Smith, City Clerk


The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Jared Falk, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, and Don Westhoff. Mayor Ken Smith declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva, Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever, City Marshal Michael Baker, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance was Barbara Frank.

Public Comment:

There was no public comment.

Paul Gronquist moved to approve the minutes of June 18, 2024, as corrected. Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $32,629.21. Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.


Dan Deiter moved to approve Michael Slobodnik to serve on the KMGA Board of Directors for a two-year term. Don Westhoff seconded. Motion Carried.

A meeting request for Sherry Smith to attend clerks school in Wichita, KS from October 29th until October 30th was approved.

A meeting request for Michael Slobodnik to attend KDHE Water & Wastewater Conference in Lawrence, KS from July 31st until August 1st was approved.

A meeting request for Jeff Clark to attend KDHE Water & Wastewater Conference in Lawrence, KS from July 31st until August 1st was approved.


City Personnel Reports:

Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva reported on the following:

  • Discussed coverage at the pool for the upcoming weekend. It was decided to collect applications and hold a special meeting to hire, if necessary.

Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever reported on the following:

  • Alma Area Foundation is having a match day and asked if the City would be interested in participating and using funds to help with repairs at the city cemetery. Will get more information on this.
  • A Brightspeed line got hit and an insurance claim was filed. We will just have to pay the deductible.
  • Have been trimming trees around power lines.
  • Preston has started on the shelter house at the RV sites.

City Marshal Mike Baker reported on the following:

  • Been working with WTC to replace a few of our city cameras around town that are not working properly.
  • Made contact with the amazon driver and got contact information and company name of who amazon contracts with.
  • Made contact with landlord on a property that is out of compliance. The landlord is going to take care of the problem.

Ken Smith gave an update on the pipeline safety crew report. Corrections are completed.

Council Reports:

Dan Deiter discussed zoning in Alma. He also asked if there were any updates on a couple of vacant properties.

Don Westhoff asked about permit fees for food vendors. He also discussed the chip and seal project that county handled and expressed ways that that it could have gone smoother.

Jared Falk did not have anything to report.

Tonya Hensley asked about fireworks in the city limits.

Paul Gronquist did not have anything to report.

Ken Smith reported that we have started the emergency preparedness plan. Will get together again with county and go over plans. Don Westhoff asked if we received the new AED batteries. Mike Baker let him know that we have.  

At 6:55 p.m. Paul Gronquist moved to go into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel for 10 minutes and to have City Attorney Tom Barnes in attendance. Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Lindsey Silva, Trent Viergever, Michael Baker, and Barbara Frank left the meeting.

At 7:05 p.m. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to extend the executive session by 10 minutes. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

At 7:15 p.m. the regular meeting resumed.

Lindsey Silva and Mike Baker returned to the meeting.

There was no action taken coming out of the executive session.

Tom Barnes let everyone know that he is working with Capital One on the fraudulent check that was discussed at the previous meeting.

Ken Smith will not be at the next meeting.

At 7:17 p.m. Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to the Alma City Hall on July 16th, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business. Tonya Hensley seconded, and the motion carried.


Lindsey Silva, Assistant City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Jared Falk, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, and Don Westhoff. Council Member Dan Deiter was absent. Mayor Ken Smith declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Marshal Michael Baker, City Pool Manager Linda Bundy and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance was Josh Huske.

Public Comment:

Josh Huske gave an update on the tennis/pickle ball courts. Due to the rising costs of materials, the estimated cost is higher than originally presented. He asked if the city could cover half of the increase and he would continue to seek donations to cover the other half. It was the consensus of the council to cover the remaining costs. It was also decided to ask the school district to assist in covering the additional costs. Josh left the meeting at 6:15 p.m.

Don Westhoff moved to approve the minutes of June 4, 2024, as submitted. Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $297,727.31. Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.

A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CONSUMPTION OF ALCHOHOLIC LIQUOR ON PUBLIC STREETS DURING HOT ALMA NIGHTS EVENT. The City Council, pursuant to Section 3.11.05(d) of the Code of the City of Alma, grants its approval for the consumption of alcoholic liquor on the city streets, sidewalks and public rights of ways which are located within the designated event area of the Hot Alma Nights automobile show for the period of 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 17, 2024 as set forth above. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved that said Resolution be passed.  Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded this motion.  Motion carried.  Mayor Kenneth Smith declared said Resolution be adopted and the Resolution was then duly numbered Resolution 2024-6 and was signed and approved by the Council and Mayor.  It was approved by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk. 

City Personnel Reports:

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • Reported that Stockgrowers State Bank has found out that there is a 2-day time frame to report checks that have been forged/fraudulent. Due to the extended time frame of the check written to a vendor that was intercepted and cashed by an unknown individual, the bank has had no choice but to withdraw the amount that they had replaced in the city bank account. Due to this, she contacted the city attorney. He has sent a demand for payment letter to Capital One.



City Pool Manager Linda Bundy reported on the following:

  • She gave a short update on the status of income for the first several weeks of operations.
  • She would like to have a float in the 4-H parade, she will bring information to the next council meeting.
  • She commended Kyra Smith and Jared Cunningham for their actions while performing a save. The little girl was ok, just shook up. Linda left the meeting at 6:30 p.m.
  • City Clerk Sherry Smith reported that due to the increase in swim lesson signups, 2 additional people were hired to assist with swim lessons.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • The AC at the water treatment plant has gone out. After much discussion Don Westhoff moved to authorize a new unit not to exceed $5,800.00. Jared Falk seconded. Motion carried.
  • The power outage that was scheduled for June 15, 2024, so Evergy could do maintenance on a line has been rescheduled for October 26, 2024.
  • The damage caused by the March 13, 2024, hailstorm has been estimated to be $69, 491.27. All the city building roofs with asphalt shingles have been totaled.
  • He gave an update on the gas line at the Flint Hills Plaza. The city was called out to bury the gas line further in the ground. This was not in the original plans provided by KDOT.
  • He reported that Alma Cheese has continued to dump their whey illegally. City Attorney Tom Barnes said to have an affidavit written and legal action will be taken.

City Marshal Mike Baker reported on the following:

  • The patrol truck has sustained hail damage during the hailstorm on June 13, 2024.

Don Westhoff asked when work was going to start on the RV Shelter. Michael will follow up with this. He also asked if the property that is putting in solar energy is ready for inspection. Michael reported that Mike Shmatter will be the one to inspect.

Council Reports:

Don Westhoff had reported his concerns to the city marshal earlier in the day.

Jared Falk did not have anything to report.

Tonya Hensley did not have anything to report.

Paul Gronquist has noticed that citizens are leaving their trash cans at the curb after trash pickup. Per city ordinance, all trash cans are to be placed near the homes within 24 hours of pickup. A notice will be sent out to remind citizens of this.

Ken Smith reported that the corner section of 325 W. 10th Street has been deeded over to Marcey Torrey.

At 6:50 p.m. Paul Gronquist moved to go into executive session for 15 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel and to have city attorney Tom Barnes in attendance. Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Sherry, Michael and Mike left the meeting.

At 7:05 p.m. the regular meeting resumed.

Sherry, Michael and Mike returned to the meeting.

There was no action taken coming out of the executive session.

At 7:06 p.m. Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to the Alma City Hall on July 2, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business. Tonya Hensley seconded, and the motion carried.


Sherry Smith, City Clerk


The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Jared Falk, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, and Don Westhoff via zoom. Mayor Ken Smith declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Marshal Michael Baker, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Barbara Frank, Gary Ringel, Jed and Luke Swicegood.

Public Comment:

Gary gave an update on the condition of headstones at the cemetery. There are 12 older headstones that need repaired. The families moved out of the area years ago and he is unable to locate them. He obtained a bid from Strube Monument Services in the amount of $5,000.00 to repair all 12 head stones. Dan Deiter moved to accept the bid from Strube Monument Services. Jared Falk seconded. Motion carried. Gary left the meeting at 6:10 p.m.

Jed and Luke Swicegood asked the council to reconsider approving their request to rezone the property at 506 Grand from R1 (single family) to R2 (multifamily). After much discussion Tonya Hensley motioned to approve rezoning 506 Grand from R1 to R2. Jared Falk seconded. Motion carried. Tonya, Jared and Don were in favor, Dan and Paul were opposed. Jed and Luke left the meeting at 6:34 p.m.

Don Westhoff moved to approve the minutes of May 21, 2024, as corrected. Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.

Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $54,746.54. Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.

City Personnel Reports:

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • She asked the council if an employee went from employee/children to just employee for health insurance, would the council pay 90% and the employee pay 10%. After much discussion it was decided the city would pay 86% and the employees would pay 14%.
  • She reported that the pool has opened for the season. As of Tuesday June 4, 2024, 16 pool passes have been purchased.
  • She reported that two lifeguards have completed training to obtain their WSI certification. It was the consensus of the council to approve a wage increase.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • He gave a report on how things went during the Unbound Bike Ride. There was discussion about how the city can improve things for future bike rides.
  • He reported that Cades last day of employment will be June 6, 2024.

City Marshal Mike Baker reported on the following:

  • He reported that he has met with management at Alma Creamery regarding illegal dumping.
  • He reported that from a City Marshal viewpoint, the bike race went well.

Council Reports:

Dan Deiter reported that he will not be at the June 18, 2024, meeting. He asked if any vehicles that were placed on Purple Wave have been sold yet. Michael said the 2008 Ford and the bucket truck have sold. He also discussed the 2016 Water Rights.

Don Westhoff asked about the tennis courts. It was reported that the surfacing paint has been ordered. He also asked if the city had found an area to hold the Meriweather Circus. Michael said that due to the new soccer fields at McKnight Park, there is no place to hold the circus.

Jared Falk asked if there is anything the city can put in place to prohibit future multifamily homes. City Attorney Tom Barnes said that every person has the right to bring their plans before the zoning board committee.

Tonya Hensley reported that she has heard a few complaints about the Unbound Bike ride. She has also heard positive comments from the community regarding the bike ride. She had also read comments from bike riders about how they felt welcomed in Alma.

Paul Gronquist asked if the city could spread millings at the Park Valley cul-de-sac. This would give the residents an idea of what the permanent road would be like.

Ken Smith asked if the community center cleaning person has come in. Sherry replied that she had, she officially took over on June 1, 2024.

At 7:31 p.m. Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to the Alma City Hall on June 18, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business. Tonya Hensley seconded, and the motion carried.


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, and Don Westhoff. Council Member Jared Falk was absent. Mayor Ken Smith declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Marshal Michael Baker, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Barbara Frank, Erin and Anna Debler and Karen Wright.

Public Comment:

Anna Debler presented a mural that will be painted on the north side of A & E Liquor. Anna will be assisting local artist Brooke Terrapin with painting the mural. To raise money for this project Anna sold 28 pies and obtained a grant. Anna and Erin left the meeting at 6:03 p.m.

Don Westhoff moved to approve the minutes of May 7, 2024, as corrected. Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $277,780.74. Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.


Lindsey Silva submitted a request to attend the KACM Annual Conference in Hays, KS September 25, 2024 to September 27, 2024.

Alma Zoning Board presented a letter of recommendation to approve rezoning the property of 209 E 3rd from R1 to R3. Paul Gronquist moved to approve rezoning.  Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried. Paul, Tonya and Don voted in favor, Dan voted against rezoning


City Personnel Reports:

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • The library has asked if they could bolt a memorial bench with a plaque for Evelyn Zeckser into the concrete on the south side of the library.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • He asked to hire 2 individuals for mowing. It was the consensus of the council to hire Eli Oliver and Connor Michaelis at the recommended wage.
  • He asked to purchase 2 John Deere mowers. Don Westhoff moved to purchase 2 John

Deere mowers not to exceed $23,000.00. Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.

  • Don Westhoff moved to add a 4th shelter house at the RV Park, at a cost of $7,000.00. Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.
  • He reported that he and Sherry attended a meeting via zoom for the PHMSA Grant that the city was awarded. There will be another meeting in June.
  • He is meeting with Greg Wright to lock in natural gas prices for the upcoming year.
  • City Engineer Mike Schmatter will inspect the solar system the property at 1038 Ohio.

City Marshal Mike Baker reported on the following:

  • He asked about setting a cost for copies of reports. He suggested $5.00 for open record reports and $35.00 for video with the caveat that all requested videos be sent to the city attorney first for approval. City Attorney Tom Barnes will prepare a document for council to act on at the next meeting.

City Pool Manager Linda Bundy reported on the following:

  • She asked about renting out the Park House for parties and utilizing the money made from that to purchase items for the pool. She would like to purchase more lounge chairs and umbrellas for shade. Dan Deiter said that the house is in no condition to rent out, it would cost too much to do the needed work. Tonya Hensley suggested doing small events at the pool to bring in extra money.
  • She has been asked by several citizens about pool passes. She is going to sell passes this year. A family pass will be $100.00 for 4 individuals, $10.00 for each individual thereafter per pass.
  • She reported that the guards had completed the painting. Don Westhoff asked if the baby pool was ready. Michael said that he visited with Russell Torrey, it was decided that while the pool needs to be sand blasted, this could be put off one more summer.
  • Paul Gronquist asked about the stairs that need to be replaced.
  • Michael Slobodnik reported that both vacuums for the pool are down. Mike Baker took one vacuum to Olathe for repair. Michael will follow up with the shop on cost.

Council Reports:

Dan Deiter thanked Mike Baker for getting citizens to clean up their properties.

Don Westhoff reported that the city is moving forward with the .gov email addresses and domains.

Tonya Hensley did not have anything to report.

Paul Gronquist did not have anything to report.

Ken Smith discussed the cleaning position at the community center. He and Sherry interview the candidates prior to the council meeting. Ken will call and offer the position to the individual.

At 7:24 p.m. Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to the Alma City Hall on June 4, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business. Tonya Hensley seconded, and the motion carried.


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Jared Falk, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, and Don Westhoff. Mayor Ken Smith declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Marshal Michael Baker, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance was Barbara Frank

Dan Deiter moved to add hiring the pool manager to the agenda. Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Dan Deiter moved to hire Linda Bundy for the pool manager position at the recommended wage. Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Linda presented a list of lifeguards for consideration. Don Westhoff moved to hire lifeguards at the recommended wage. Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried. She also gave an update on the start of the season.

Public Comment:

There was no public comment.

Don Westhoff moved to approve the minutes of April 16, 2024, as submitted. Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.

Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $79,874.67. Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.


Mayor Kenneth Smith recommended the appointment of Sherry Smith for the position of City Clerk.  Dan Dieter moved and was seconded by Don Westhoff.   Motion carried.

Mayor Kenneth Smith recommended the appointment of Lindsey Silva for the position of Assistant City Clerk/City Treasurer.  Don Westhoff moved and was seconded by Jared Falk.  Motion carried.

Mayor Kenneth Smith recommended the appointment of Michael Baker for the position of City Marshal. Jared Falk moved and was seconded by Tonya Hensley. Motion carried.

Mayor Kenneth Smith recommended the appointment of Tom Barnes with Stumbo Hanson, LLP of Topeka, Kansas for the position of City Attorney.  Tonya Hensley moved and was seconded by Paul Gronquist.  Motion carried.

Mayor Kenneth Smith recommended the appointment of James Willard for the position of Municipal Judge.  Paul Gronquist moved and was seconded by Dan Deiter.  Motion carried.

Mayor Kenneth Smith recommended the appointment of Lindsey Silva for the position of Municipal Court Clerk.  Dan Deiter moved and was seconded by Don Westhoff.  Motion carried.

Mayor Kenneth Smith recommended the appointment of Sherry Smith for the position of Environmental Review Officer.  Don Westhoff moved and was seconded by Jared Falk.  Motion carried.

Mayor Kenneth Smith recommended the appointment of Gary Ringel for the position of City Cemetery Sexton.  Jared Falk moved and was seconded by Tonya Hensley. Motion carried.

Mayor Kenneth Smith recommended the appointment of Michael Slobodnik for the position of Zoning Administrator.  Tonya Hensley moved and was seconded by Paul Gronquist.  Motion carried.

Mayor Kenneth Smith recommended the appointment of the Wabaunsee County Signal Enterprise to be the City’s Official Newspaper.  Paul Gronquist moved and was seconded by Dan Deiter.  Motion carried.

Mayor Kenneth Smith recommended the appointment of Paul Gronquist for the position of Governing Body President.  Dan Deiter moved and was seconded by Don Westhoff. Motion carried.

Mayor Kenneth Smith recommended the appointment of the Stockgrowers State Bank as the Official Depository. Don Westhoff moved and was seconded by Jared Falk.  Motion carried.

Mayor Kenneth Smith recommended the appointment of Michael Baker as animal control. Tonya Hensley moved and was seconded by Paul Gronquist. Motion carried.

A RESOLUTION IN THE CITY OF ALMA, KANSAS, PROVIDING FOR THE REMOVAL AND/OR ABATEMENT OF A NUISANCE EXISTING AT  225 IOWA, ALMA, WABAUNSEE COUNTY, KANSAS PURSUANT TO CITY OF ALMA, ORDINANCE NO. 365 CHAPTER VIII, ARTICLE TWO was considered and discussed.  Dan Deiter moved that said Resolution be passed.  Don Westhoff seconded this motion.  Motion carried.  Mayor Kenneth Smith declared said Resolution be adopted and the Resolution was then duly numbered Resolution 2024-4 and was signed and approved by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk.

A RESOLUTION IN THE CITY OF ALMA, KANSAS, PROVIDING FOR THE REMOVAL AND/OR ABATEMENT OF A NUISANCE EXISTING AT  209 East 6th, ALMA, WABAUNSEE COUNTY, KANSAS PURSUANT TO CITY OF ALMA, ORDINANCE NO. 365 CHAPTER VIII, ARTICLE TWO was considered and discussed.  Dan Deiter moved that said Resolution be passed.  Paul Gronquist seconded this motion.  Motion carried.  Kenneth Smith declared said Resolution be adopted and the Resolution was then duly numbered Resolution 2024-5 and was signed and approved by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk.

Trent Viergever submitted a request to attend the KMY Underground Lineman Training in McPherson, KS May 15, 2024, to May 17, 2024.

City Personnel Reports:

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • The 2023 financial audit will take place on May 16, 2024.
  • Lindsey reached out to Cheryl Lewis about planting flowers on Missouri Street. She will get back to us in a few days.
  • There will be a public hearing on May 8th for a request to rezone a property from a single-family dwelling to a multi-family dwelling.
  • She reported that the Wabaunsee High Promenade down Missouri Street went well. All the kids did as they were instructed.


City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • He has not sent out bids for sidewalk projects yet. He would like to use more of the sales tax funds to do street repairs.
  • He met with KDOT regarding the mill and overlay project to take place this summer.
  • On May 20, 2024, he and Sherry will attend a meeting via zoom regarding the PHMSA Grant the city applied for and was awarded.
  • He and Trent met with the new director for the Unbound Gravel Bike ride.
  • KDHE is now requiring all cities to perform a lead and copper survey for each property in city limits to be completed. He asked for permission to include an incentive for citizens to complete and return the survey. It was decided to put all names of those who return the survey in a drawing, 20 names will be drawn, the winners will receive a $50.00 credit applied to their water account. This survey is mandatory, if a citizen does not turn one in, a utility employee will be going door to door to get the survey completed.
  • A claims adjuster will be here on Thursday May 9, 2024, to go over damage to properties from recent storms.
  • He gave an update on the request for summer help applications.

Tonya Hensley asked about the cost of an odorometer. At this time Michael does not plan to purchase one, he is waiting to see how much grant money the city receives and will purchase one at that time.

City Marshal Mike Baker reported on the following:

  • The radios that the council previously approved have been purchased and installed.
  • The hail dents from recent storms have been repaired on the patrol truck.
  • He and Sherry have discussed an emergency preparedness plan. The city will be working with Amy Terrapin to update the current plan.
  • He also reported that he was able to purchase new batteries for the city AED machines.
  • He reported that he has visited with Sherry about Incident Based Training, this training will teach the importance of duties during a disaster. He also informed council that there is a training they may take as elected officials.
  • He also suggested that the city always keep basic supplies on hand. This will help with employees who are working in the emergency.

Ken Smith asked the council if they would consider removing the RV Park Shelters off the agenda under unfinished business as the project has been awarded. It was decided to leave it there until the project is completed. Michael asked if the council would like to add a 4th site at the same time the repairs are being done. He will bring a bid to a future meeting.

Council Reports:

Dan Deiter thanked the city for their quick response in assisting an individual after a fall. He also talked about several tree limbs that have been cut and several that will need to be taken care of in the near future. He told the council that there is a debt spreadsheet for Kansas Water Rights in their folders.

Don Westhoff reported that some limbs are close to powerlines, please keep an eye on them. He was approached by a citizen about a property that is becoming unsightly. Mike Baker reported that he has already addressed this property with the owner, and they are currently cleaning it up. Don also said that mowing is getting out of hand due to the recent amount of rain.

Jared Falk asked about a tree on the easement behind the property at 418 W 8th Terr. Michael will address this issue. Jared also asked if the city would consider visiting with the representative from MKC pertaining to possibly working out a contract for the city to purchase fuel at a lower cost.

Tonya Hensley did not have anything to report.

Paul Gronquist did not have anything to report.

Ken Smith reported asked about the community center cleaning position. It was decided to go into executive session to discuss.

At 7:15 p.m. Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel and to have Sherry and Michael in attendance. Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Michael Baker, Tom Barnes, Linda Bundy, and Barbara Frank left the meeting.

At 7:30 the regular meeting resumed.

Michael Baker and Linda Bundy returned to the meeting.

There was no action taken coming out of the executive session.

Don Westhoff will not be at the first meeting in June. He can attend via phone if necessary.

At 7:32 p.m. Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to the Alma City Hall on May 21st, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business. Tonya Hensley seconded, and the motion carried.


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, and Don Westhoff. Council Member Jared Falk was absent. Mayor Ken Smith declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Marshal Michael Baker, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance was Barbara Frank and Linda Bundy.

Public Comment:

Barbara asked Michael when they plan to move her gas meter closer to her house. He replied that he was unsure of the timeframe. A utility guy will stop by and mark where her meter will go so she can move forward with a project.

At 6:03 p.m. Paul Gronquist moved to go into executive session for 15 minutes to interview Linda Bundy for the Pool Manager position. Don Westhoff seconded. Motioned carried.

Sherry, Michael, Mike, Tom, and Barbara left the meeting.

At 6:18 p.m. Paul Gronquist moved to extend the executive session by 10 minutes. Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

The regular meeting resumed at 6:28 p.m.

Linda left the meeting.

Sherry, Michael, Mike, Tom, and Barbara returned to the meeting.

There was no action taken coming out of the executive session.

Don Westhoff moved to approve the minutes of April 2, 2024, as amended. Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Dan Deiter moved to approve the minutes of April 9, 2024, Special Meeting, as presented. Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $223,448.76. Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.


A RESOLUTION IN THE CITY OF ALMA, KANSAS, AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A HYDRO POWER POOLING CONTRACT (LAO POWER PROJECT) BETWEEN THE CITY OF ALMA, KANSAS, AND THE KANSAS MUNICIPAL ENERGY AGENCY RELATING TO THE PURCHASE OF ELECTRICITY BY THE CITY FROM THE KANSAS MUNICIPAL ENERGY AGENCY FOR SALE OR USE BY THE CITY was considered and discussed.  Council Member Dan Deiter moved that said Resolution be passed.  Council Member Don Westhoff seconded this motion.  Motion carried.  Mayor Kenneth Smith declared said Resolution be adopted and the Resolution was then duly numbered Resolution 2024-3 and was signed and approved by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk.

City Personnel Reports:

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • A check written to a vendor has been marked as fraud. An individual intercepted the check and cashed it. This was discovered when the vendor called asking when payment can be made. Upon researching the matter, Sherry found a check had been issued and cleared the bank in February 2024. Upon further investigation, it was noticed that an individual had signed the back of the check and cashed it at an automated machine in West Viriginia. She notified the City Marshal, when he started his report he found that the matter had already been turned into the County and they are investigating the issue. A check was reissued to the vendor.
  • A woman from Council Grove visited with the office and asked if the city would be interested participating in a scavenger hunt. The individual would follow the clues to City Hall, we would give them a trinket when they came in. It was the consensus of the council to participate.
  • The 2023 financial audit has started.
  • We are still experiencing issues with city emails. We are not able to email some individuals and are not receiving all emails sent to us.
  • A high school student has asked if they could utilize the Community Careers Connection program with City Hall. The student would come to the office for 1 class hour per day to assist with various tasks. The Clerk will then submit a grade for the student to the teacher in charge of the program. The council gave their permission to take part in the program.
  • She reported that she ran the numbers, and it is not cost effective for the city to take part with Wabaunsee County in contracting out fuel. There are not enough savings to justify taking service away from a local vendor.

Don Westhoff asked for an update on the circus. It was reported that we may have to find a new location to allow the circus to set up. Michael has been in contact with Dave to make sure we can accommodate.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • He reported that Kevin Griffith has obtained a Wastewater 2 certification. Don Westhoff moved to approve the recommended wage increase. Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.
  • The city has been approved for the PHMSA grant that they applied for at the end of 2023. The amount received is unknown at this time.
  • He gave an update on the gas inspection. He has 30 days to address and or correct any issues that arose during the inspection.
  • He would like to put the sidewalk north of Palenske Hall out for bid to be replaced.
  • He received a bid to replace the shelter house that was knocked down last summer at the RV Park. Dan Deiter moved to accept the bid from Hall Construction in the amount of $5,000.00 to replace the shelter house. Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

City Marshal Mike Baker reported on the following:

  • He added to the issue with the fraudulent check when City Clerk Sherry Smith informed the council of the issue.
  • The curbs around the high school are being painted.
  • He has been asked by numerous people to run for County Sheriff. He would like the council to know he will not be running for sheriff and is happy with his current position with the city.

Council Reports:

Dan Deiter asked if the 2012 Chevy transmission has been replaced. Michael replied that it has. Dan also asked if the 2008 Ford Truck had been placed on Purple Wave yet? Michel said that it had as well as the bucket truck and the Cushman. Dan also said that he had read that the state of Oklahoma is suing the State of Texas for price gouging the cost of gas during the crisis in February 2021. He will keep everyone updated as this unfolds.  

Don Westhoff asked if there was a list for all the potholes in the city. We do not have a list as all the potholes will be taken care of as the weather allows. He also asked if there had been anymore done with the signage around town. City Marshal Mike Baker replied that 5 No Soliciting signs had been placed at each entrance into city limits. He has addressed some of the speed limit signs and there are a couple of yellow school signs that still need to be removed from the speed limit signs.

Tonya Hensley did not have anything to report.

Paul Gronquist did not have anything to report.

Ken Smith reported that Michelle Neill has turned in a letter of resignation for cleaning the community center and city hall. To be effective May 1, 2024. He has received a donation from Alma Area Foundation in the amount of $1,908.83. The city must match any funds that are spent, the funds can only be used for parks.

Barbara Frank asked if there would be a reason the flags on the property at 506 Grand have been moved. Michael replied that it is most likely kids moving the flags.

Sherry reported that there will be a public hearing on May 8, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. for the purpose of rezoning the property at 209 East 3rd from R1 to R3 (mutli-family dwelling).

At 7:29 p.m. Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session for 15 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel and to have Sherry Smith and Michael Slobodnik in attendance. Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Mike, Tom, and Barbara left the meeting.

The regular meeting resumed at 7:45 p.m.

There was no action taken coming out of the executive session.

At 7:48 p.m. Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to the Alma City Hall on May 7th, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business. Tonya Hensley seconded, and the motion carried.


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma Community Center, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, and Don Westhoff. Council Member Jared Falk was absent. Mayor Ken Smith declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Marshal Michael Baker, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance was Barbara Frank.

Mayor Ken Smith welcomed everyone. The purpose of this meeting was solely to educate the council and employees so they can be proactive in protecting the city and any information they may be asked to give out regarding the Kansas Open Meetings Act and the Kansas Open Records Act.

City Attorney Tom Barnes presented information regarding the correct procedures for the Kansas Open Meetings Act and the Kansas Open Records Act.

At 7:04 p.m. Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on April 16th, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business. Don Westhoff seconded, and the motion carried.


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Jared Falk, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, and Don Westhoff. Mayor Ken Smith declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, Utility Employee Jeff Clark, City Marshal Michael Baker, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance was Barbara Frank.

Public Comment:

Barbara Frank reported that she was not at the March 5th meeting, but the minutes reflect that she was. She also said that she talked to the ladies while having coffee about J-turns, the ladies showed some discern as some of them do J-turns when picking up mail. She also asked to receive a copy of the Marshals report, Tom Barnes replied that if there is no personal information in the report that she may have a copy. She also asked if anything could be done with the number of buzzards on the south end of Missouri Street. Ken said that the Co-op has looked into options to cut down on the number of birds. Buzzards are a protected species, so there is not much that can be done. She asked if the Swicegoods were coming to the last meeting to discuss the duplex that they applied to have rezoned. Ken said that they just asked to be on the agenda, no one knows for sure what they wanted to visit with council about. She said that if they ask to be on the agenda in the future to please let the neighbors know so they may attend the meeting and voice their concerns.

Paul Gronquist moved to approve the minutes of March 19, 2024, as amended. Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $156,048.38. Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

City Personnel Reports:

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • She emailed applications to all the lifeguards from last summer. 2 have responded, 3 have turned in physical applications. 1 application has been turned in for the manager position. There is one person who may be interested in the position.
  • The roll-off dumpster has been delivered.

City Employee Jeff Clark reported on the following:

  • He presented a quote to replace the transmission in the 2012 Chevrolet Silverado. Dan Deiter moved to replace the transmission. Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.
  • All City buildings have been assessed for hail damage. The claims will be filed.

City Marshal Mike Baker reported on the following:

  • He has addressed 16 vehicle violations. Letters will be going to the individuals with the next utility billing.


Council Reports:

Ken reported that the application for a grant for the tennis/pickleball courts has been submitted.

Jared Falk reported that the City may be able to utilize purchasing fuel from the county at a locked rate of $2.98 per gallon.

Dan Deiter did not have anything to report.  

Don Westhoff reported that any roofing contractor needs to be registered with the state and will need to obtain a permit from the city. He asked if these rules are being followed. City Clerk Sherry Smith replied that since this issue has been brought to the attention of staff, the rules are being enforced. He also discussed parking at the high school. Currently the bus that transports the food for lunches is parked for an extended amount of time in a non-parking area. He asked if this was permissible. City Marshal Mike Baker replied that he will visit with Dr. Pitch. He also discussed the farmers market; it was decided to address things as they come to our attention.

Mike Baker also reported that 5 no soliciting signs without permit has been ordered, they will be placed at each entrance into city limits.

Tonya Hensley reported that the gravel at the corner of 3rd Street and Missouri Street has washed out. Jeff said they would get it filled back in.

Paul Gronquist gave information to the new council members about obtaining a government ID card, if there is an emergency this card will allow them to enter city limits to conduct city business as needed.

At 6:52 Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session for 15 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel and to have City Marshal Mike Baker in attendance. Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.

Sherry, Jeff, Tom and Barbara left the meeting.

The regular meeting resumed at 7:00. Sherry and Jeff returned to the meeting.

Don Westhoff moved to end the executive session early. Paul Gronquist seconded.

As a result of executive session, Dan Deiter moved to approve a wage increase at the recommended rate for Mike Bakers completion of his probationary period. Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Don Westhoff gave an update on the new city emails, there is another delay.

At 7:04 p.m. Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to the Alma Community Center on April 9th, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. for a presentation on Open Meeting and Open Records Act, as well as any other city business that may arise. Tonya Hensley seconded, and the motion carried.


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Jared Falk, Paul Gronquist, and Tonya Hensley. Council Member Don Westhoff was absent. Mayor Ken Smith declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Marshal Michael Baker, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Barbara Frank, Tyler Holloman, Josh Huske, and Mark Shepherd- EMC Insurance.

Public Comment:

Josh Huske gave an update on the progress of tennis/pickleball courts, donations, signs, and informed the council that he has a meeting with the Alma Area Community Foundation on March 20th. Josh left the meeting at 6:06 p.m.

Tyler Holloman visited with the council about plans he has for one of his apartments that is going to soon be vacated. He would like to modify it into two one-bedroom apartments. Tyler is going to apply for the Kansas Housing Investor Tax Credits for the renovation and addition of two units on the main floor of the Limerick building. He needs a resolution from the city in support to apply for the project. Tyler left the meeting at 6:08 p.m.

Mark Shepherd with EMC Insurance gave updates on rates and coverage. Mark left the meeting at 6:31 p.m.

Paul Gronquist moved to approve the minutes of March 5, 2024, as submitted. Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.

Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $265,405.78. Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.


A RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF ALMA, KANSAS, AUTHORIZING AN APPLICATION BY FRONTIER DEVELOPMENT GROUP LLC FOR KANSAS HOUSING INVESTOR TAX CREDITS (KHITC) FROM THE KANSAS HOUSING RESOURCES CORPORATION TO FINANCE RENOVATION OF THE LIMERICK APARTMENTS AT 324 MISSOURI AVE IN ALMA. Dan Deiter motioned to approve Resolution 2024-2. Paul Gronquist Seconded. Motion carried. Mayor Kenneth Smith declared said Resolution be adopted and the Resolution was then duly numbered Resolution 2024-2 and was signed and approved by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk.

A meeting request for Trent Viergever to attend KRWA Conference in Wichita, KS from March 26th until March 28th was approved.

A meeting request for Kevin Griffith to attend KRWA Conference in Wichita, KS from March 26th until March 28th was approved.


City Personnel Reports:

City Clerk Sherry Smith gave a written report.

Assistant Clerk Lindsey Silva did not have anything to add to Sherry’s report.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • Gave an update on Phase 3 of the gas line project. The installation is complete, but still have some clean up to finish.
  • Gave an update on the KCC inspection.
  • A new utility truck was purchased and delivered.
  • The utility department’s CGI broke (gas detector). He would like to purchase another one and the cost is roughly $5,000.00.

Dan Deiter moved to approve purchasing a new CGI not to exceed $5,000.00. Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

  • Michael would like to apply for the CCLIP again to do mill and overlay from 1st Street to 6th Street and 1st Street to the railroad tracks.

Paul Gronquist motioned to apply for CCLIP. Tonya Hensley seconded. Motioned carried.

There was discussion on the roofing codes in the city. Currently citizens need to obtain and purchase a building permit when they have a roofing company do the work. Roofing companies also need to obtain a license through the city to complete work. If a roofing company wants to go door to door, they must apply for a solicitors permit and get approved first or citations can be issued.

There was discussion about vendor permits for the Farmers Market.  No action was taken.

City Marshal Mike Baker reported on the following:

  • Gave an update on the hail damage on the patrol truck. Wabaunsee County Sheriff’s Office has agreed to lend Mike a patrol vehicle while his is getting repaired.
  • He will be working with Michael to update signage around town, so speeds are properly posted.
  • Will soon be mailing letters about inoperable vehicles being parked in yards.
  • Several people have already been cleaning up properties around the city.
  • Gave bids for new radios.

Tonya Hensley motioned to purchase new radios not to exceed $10,653.69. Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.


Council Reports:

Dan Deiter asked Michael if the old trucks had been put on Purple Wave yet. As of now, they have not. He also asked for an update on a property on Iowa Street. The utilities have been shut off, and the house is properly secured.  

Jared Falk did not have anything to report.

Tonya Hensley asked if anyone was going to pick up brush during the city-wide cleanup. Individuals won’t be going around and picking items up this year like in past years. Residents will have to take their own brush to the dump pile and their own trash items to the roll off dumpster. She also discussed the basement at the community center during severe weather and asked about putting a TV in the basement to keep citizens aware while they’re there. Lindsey Silva let the council know that a weather radio was purchased for the basement. City staff will make sure it works in the basement and it was decided to send out notices to citizens regarding the basement shelter and to put up new signage at the community center reminding citizens where to enter.

Paul Gronquist did not have anything to report.

Ken Smith let everyone know that the Chamber will be doing a ribbon cutting on the 23rd of March for a new business in town. He also informed the council that the city office was going to close early on Thursday the 28th at 2pm.

At 7:36 p.m. Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on April 2nd, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. for the regular city council meeting. Tonya Hensley seconded, and the motion carried.


Lindsey Silva, Assistant City Clerk


The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Jared Falk, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, and Don Westhoff. Mayor Ken Smith declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Marshal Michael Baker, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Barbara Frank, Kyra Smith, Garrett Smith, Jed Swicegood, Jim Lund-Fox Business Systems.


Public Comment:

There was no public comment.

Kyra Smith visited with the council regarding the traditional vehicle promenade that takes place for Prom. She proposed that all the vehicles start lining up on 10th Street, north of the high school, from there they would parade south down Missouri Street to 3rd Street, take a right to Kansas ending up east of the courthouse where they are requesting the 100 block and 200 block of Kansas be blocked off for the duration of prom. The intersections will be open going east to west to allow traffic to still flow. ______________. Kyra and Garrett left the meeting at 6:____ p.m.

Jed Swicegood addressed concerns the council had regarding the duplex______

Don Westhoff moved to approve the minutes of March 5, 2024, as corrected. Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $127,929.96. Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.



City Personnel Reports:

City Clerk Sherry Smith discussed the following:

  • At the last meeting there were concerns about the cost to have the community center floors waxed. The floors were done in November 2022 at a cost of $1,357.59. The cost to have them waxed again in February 2024 was $1,345.59.
  • The City of Wamego has taken over the swim team, they will not be need to utilize the Alma City Pool to host a swim meet this summer.
  • An application for the Interconnection Standards for Installation and Parallel Operation of Customer Generation Facilities has been turned in to City Hall, we are currently still waiting for the ordinance to be presented.
  • The second set of invoices has been turned into the state for reimbursement for Phase 3 of the gas line project. As of this morning (March 5, 2024) the state has reimbursed the requested amount.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

City Marshal Mike Baker reported on the following:

New Business:

Council Reports:

Ken Smith

Dan Deiter

Don Westhoff

Tonya Hensley did not have anything to report.

Paul Gronquist did not have anything to report.

At 8:15 p.m. Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on March 5, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. for the regular city council meeting. Tonya Hensley seconded, and the motion carried.


Sherry Smith, City Clerk


The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, and Don Westhoff.  Council Member Jared Falk was absent. Mayor Ken Smith declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Marshal Michael Baker, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Barbara Frank, Ben Sachs-Unbound Gravel Bike Ride, Christie Hitch-Johnson and Marsha Rogers-Tri County Waste.

Public Comment: 

There was no public comment.

Ben Sachs visited with the council about the upcoming Unbound Gravel Bike Ride. Alma will be one of the stopping points on the 200-mile route. Roughly 1,500 bike riders will be on this route. He presented a map showing the streets that will need to be closed and a route for rerouting traffic from Highway 99. The traffic will turn east from 2nd Street to Grand Ave, going north to K-99. He said they will be looking for volunteers to help with the cleanup after the race. This could be a great fundraiser for local groups. Council gave their approval for the requested street closures and route for rerouting traffic. Ben left the meeting at 6:17 p.m.

Christie Hitch-Johnson of Tri County Waste asked the council to consider raising the trash rates due to the increase of cost at the Pottawatomie Landfill. After much discussion it was the consensus of the council to increase the rates by $2.00. Christie and Marsha left the meeting at 6:25 p.m.

Don Westhoff moved to approve the minutes of February 6, 2024, as corrected. Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $332,457.97. Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried. 


A meeting request for Lindsey Silva to attend the Kansas Court Clerks Conference in Wichita, KS February 28, 2024, to March 1, 2024.

Dan Deiter moved to appoint Trent Viergever to the KMEA Board of Directors. Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

City Personnel Reports:

City Clerk Sherry Smith discussed the following:

  • She asked about purchasing new chairs for the community center. After much discussion, Dan Deiter moved to approve purchasing 50 folding chairs not to exceed $1,250.00. Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.
  • A roll off dumpster will be delivered to the City Shop the first week of April for the city wide clean up.
  • KDOT has approved the request for reimbursement for Phase 3 of the gas line project.
  • The agreements for the tennis courts have been signed and returned to the city. Work will start on Wednesday February 21, 2024.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • He gave an update on KDOT reimbursement for Phase 3 of the gas line project. The city has to provide certificates showing that certain items/materials were made in the United States.
  • He will have information pertaining to purchasing a new utility truck at the next meeting.
  • He presented an agreement for solar power energy for council approval. Dan Deiter moved to approve the Interconnection Standards for Installation and Parallel Operation of Customer-Owned Renewable Electric Generation Facilities agreement. Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried. 
  • There was discussion about the signage for Unbound Gravel Bike Ride.

City Marshal Mike Baker reported on the following:

  • He gave an update on the Alma Police Policy Manual.
  • The AED in his patrol truck has a dead battery. The batteries have been discontinued for the model he has. He would like to purchase a new machine in the near future.
  • A cleanup letter has been drafted to send out with next month’s utility bills.
  • Brooke Smith has asked him to be on the board for Juvenile Justice Advisory Council. Don Westhoff moved to allow Mike to be on the board. Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.

Don Westhoff asked Michael if there was an update on the bridge at 8th Street and K-99 Highway. Michael replied that the bridge is considered complete at this time.

Tonya Hensley brought up that there are double yellow lines on the west side of Stop 2 Shop as you turn into the entrance of the parking lot. By state statute, it is illegal to cross a double yellow line. The state may need to be contacted to fix the error made when the lines were painted.

Michael informed the council that March 29, 2024 will be Curtis Havenstein’s last day of employment.

A Memorandum of Understanding between Karen Moege and the City was submitted for approval. Karen would like to host a Farmers Market from May 1, 2024 to September 1, 2024. On the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month starting at 12:00 p.m. and ending at 4:00 p.m. Dan Deiter moved to approve the Memorandum of Understanding. Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion passed with a 3-1 vote.

New Business:

Don presented 2 bids for Tech Support for the city computers. After much discussion it was decided to allow Sherry to make reference calls and report at the next meeting.

Council Reports:

Ken Smith would like to have Tom Barnes give a PowerPoint presentation regarding Open Meeting/Open Record Acts. After much discussion it was decided to hold a special meeting on April 9, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Alma Community Center. This work session is open to the public.

Dan Deiter asked Michael for an update on selling the 2008 Ford Truck. Michael said that he has not placed the truck on Purple Wave yet. He has several more items he wants to put up for auction, so will do all of them at the same time. Dan also asked to have the City Code Book Information page updated.

Don Westhoff said that the school district may want to purchase no parking signs and place them in the designated areas.

Mike Baker asked if the school district could write a letter each year giving him permission to police the area as needed.

Tonya Hensley did not have anything to report.

Paul Gronquist did not have anything to report. 

Sherry Smith reported that she had been asked if a bigger TV could be purchased for the community center.

At 8:15 p.m. Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on March 5, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. for the regular city council meeting. Tonya Hensley seconded, and the motion carried.


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Jared Falk, Paul Gronquist, and Don Westhoff.  Council Member Tonya Hensley was absent. Mayor Ken Smith declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Barbara Frank and Dr. Troy Pitsch-USD 329.

Public Comment:

Dr. Pitch visited with the council regarding the parking at Wabaunsee High School. With council approval the school district will erect an arm that will extend the width of the street in the middle of the block between 9th and 10th Ohio. The district will also paint the curb from the north end of 10th and Ohio to the end of the old gym. This will eliminate any parking in that area ensuring the safety of pedestrians crossing at the crosswalk. It was decided to consult with Michael and Mike.

Don Westhoff moved to approve the minutes of January 23, 2024, as corrected. Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $33,648.69. Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.


Paul Gronquist moved to continue membership with Flint Hills Regional Council for 2024. Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

A meeting request for Sherry Smith and Lindsey Silva to attend CCMFOA Clerks Spring Conference 2024 in Manhattan, KS March 20, 2024, to March 22, 2024.

A meeting request for Mike Baker to attend KACP Conference in Mulvane, KS April 28, 2024, to May 2, 2024.

A meeting request for Mike Baker to attend KACP in Augusta, KS on February 16, 2024.

City Personnel Reports:

City Clerk Sherry Smith discussed the following:

  • She submitted the first round of invoices to the State of Kansas for reimbursement for Phase 3 of the gas line project.
  • She asked the council to consider allowing staff to search for a different company to handle city IT issues.
  • She asked if the council would like to do a city-wide cleanup this spring. It was decided to have a roll off dumpster delivered at the beginning of April. Citizens will be responsible for taking their own items to the dumpster at the City Shop.
  • Christie Hitch of Tri County Waste will be at the February 20, 2024, meeting to discuss the rise of cost to dispose of waste at the Pottawatomie County Landfill.
  • The Merriweather Circus would like to return to Alma late this summer or early fall.
  • During the recent snow, while pushing snow, a plow truck driven by a city employee hit a vehicle parked on the street. A claim has been filed with the city insurance agency.

Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever reported on the following:

  • He presented several quotes for utility trucks. Council Member Jared Falk informed the council that there is a website called Sourcewell that the city may be able to look at to purchase trucks/equipment. After much discussion it was decided to register with Sourcewell to see if this is an option for the city. The discussion will continue at the February 20, 2024, meeting.

City Marshal Mike Baker reported on the following:

  • A citizen had concerns about U/J turns occurring on Missouri Street. The turns are not legal in the business district. It was decided that the Marshal will give warnings or issue citations as necessary.
  • He asked for clarification on the signage near the school, the speed limit sign says 20 mph, but there is a yellow “school” sign below that indicated a school zone. The area cannot be labeled as a school zone unless school is in session. It was decided to remove the yellow “school” sign. The speed limit near the schools will be 20 mph.
  • He asked for the intersection of 8th and Ohio to be a 4 way stop, currently it is a 3 way stop. It was the consensus of the council to add a 4th stop sign. This change will be published in the newspaper as well as on the city social media site.
  • He is working on a Police Department Policy Manual. Currently the department does not have one in place. A policy must be in place to be compliant with Racial and Biased Policing. He will have the policy manual ready for council and attorney review by the next council meeting.

Sherry asked City Attorney Tom Barnes if he had information regarding the status of the solar ordinance. He is going to reach out to Priority Power.  

Council Reports:

Dan Deiter asked Mike Baker to patrol Grand Street when shift change occurs for Alma Foods. Currently many employees are speeding on their way to and from Alma Foods. He also asked the marshal to start looking for code violations when he is patrolling.  

Don Westhoff reported the city can now apply for email addresses that end in .gov. He is also looking into cloud backup for all city computers.

Jared Falk did not have anything to report.

Paul Gronquist did not have anything to report.

Mayor Ken Smith did not have anything to report.

Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session at 7:25 p.m. for 10 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel with City Attorney Tom Barnes in attendance. Paul Gronquist seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Sherry, Trent, Mike, and Barbara left the meeting.

The regular meeting resumed at 7:35 p.m.

Sherry, Trent, and Mike joined the meeting.

There was no action taken coming out of the executive session.

At 7:36 p.m. Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on February 20, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. for the regular city council meeting. Dan Deiter seconded, and the motion carried.


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Jared Falk, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, and Don Westhoff.  Mayor Ken Smith declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, and City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik. Also in attendance were Barbara Frank and Bobby Thompson-Rock Ridge Gravel Bike Ride.

Public Comment:

Barbara Frank thanked the city crew for cleaning the streets after it snowed.

Bobby Thompson gave an update on the Rock Ridge Gravel bike ride that will be coming through Alma on June 27, 2024, and June 28, 2024. Bobby left the meeting at 6:19 p.m.

City Attorney Tom Barnes arrived at 6:20 p.m.

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the minutes of January 8, 2024, as corrected. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $187,605.61. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.


Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve a plumbing permit for Central Mechanical Construction. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

A RESOLUTION IN THE CITY OF ALMA, KANSAS, the City of Alma, Kansas has determined that the financial statements and financial reports for the year ended December 31, 2023 to be prepared in conformity with the requirements of K.S.A. 75-1120 a(a) are not relevant to the requirements of the cash basis and budget laws of this state and are of no significant value to the City of Alma, City Council, Mayor, or the members of the general public of the City of Alma, Kansas was considered and discussed.  Council Member Dan Deiter moved that said Resolution be passed.  Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded this motion.  Motion carried.  Mayor Kenneth Smith declared said Resolution be adopted and the Resolution was then duly numbered Resolution 2024-1 and was signed and approved by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk.

The City of Alma Zoning Board submitted a letter of recommendation for approval to rezone the property at 504 and 506 Grand from R1B (single family) to R2 (two family) for Jed and Luke Swicegood. After much discussion Council Member Tonya Hensley moved to approve rezoning 504 and 506 Grand. The motion died on the floor due to lack of a second.

A meeting request for City Clerk Sherry Smith to attend IIMC Online Professional Development Program: Change Health Behavior via zoom on February 8, 2024 was submitted for approval.

A meeting request for Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva to attend IIMC Online Professional Development Program: Change Health Behavior via zoom on February 8, 2024 was submitted for approval.

A meeting request for City Marshal Mike Baker to attend KACP Legislative Conference in Topeks, KS on January 23, 2024 was submitted for approval.

A meeting request for City Marshal Mike Baker to attend KACP in Augusta, KS on February 16, 2024 was submitted for approval.

City Personnel Reports:

City Clerk Sherry Smith discussed the following:

  • The Wamego Swim team has asked to rent the Alma City Pool for 2 swim meets this coming summer. It was the consensus of the council to rent the pool to the Wamego Swim team. City Clerk Sherry Smith will follow up with the Swim team for more details.
  • Currently only 3 applications have been turned in for lifeguards for the 2024 season. It was decided to have Sherry reach out to former lifeguards inquiring about returning for the 2024 season.

City Marshal Mike Baker arrived at 7:00 p.m.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • He reported that the 2008 Ford Truck is out of commission and may need to be replaced. After much discussion Council Member Tonya Hensley motioned to allow Michael to purchase a used truck at a cost not to exceed $17,000.00. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Council Member Tonya Hensley will also visit with a contact about purchasing a truck. It was also decided to list the 2008 Ford on Purple Wave.
  • He hit a vehicle while plowing snow on Ohio Street. It was decided to pay for the damage outright since it was minimal. The owner of the truck will need to turn in an estimate of cost and sign a release.
  • He gave an update on the Unbound Gravel Bike Ride to take place summer of 2024. Ben Sacks will attend a future meeting to visit with the council.
  • He would like to hire Cade Oliver to start as soon as possible. Cade will be covering minor things while the other guys are working on the gas line on Highway 99 and installing utilities to the new houses at Park Valley. He will then move into a full time position for summer mowing. It was the consensus of the council to hire Cade for 30 hours a week at the recommended wage.
  • RW2 will be starting their project near the gas line project on Highway 99.
  • He and Sherry Smith will be putting together and submitting the first round of invoices to send to KDOT for reimbursement for Phase 3 of the gas line project.

City Marshal Mike Baker gave a short update on his first two weeks of working for the city.

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to appoint Mike Baker as Animal Control Officer. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Reports:

Council Member Dan Deiter did not have anything to report.

Council Member Don Westhoff asked about the timeline for KDOT to fix the damage at the intersection of 8th Street and Highway 99. City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik will check into this. He reported that the .gov email address applications are currently delayed. He also asked if the city had a Professional Development Plan for the employees. Council Member Dan Deiter said the city does not. Don is going to research this and work towards getting a plan in place. He also asked if the Neighborhood Revitalization Program is just for new homes or if it can also be used to improve current homes. Council Member Tonya Hensley said that it can be used to make improvements on current homes. Guidelines will need to be met to qualify.

Council Member Jared Falk asked if the City could meet with contractors and discuss expectations of how they would like a home to look before approving a permit? City Attorney Tom Barnes said that the city cannot dictate how a structure looks if approved materials are used.  

Council Member Tonya Hensley did not have anything to report.

Council Member Paul Gronquist did not have anything to report.

Mayor Ken Smith asked City Clerk Sherry Smith if information about the neighborhood revitalization is being given out. She said that at this time there is no information to give out, but as soon as it is available it will be given out with any permits.

Council Member Paul Gronquist suggested that if any contractors seeking to construct new structures be encouraged to come to meeting and present plans for such new structures.

At 7:45 p.m. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on February 6, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. for the regular city council meeting.  Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded, and the motion carried.


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, and Don Westhoff.  Mayor Ken Smith declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance was Barbara Frank.  

City Clerk Sherry Smith swore in Jared Falk as council member.

Public Comment: 

There was no public comment.

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the minutes of December 19, 2023, as submitted. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $207,043.40. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried. 


City Personnel Reports:

City Clerk Sherry Smith discussed the following:

  • Flint Hills Regional Council
  • Possible farmers market 

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • Gave an update on the gas project.
  • All pumps at the water plant have been replaced.

City Attorney Tom Barnes discussed a situation that involved a dog in Alma. Without an affidavit there isn’t anything he can do at this time.

Tom Barnes left the meeting at 6:26 p.m. 

Council Reports:

Council Member Dan Deiter discussed a noncompliance property and a limb that needs to be cut at the park. He also reported that the shed behind the post office has been hit two more times. 

Council Member Don Westhoff discussed the solar power ordinance. City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik stated that he will follow up. Council Member Don Westhoff also discussed the RV park shelter houses. We are waiting for a couple more bids. He also reported that the stop sign at 3rd & Iowa is faded. 

Council Member Jared Falk did not have anything to report. 

Council Member Tonya Hensley discussed the vacation overtime policy. 

Council Member Paul Gronquist did not have anything to report. 

Mayor Ken Smith reported that he did research on water rates. The national average increase is 54.8 percent since 2012 and Alma is at 7 percent for the same time frame.  

At 6:50 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session for 30 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel with City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik in attendance. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

At 7:20 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to extend the executive Session by 40 minutes. 

At 7:30 p.m. Michael Slobodnik left the executive session. 

At 8:00 p.m. the regular meeting resumed. 

As a result of the executive session Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the new on call time as recommended. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried. 

As a result of the executive session Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the wage raises as recommended. Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried. 

At 8:05 p.m. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on January 23, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. for the regular city council meeting.  Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded, and the motion carried. 


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, and Don Westhoff.  Mayor Ken Smith declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Barbara Frank, Troy Pitsch, and Karen Moege.  

Public Comment: 

Karen Moege visited with the council about having a farmers market in Alma on Sunday mornings after church. It was decided to discuss this more at a future meeting. 

Karen Moege left the meeting at 6:12 p.m.

Troy Pitsch visited with the council about different options to make Ohio street safer during school and school events. Troy will come to the next meeting to discuss the matter further.

Troy Pitsch left the meeting at 6:20 p.m. 

Council Member Don Westhoff moved to approve the minutes of December 5, 2023, as submitted. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $405,823.42. Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried. 


Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve a Liquor license for A to Z Liquor. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

City Personnel Reports:

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • Gave an update on the gas project that was started last week.
  • Has employee evaluations ready whenever council would like to review them.
  • Discussed lighting and parking on Ohio street by the school.
  • Gave an update on the current sidewalk project. It is almost completed. Asked if he can add a ½ block by 4th street if the cost is the same.
  • Discussed the water break on 3rd and Missouri.

Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva did not have anything to report.

Council Reports:

Council Member Don Westhoff motioned to move the January 2024 council meetings to January 8 and January 23. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Council Member Tonya Hensley voted no. Motion carried. 

Council Member Dan Deiter reported that there is a limb down at the North Railroad Park. City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik will get it removed. He also reported that his dog got attacked by another dog in town again. There was discussion on the process of warnings and citations going forward. 

Council Member Don Westhoff discussed electricians doing work in Alma. 

Council Member Tonya Hensley asked if we have had any pool applicants yet. Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva reported that we have not received any. She also reported that she discussed the mailbox project with Lyle Strait to see if the wood shop class would consider doing the project if the community members are interested. He is going to get an estimate on what materials will cost and get back to her. 

Council Member Paul Gronquist stated that the curb at 7th and Missouri is crumbling. City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik is aware, and it will be looked at. He also discussed possible signage if there is a farmers market in Alma. It was decided that it would have to be temporary signage. 

Mayor Ken Smith did not have anything to report. 

At 6:55 p.m. Council Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session for 30 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel with the council only. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Lindsey, Michael, Tom, and Barbara left the meeting. 

At 7:25 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to extend the executive session for 15 minutes. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.  

At 7:40 p.m. the regular meeting resumed. 

Lindsey and Michael joined the meeting.

There was no action taken coming out of the executive session. 

At 7:41 p.m. the council took a short recess. 

At 7:45 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel with council only. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Lindsey and Michael left the meeting.

At 8:00 p.m. the regular meeting resumed. 

Lindsey and Michael joined the meeting.

As a result of the executive session Council Member Dan Deiter moved to hire Michael Baker as the City Marshal at the recommended wage with the agreed upon vacation time. Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried. 

At 8:07 p.m. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on January 8, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. for the regular city council meeting.  Council Member Don Westhoff seconded, and the motion carried.


Lindsey Silva, Assistant City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, Ken Smith, and Don Westhoff.  Mayor Pam Bales was absent. Council President Paul Gronquist declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Barbara Frank, and Stephanie Imthurn-Wabaunsee County Economic Development.

Public Comment:

Stephanie Imthurn of Wabaunsee County Economic Development visited with the council about taking part in the neighborhood revitalization program. It was the consensus of the council to take part in the program.

Stephanie left the meeting at 6:10 p.m.

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the minutes of November 21, 2023, as corrected. Council Member Ken Smith seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the bills in the amount of $ 49,289.26. Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.

Tonya Hensley and Paul Gronquist were sworn in as council members by City Clerk Sherry Smith.

Ken Smith was sworn in as mayor by City Clerk Sherry Smith.

At 6:19 p.m. Council Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session for 1 hour to interview applicants for the City Marshal position and to have City Attorney Tom Barnes in attendance. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Sherry, Michael, Barbara, Zachary, Daniel and Daniel left the meeting.

At 6:19 p.m. Michael Baker joined the executive session.

At 6:40 p.m. Michael Baker left the executive session.

At 6:40 p.m. Zachary Mathies joined the executive session.

At 7:04 p.m. Zachary Mathies left the executive session.

At 7:04 p.m. Wayne Rafferty joined the executive session.

At 7:19 Council Member Dan Deiter moved to extend the executive session for 30 minutes to interview applicants for the City Marshal position. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

At 7:27 p.m. Wayne Rafferty left the executive session.

At 7:27 p.m. Daniel Trechter joined the executive session.

At 7:55 Council Member Dan Deiter moved to extend the executive session for 15 minutes to interview applicants for the City Marshal position. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

At 8:10 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to extend the executive session for 15 minutes to interview applicants for the City Marshal position. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

At 8:20 p.m. Daniel Trechter left the executive session.

At 8:20 p.m. the regular meeting resumed.

Sherry, Michael, and Barbara joined the meeting.

There was no action taken coming out of the executive session.


Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the city gift certificates for the employees. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve a CMB license for DJ’s Bar and Grill. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Don Westhoff moved to approve a CMB license for Stop 2 Shop. Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Tonya Hensley moved to approve a Liquor license for Wright Liquor. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve a plumbing permit for Frank’s Heating and Plumbing. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve a plumbing permit for Whitaker Heating and Plumbing. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve a plumbing permit for PK Mechanical. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

An Ordinance fixing rates for the sale of water by the City of Alma, Kansas regarding water rates, and repealing Ordinance No. 479, and all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict therewith: was considered and discussed.  Council Member Don Westhoff moved that said Ordinance be passed.  Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded this motion.  The motion carried by the vote being as follows:

        Council Member Dan Deiter: yes
        Council Member Paul Gronquist: yes
        Council Member Tonya Hensley: yes
        Council Member Don Westhoff: yes

Mayor Ken Smith declared said Ordinance be adopted.  The Ordinance was numbered Ordinance 536, was signed and approved by the Mayor, and attested by the City Clerk.

Council Member Don Westhoff said that the council may want to start thinking about putting a policy in place for all electricians that do work in the City limits to be licensed and bonded.

City Personnel Reports:

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported that the Alma City Zoning Board will hold a public hearing on December 13, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. to discuss the variance application to build a duplex at 506 Grand Ave.

Council Member Dan Deiter visited with Wabaunsee County Clerk Abby Amick regarding the Alma Rec Budget and allocation of funds. During 2021 and 2021 the city did not appropriate funds to be given to the Alma Rec. This went unnoticed by all parties when the city budget was passed and published. Due to this error, there is no way to recoup the funds. Going forward everyone is aware of the issue and will make sure this does not happen again. It was decided that since all parties did not catch the error, the Alma Rec will still be responsible for paying for the yearly mowing at McNight Park. They had requested that the Rec not pay for the next 5 years to make up for the deficit in funds for the years 2021 and 2022.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • A bucket truck was available on Purple Wave Auction, the bid was to end on Tuesday December 5, 2023, he obtained permission from former Mayor Pam Bales to bid on the truck. He placed the bid and was able to purchase the truck for $36,850.00 to be paid out of the electric reserve fund. Council Member Tonya Hensley asked City Attorney Tom Barnes the proper procedure when a situation like this comes about. He said that the mayor has the authority to approve the purchase.
  • Last week former Mayor Pam Bales signed the amended agreement with KDOT for the City of Alma to work on Phase 3 of the gas line project. He has submitted an estimate to KDOT in the amount of $294,736.40 with $110,000.00 being for the cost of equipment and equipment rental. The state has approved everything with that estimate. Barring any major issues, he expects to complete all the work for less than the estimate. A fusion machine has been purchased. They will receive training on the machine on December 7, 2023. All costs will be paid for out of the gas fund. He is still working with the state as to how the reimbursement to the city will work to cover the costs of the project. Council Member Dan Deiter said that if needed, Michael can contract out work to help with the project.
  • He met with Bryan McBride and the owners of Heritage house to discuss a solution to the sign placed by the mailboxes. It was decided the sign would be even with the mailboxes to look more appealing.

Council Reports

Council Member Dan Deiter discussed the Alma Rec previously in the meeting.

Council Member Don Westhoff discussed the electrician license and bond previously in the meeting.

Council Member Tonya Hensley will talk with Wabaunsee High School wood shop class about replacing the stands the local mailboxes sit on as a community project.

Council Member Paul Gronquist was approached about the potholes at Park Valley.
Mayor Ken Smith was approached about hiring a City Marshal as quickly as possible.

At 8:55 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session for 10 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Sherry, Michael, Tom, and Barbara left the meeting.

At 9:15 p.m. the regular meeting resumed.

Sherry and Michael returned to the meeting.

There was no action taken coming out of the executive session.
At 9:20 p.m. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on December 19, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. for the regular city council meeting.  Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded, and the motion carried.

Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, Ken Smith, and Don Westhoff. Mayor Pam Bales declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Barbra Frank, Maurice and Diana Baker, Don Hendricks, Jared Falk, Erin Steele, Jennifer Niles, and Bryan McBride. Stephanie Maike arrived at 6:25 p.m.

Public Comment:

Barbra Frank asked if the city was going to be picking up leaves along the gutters. City Superintendent Michael said they would pick up leaves as time allows.

Don Hendricks discussed the building behind the post office with the council. There was discussion about how to make the turn into the loading dock easier for the Amazon drivers.

Jennifer Niles and Erin Steele of the Heritage House visited with the council about putting up an 18x24 inch sign directing traffic to the appropriate drive for the day care. After much discussion it was decided to research whether a sign could be placed in the location they are requesting. This will be discussed at the next meeting.

Stephanie Maike asked the council to consider not parking on the 100 block of East 4th Street on council meeting nights. The extra cars take away from the tenants parking.

Maurice Baker wished Pam well on her retirement from the city council. He thanked all the council members for all they have done and will do in the future.

Stephanie Maike left the meeting at 6:30 p.m.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the minutes of November 7, 2023, as submitted. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Ken Smith moved to approve the bills in the amount of $ 166,363.22. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Don Hendricks, Maurice and Diana Baker left the meeting at 6:35 p.m.

City Personnel Reports:

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • She reported that she has about 10 hours of online classes to complete to obtain her Year 3 Clerks certificate.
  • While at Clerk’s Institute there was a lot of discussion amongst the clerks regarding contracts that cities have with their county sheriffs’ departments. They are finding that they are not getting the hours covered that were agreed upon.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • The bid that was submitted for Phase 3 of the gas line project came in much higher than expected. After discussion it was decided to move forward with the City Utility crew doing the work and contracting out the portions that they are not able to do.
  • The language for the solar ordinance has been completed by Greg Wright of Priority Power, the next step is to have the City Attorney finish reviewing it.
  • After several months of dogs running at large within the city with no repercussions, Michael offered to take the position of animal control temporarily. Council Member Tonya Hensley moved to appoint the position of animal control temporarily to Michael Slobodnik. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Reports

Council Member Dan Deiter discussed the Alma Rec Mill Levy. After much discussion it was decided to contact the Wabaunsee County Clerk for more information. He asked City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik if he had any information pertaining to the gas line that the City of McFarland had discussed in their minutes. Michael is unaware of what they are discussing. Dan also asked if the City Marshal cell phone had been turned over to the city. Council Member Don Westhoff replied that all City Marshal equipment that he had in his possession has been store in the safe on city property.

Council Member Don Westhoff reported that he received the invoice from NCS for the work performed in changing the city employee’s emails. The invoice was higher than the bid that was approved at a previous meeting. He felt that the increase was justified and within the scope of work that was asked.

Council Member Ken Smith thanked Micheal for taking the position of animal control.

Council Member Tonya Hensley reported that she had a good conversation with Don Hendricks about the building behind the post office. She also reported that the trailer next door to her home has been torn down, the individual that is doing the work has made tremendous improvement to the property already.

Council Member Paul Gronquist did not have anything to report.

At 7:31 p.m. Council Member Don Westhoff moved to go into executive session for 30 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Sherry, Michael, Tom, Jared, and Barbra left the meeting.

At 8:03 p.m. Council Member Don Westhoff moved to extend the executive session by 10 minutes. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

At 8:13 p.m. the regular meeting resumed.

Sherry Smith returned to the meeting.

As a result of the executive session, City Clerk Sherry Smith will set up interviews for the City Marshal applicants, to take place at the December council meetings.

City Clerk Sherry Smith asked the council if it would be appropriate to reach out to the Wabaunsee High School wood shop class to do a community project, this will entail replacing the mailbox stand between 10th and Ohio and 11th and Ohio. It was decided to reach out to the school.

At 8:22p.m. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on December 5, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. for the regular city council meeting. Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded, and the motion carried.

Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, Ken Smith, and Don Westhoff. Mayor Pam Bales declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Barbra Frank, Amanda Gnadt, and Kevin Griffith.

Public Comment:

Amanda gave an update on the Shop Small Alma and Holiday Hustle Callea Mae 5K event that will take place on November 25, 2023. She would like to have 7th Street north of the Methodist Church blocked off for the safety of the 5k participants. City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik will have the barricades available.

Amanda left the meeting at 6:10 p.m.

Barbra Frank inquired about the property at 506 Grand. Michael said they are relocating utilities in preparation of the new home to be built. She also mentioned that Tri County Waste notified customers that the rates have increased at the Pottawatomie landfill and to keep this in mind when discussing the potential water rate increase.

Kevin Griffith gave an update on the rec and plans for the soccer fields. He also talked about funds that the Rec did not receive for the years 2020 and 2022. After much discussion it was decided to do some research and this topic will be discussed at a future meeting.

Kevin Griffith left the meeting at 6:29 p.m.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the minutes of October 16, 2023, as submitted. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $ 116,351.20. Council Member Ken Smith seconded. Motion carried.

Bill Roth submitted an invoice in the amount of $2,286.53 for the work done on 14 head stones at the Alma Cemetery. It was the consensus of the council to pay the invoice and mail the check.

City Clerk Sherry Smtih and City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik presented information to increase the current water rates. The current rate allows the city to break even on expenses and revenue. The increase will allow the city to plan for future capital improvements that will be required. After much discussion Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to increase the water rates $0.15 per 1000 gallons and $1.00 increase on the base rate for residential customers, $1.50 for suburban customers, $3.00 for commercial customers, $3.00 for exempt customers and $71.00 for industrial customers. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded the motion. Motion carried. Information is available at City Hall if anyone would like to go over it. City Attorney Tom Barnes will prepare the ordinance to be published. The new rates will take effect for the January 2024 billing.


The Solar Energy Ordinance 536 will be discussed at the next meeting.

City Personnel Reports:

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • She asked to advertise for a pool manager for the upcoming 2024 season. It was also decided to advertise for lifeguards as well.
  • The building behind the post office has a hole in the side. It was decided Council Member Tonya Hensley will talk to Don Hendricks about repairing the building for safety reasons.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • There will be a bid opening for the gas line project on November 13, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. at City Hall.
  • He informed the council that Tyler and Morgan Holloman had purchased the Alma Hotel. He wrote a letter of support on behalf of the city.
  • Council Member Don Westhoff asked what would need to be done to put a shed in the middle of his duplex back yard. A variance will need to be applied for since the duplex is zoned as a multi residential unit rather than a single residential unit.

Council Reports

Mayor Pam Bales gave an update on the Flint Hills Regional Council. The next meeting will be hosted by Wabaunsee County and will be held at the Kan Equip building at the Alma Fairgrounds. Council Member Ken Smith attended the October meeting with her. She also reported on a discussion she and Dr. Pitsch had concerning the high school wrestlers using the Alma Community Center Basement. He has decided that after some problems last year, the athletes would be practicing back at Wabaunsee Elementary School and hopefully next year will be able to return to the community center.

Council Member Dan Deiter reported that he had read in the Maple Hill minutes that they are having a hard time filling open positions for law enforcement and to keep this in mind as the Alma City Marshal position is being considered. He thanked Council Member Ken Smith for helping to put up the replacement church sign. He asked about the City Marshal cell phone and if anyone had been answering it if calls were to come through. Council Member Don Westhoff said he has the phone in his gun safe at his residence. Since the gun safe has been delivered to the city, all items will be transferred as soon as possible. He also reported that there has been a car parked behind an abandoned property that was not there before. There is also a car with no tag parked in the backyard of a house in the 200 block of East 3rd Street.

Council Member Don Westhoff reported that the next phase of changing emails will be starting soon.

Council Member Ken Smith did not have anything to report.

Council Member Tonya Hensley did not have anything to report.

Council Member Paul Gronquist did not have anything to report.

At 7:30 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session for 30 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel. Council Member Ken Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Sherry, Michael, Tom, and Barbra left the meeting.

At 8:00 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to extend the executive session by 15 minutes.

Council Member Ken Smith seconded. Motion carried.

At 8:15 p.m. the regular meeting resumed.

Sherry Smith returned to the meeting.

There was no action taken coming out of the executive session.

Council Member Don Westhoff gave an update on the apprenticeship program for youth to participate in with the city.

At 8:30 p.m. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on November 21, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. for the regular city council meeting. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded, and the motion carried.

Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, and Don Westhoff. Council Member Ken Smith was absent. Mayor Pam Bales declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Barbra Frank, Josh Huske, and Kevin Griffith.

Public Comment:

Barbra Frank inquired about signage on residential streets and wanted to know if there is a rule that determines if there is a yield or a stop sign. It is up to law enforcement to determine.

Josh Huske gave an update on the tennis courts. The school district approved the agreement, not to exceed $30,000.00 to be paid over five years. Council Member Tonya Hensley asked about the construction start date. Josh gave an update on the plans. Council Member Don Westhoff asked when the courts would be ready to be used, Josh said his goal is for the courts to be ready for use by Spring.

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to accept the school district’s offer of $30,000. The city will pay $50,000 and donations will raise $40,000. Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.

Josh Huske left the meeting at 6:20 p.m.

Kevin Griffith gave an update on the rec and plans for the soccer fields.

Kevin Griffith left the meeting at 6:40 p.m.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the minutes of October 3, 2023, as corrected. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $ 210,251.27. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.


The Solar Energy Ordinance 536 will be approved at the next meeting.

City employees Trent Viergever and Curt Havenstein submitted a meeting request to attend the KCC Gas Conference in Manhattan on October 25th and October 26th. These requests were approved.

Council Member Don Westhoff moved to approve the city paying 86 percent and employee paying 14 percent on all insurance plan premiums in 2024 other than the Plan A employee for whom the city will pay 90 percent and the employee will pay 10 percent. Dan Deiter seconded. Motion Carried.

City Personnel Reports:

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • She spoke with DS Glass out of Onaga, regarding the windows in front of City Hall. He suggested the most cost-effective solution is to reapply the seal surrounding the window and repaint the black portion of the window with outdoor window paint.
  • A letter was sent to a citizen whose dog bit another dog. There is no record on file of the citizen having a dog at the residence.
  • Due to technical issues in the office last week, we are currently not able to present water rates at this meeting.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • Asphalt project will start next week.
  • Trimming trees around town that need it.
  • Street by 503 Missouri is on the list to fix next year, but the city will be picking up the loose asphalt that is currently in the street.
  • A contractor is interested in building two houses on the lot at 506 Grand. A variance is required for this.

Council Reports

Council Member Dan Deiter gave an update on the Marshal applicants. He also spoke with KLETC who verified one of the current applicants can test out to get his Kansas certificate.

Council Member Don Westhoff thanked the city workers for moving the concrete trailer. He also gave an update on NCS regarding switching the employee’s emails. He reported that there is an apprentice program at a couple local tech schools for possible utility workers. He is going to do more research on this.

Council Member Tonya Hensley reported that K-CAMP provides insurance for cities, Wabaunsee County also uses them.

Council Member Paul Gronquist inquired about the high school using the community center for wrestling practice this year. As of right now, no one from the school has contacted the city to use it for practices this year. He also reported that there is an area of asphalt that needs to be repaired coming into town.

Mayor Pam Bales reported that she and Council Member Ken Smith will be attending the Flint Hills Regional Council meeting at Fort Riley on Friday.

At 7:47 p.m. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on November 7th, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. for the regular city council meeting. Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded, and the motion carried.

Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, Ken Smith, and Don Westhoff. Mayor Pam Bales declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance was Barbra Frank and Wayne Rafferty.

Public Comment:

Wayne Rafferty introduced himself to the council. He visited with the council regarding the City Marshal’s position.
Council Member Tonya Hensley moved to approve the minutes of September 19, 2023, as presented. Council Member Ken Smith seconded. Motion carried.
Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $ 79,336.04. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.
Council Member Don Westhoff moved to go into executive session for 30 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel and to have the City Attorney attend. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.
Sherry, Michael, and Barbra left the meeting.
City Attorney Tom Barnes left the meeting at 6:36 p.m.
At 6:53 p.m. Council Member Don Westhoff moved to extend the executive session for 15 minutes. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.
At 7:08 p.m. Council Member Don Westhoff moved to extend the executive session for 5 minutes. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.
At 7:13 p.m. the regular meeting resumed.
Sherry, Michael, and Barbra returned to the meeting.
There was no action taken coming out of the executive session.


The Solar Energy Ordinance 536 is still not finished. Waiting for Priority Power to finish the wording.
City Clerk Sherry Smith submitted a request to attend Year 3 Clerks School in Wichita, KS November 13, 2023 through November 15, 2023.
City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik submitted a request to attend the KMEA/KMGA Annual Conference in Wichita, KS October 18, 2023 to October 20, 2023.
Both requests were approved.

City Personnel Reports: 

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • She spoke with DS Glass out of Onaga, regarding the windows in front of City Hall. He will come to look at them this week and advise what to do going forward.
  • She provided a proposed health insurance rate; After much discussion it was decided to look over the proposed rates and discuss at the meeting on October 16, 2023.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • Starting on Wednesday October 4, 2023, the railroad is going to close the highway at the railroad tracks on South Highway 99 for maintenance. Maintenance will take place mostly overnight.
  • Council Member Don Westhoff asked if there is an update from the railroad regarding officially closing Railroad Street. Michael replied that there is nothing new.
  • William Mah will begin building houses in the Cul-de-sac at Park Valley.
  • He researched gun cabinets. The prices he found were comparative to the quote given by Council Member Don Westhoff.
  • The city employees poured 14 bases for head stones at the City Cemetery.

Council Reports

Council Member Dan Deiter talked about using concrete rather than asphalt or millings on the road around the Welcome to Alma sign. He did some research on Iron Insurance Partners; he feels it is a good idea to have them come to a future council meeting. He also has performed some maintenance on the Park House.

Council Member Don Westhoff mentioned the gun safe that he quoted at the previous meeting. Council Member Tonya Hensley reported that she had researched the exact same gun safe with other companies and found that they are more expensive. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to purchase the gun safe from Don’s Guns and Ammo in the amount of $600.00. Council Member Ken Smith seconded. Motion carried. Council Member Don Westhoff abstained.

Council Member Ken Smith thanked the city employees for helping with the work at the City Cemetery.

Council Member Tonya Hensley did not have anything to report. All issues had already been discussed.

Council Member Paul Gronquist reported that the pile of brush at 8th and Missouri has been removed.

Mayor Pam Bales asked about updating the area below City Hall, more and more citizens and visitors are stopping to look down into the area beneath the windows. She reported that the weeds at North Road Side park are getting tall. The Ministerial Alliance has taken bids and will be replacing the churches’ Welcome to Alma Sign at the north park. She gave an update on the Flint Hills Regional Council.

At 8:10 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session for 5 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel and to have City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik in attendance. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Sherry Smith and Barbra Frank left the meeting.

At 8:15 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to extend the executive session by 5 minutes. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

At 8:20 p.m. Michael Slobodnik left the executive session.

At 8:20 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to extend the executive session by 30 minutes. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

At 8:45 p.m. the regular meeting resumed.

Sherry Smith and Michael Slobodnik returned to the meeting.

As a result of executive session, it was decided to accept applications for the City Marshal position until November 6, 2023 and to hold interviews with potential candidates on November 21, 2023.

At 8:52 p.m. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on October 16, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. for the regular city council meeting. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded, and the motion carried.

Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, Ken Smith, and Don Westhoff. Mayor Pam Bales was absent. Council President Paul Gronquist declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Barbara Frank and Darin Miller-KS Solar.

Council President Paul Gronquist asked to add Discussion on law enforcement options to the agenda. Council Member Deiter said there was no need as he had information. The item was not added to the agenda.

Public Comment:
Darin of KS Solar thanked the council for moving forward with the ordinance to allow solar energy within the city.

Darin left the meeting at 6:05 p.m.

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the minutes of September 5, 2023, as presented. Council Member Ken Smith seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the minutes of September 7, 2023 Special Meeting, as presented. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the bills in the amount of $ 221,057.13. Council Member Ken Smith seconded. Motion carried.

City Personnel Reports:
City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • Kansas Door has ordered the door for the community center; it will take several weeks to be delivered. Once they have it, it will only take a day or two to install.
  • She received an email from Rene Griffin-Property Preservation Specialist for 107 Missouri. Her reply was that she received the notice of violation and is unable to go to the property as they no longer hold an interest. It was decided that notices are sent to all parties who may have interest in the property. This particular party has no interest so there is nothing more to do.
  • She presented insurance rates for 2024.
  • She presented an updated City Marshal ad. It was decided to remove the rate of pay.
  • Josiah Frost from Iron Insurance Partners inquired about what he needed to do to be considered to provide the City’s insurance needs. Council Member Dan Deiter said to do some research on the company.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • Bill Roth is doing some cement work at the City Cemetery. The city will receive an invoice for their portion of the cost to repair the base of the headstones.
  • Pumps at the water plant are being rebuilt. Council Member Don Westhoff moved to approve a new VFD for a high service pump in the amount of $5,000.00. Council Member Ken Smith seconded. Motion carried.
  • Asphalt repair has begun at Park Valley.

Council Reports

Council Member Dan Deiter asked City Attorney Tom Barnes why a special meeting had to be called to accept a resignation. City Attorney Tom Barnes said that this could be done if a body member requests a meeting, the nature of the meeting must be posted and that is all that can be discussed. Dan asked if this means that a special meeting can become an open forum. Tom replied that the “open forum” should have been stopped.

At 6:33 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session for 10 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel with the council and City Attorney.  President Gronquist asked if Mayor Bales should be included by phone.  Attorney Barnes said that while it is not “illegal”, it could be questioned as to who else might be listening. It was decided to not include the mayor. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Sherry, Michael, and Barbara left the meeting.

At 6:43 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to extend the executive session by 10 minutes. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

At 6:53 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to extend the executive session by 5 minutes. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

At 6:58 p.m. the regular meeting resumed.

Sherry, Michael and Barbara returned to the meeting.

No action was taken coming out of executive session.

There was discussion about moving the October 17, 2023 council meeting. The meeting will be held on October 16, 2023.

Council Member Don Westhoff reported that he is currently storing all the city’s guns in the gun safe at his house. He recommends the city invest in a gun safe and presented a bid for a 24-gun model in the amount of $600.00.

Council Member Dan Deiter left the meeting at 7:00 p.m.

Council Member Tonya Hensley requested additional bids. It was decided that City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik will research costs and present them at the next council meeting.

Council Member Ken Smith did not have anything to report.

Council Member Tonya Hensley said that communication needs to improve. People should not be afraid to talk to each other.

Council Member Paul Gronquist asked if William Mah was going to put in the curb and guttering after all the homes are built at Park Valley. Michael replied that the curb and guttering will be done on Mill Valley Street before they start building on the cul-de-sac. He gave an update on the tennis courts, reporting that Josh Huske attended the school board meeting and that the tennis courts may be added to the school board’s next agenda.

At 7:14 p.m. Council Member Tonya Hensley moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on October 3, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. for the regular city council meeting.  Council Member Don Westhoff seconded, and the motion carried.


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

Mayor Pam Bales called the Special Meeting to order with the following Council Members present Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist-via phone, Tonya Hensley, Ken Smith and Don Westhoff. City personnel in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik and City Marshal Leo Lovely. Also in attendance were John and Dodie Guth, Jared Falk, Josh Hinch, Abbi Glotzbach, Valerie Wright, Cindy Smith, Thomas Kerrigan, Lori Daniel, Ervan Stuewe, Justin Miller, Wabaunsee County Sheriff Rob Hoskins, Luka Henderson, Wabaunsee County Sergeant Ralph Dun.

The purpose of the meeting was to accept the resignation of Leonard Lovely as the City Marshal and to discuss future law enforcement requirements.

Council Member Don Westhoff moved to regretfully accept Leo Lovely’s resignation as the City Marshal. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Several people spoke on behalf of Leo Lovely. The citizens that spoke up regret to see Leo resign and asked the city council to try to find a way to have him stay.

At 6:40 p.m. John and Dodie Guth, Justin Miller and Thomas Kerrigan left the meeting.

There was discussion regarding the contract with Wabaunsee County Sheriff’s Office to patrol the city. After much discussion, it was decided to gather information and continue the discussion at the next regular meeting.

Luka Henderson left the meeting at 6:59 p.m.

Tonya Hensley, Cindy Smith, Jared Falk and Josh Hinch left the meeting at 7:19 p.m.

At 7:27 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to adjourn. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

Mayor Pam Bales called the Special Meeting to order with the following Council Members present Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist-via phone, Tonya Hensley, Ken Smith and Don Westhoff. City personnel in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik and City Marshal Leo Lovely. Also in attendance were John and Dodie Guth, Jared Falk, Josh Hinch, Abbi Glotzbach, Valerie Wright, Cindy Smith, Thomas Kerrigan, Lori Daniel, Ervan Stuewe, Justin Miller, Wabaunsee County Sheriff Rob Hoskins, Luka Henderson, Wabaunsee County Sergeant Ralph Dun.

The purpose of the meeting was to accept the resignation of Leonard Lovely as the City Marshal and to discuss future law enforcement requirements.

Council Member Don Westhoff moved to regretfully accept Leo Lovely’s resignation as the City Marshal. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Several people spoke on behalf of Leo Lovely. The citizens that spoke up regret to see Leo resign and asked the city council to try to find a way to have him stay.

At 6:40 p.m. John and Dodie Guth, Justin Miller and Thomas Kerrigan left the meeting.

There was discussion regarding the contract with Wabaunsee County Sheriff’s Office to patrol the city. After much discussion, it was decided to gather information and continue the discussion at the next regular meeting.

Luka Henderson left the meeting at 6:59 p.m.

Tonya Hensley, Cindy Smith, Jared Falk and Josh Hinch left the meeting at 7:19 p.m.

At 7:27 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to adjourn. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

Mayor Pam Bales called the Public Hearing of the Alma City Council to order at 5:45 p.m. with the following Council Members present: Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, Ken Smith and Don Westhoff. Mayor Pam Bales declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Marshal Leo Lovely.

The mayor asked if there was any public comment. There was none.

At 5:48 p.m. Council Member Don Westhoff moved to adjourn the Public Hearing for the City of Alma 2024 Budget and the 2024 Alma Recreation Budget. Council Member Ken Smith seconded this motion. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, Ken Smith, and Don Westhoff. Mayor Pam Bales declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Pool Manager Laurel Barber, City Marshal Leo Lovely and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Barbara Frank and Paul Serb.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to add the WAPA/KMEA agreement to the agenda.
Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Public Comment: 

Barbra Frank thanked the city crew for removing the asphalt that had been piling up in the street at the end of her driveway. 

Council Member Ken Smith moved to approve the minutes of August 1, 2023, as amended.
Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried. 

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $ 294,833.62.
Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried. 


Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the WAPA/KMEA Allocation Assignment Agreement.
Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried. 

Council Member Don Westhoff moved to approve the 2024 Alma City Budget. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Don Westhoff moved to approve the 2024 Alma Recreation Budget.
Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried. 

City Pool Manager Laurel Barber gave an end of the year update. Council Member Ken Smith moved to reimburse the lifeguards who completed the required training and worked the entire summer for the cost of their training. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried. She suggested the following items: the city offer more group swim lessons next season; not holding water aerobics at 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., instead opening the pool to the public at 12:00 p.m.; ordering new steps to arrive in time for the pool opening; and possibly changing the punch card to some other sort of pool entry. The Council thanked Laurel for a great job as pool manager. She left the meeting at 6:15 p.m.

Paul Serb inquired about the procedure to start a petition regarding allowing gasoline engines at the city lake. The council explained that the ordinance has been in place for many years, and now they are now being better enforced. Mayor Pam Bales thanked Mr. Serb for coming in to talk to the council about his concerns. Mr. Serb left the meeting at 6:35 p.m.  

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • Linda Miller asked if A to Z Liquor could sell alcohol outside of their store during Hot Alma Nights. It was decided that due to city ordinance this will not be allowed. 
  • She also informed the council that an ordinance could be approved for consumption of alcohol during the Hot Alma Nights event rather than approve a resolution every year.
  • She presented the bid to have the door at the community center replaced. The bid was only to replace the glass, the council asked to call other companies to see about replacing the entire door. 

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • Discussing the solar power ordinance at the first meeting in September.
  • The new street sweeper needs a new pickup head. Council Member Tonya Hensley moved to approve the purchase of a pickup head in the amount of $6,221.42. Council Member Ken Smith seconded. Motion carried. 
  • He and Marshal Lovely looked at the properties that are in non-compliance. As soon as the utility crew has time, they will start the process of abating the non-compliance issues.
  • Jim MacGregor submitted the grant for the PHMSA grant. The Council whole heartedly thanked him for doing this at no cost to the city. 

City Marshal Leo Lovely reported on the following:

  • In addition to his written report, he asked how the council would like him to handle the ordinances that include upon conviction, the subject may be required to pay a fine and/or imprisonment. It was decided to follow the procedure and if it came to the individual being convicted and sentence to imprisonment, the situation would be addressed at that time.
  • He has spoken to the VA representative for the property at 107 S. Missouri. The representative said to proceed with the property clean up and apply costs to the tax roll. The process to go through the VA to get the property in compliance is and will continue to be time consuming.

Council Reports

Mayor Pam Bales discussed the procedure for reporting complaints. If a citizen has serious issues, please file a written, signed complaint.  If the complaint deals with code enforcement, please place it in a sealed envelope addressed to Marshal Lovely.  The envelope containing the complaint should be turned in at City Hall. The Public is, of course, more than welcome to ask general questions or comments.  All issues will be addressed. 

Mayor Bales sought clarification on a comment from a concerned citizen questioning the amount of time it takes to publish information in the newspaper. City Clerk Sherry Smith said that the day following approval, the information is sent to the newspaper, but because the meeting is after the paper’s deadline, it won’t be published until the following week’s newspaper. If citizens would like information, they are welcome to come to City Hall and ask for copies. It was suggested that such information be added to the City Website.  

Mayor Bales reported that she asked Sherry to post on appropriate media, a call for the owner of the black lab that has been running at large throughout the city, in violation of the leash law, or anyone who has knowledge of the dog’s owner to please notify the City. There have been numerous sightings of the animal, but it has eluded capture.

Council Member Dan Deiter asked about maintaining the city web page. City Clerk Sherry Smith said that as time allows, she and Assistant Clerk Lindsey Silva are working with GoDaddy to learn the process to update the page.

Council Member Don Westhoff asked about the fence that is being built at Park Valley. City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik said the citizen decided to stay within the allowed setbacks rather than apply for a variance.

Council Member Ken Smith did not have anything to report.

Council Member Tonya Hensley question the large brush pile at 8th and Ohio. Council Member Paul Gronquist said the citizens have just purchased the property and will be getting a trailer to haul the brush to the City Burn Site. She also reported that she visited with the owner of the business that was discussed at the last meeting.  He has begun cleaning up the property.

Council Member Paul Gronquist asked if the yield sign on the north end of Ohio, heading south on Ohio, could be changed back to a stop sign. It was decided to replace the sign. 

At 7:57 p.m. Council Member Ken Smith moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on September 5, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. for the regular city business.  Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded, and the motion carried. 


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, Ken Smith, and Don Westhoff. Mayor Pam Bales declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance was Barbara Frank.

Public Comment: 

Barbra Frank asked if the loose asphalt could be picked up from the end of her driveway. 

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the minutes of July 18, 2023, as corrected. Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried. 

Council Member Don Westhoff moved to approve the minutes of the July 18, 2023, CDBG Public Hearing. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried. 

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $107,338.08. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried. 


City Marshal Leo Lovely submitted a request to attend De-escalation Training in Volland, KS on October 9, 2023, and October 10, 2023.   The request was approved.

City Clerk Sherry Smith asked how the council would like to handle complaints when they come into the office. Written, sealed complaints are to be turned over to the appropriate department to be dealt with as required.  Verbal complaints will be passed on to the appropriate department as well. 

She asked if WTC Cameras could be removed from Unfinished Business.  Consensus was to remove it as this time.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • He visited with the council about Jim MacGregor applying for a PHMSA Grant for the city, there will be no charge for this. The council is in favor of utilizing Jim to apply for the grant.
  • The chip and seal project is complete.
  • Due to the temperatures the utility crew comes into work earlier in the morning. When temps go back down, they will resume normal hours.
  • Council Member Don Westhoff asked about waiting to work on the Park Valley north entrance until all the homes are built.
  • Barbra Frank asked if the gas meters could be placed inside her fence rather than by the house. Michael said that they prefer them by the house for safety reasons.  It was discussed that this is a city-wide project and that all gas meters will be relocated closer to the house to reduce the number of meters being hit by errant drivers,

Council Member Don Westhoff asked about the semis in the City Marshal’s report. City Clerk Sherry Smith said that a citizen came into the office and asked about rerouting truck traffic to Kansas Street.  It was decided that is not feasible as the streets are not built to handle the weight of the trucks. He also asked about the door at the community center, City Clerk Sherry Smith said that a company has come out to look at it, but we have not received any quotes yet.

Council Member Tonya Hensley asked about the condition of a commercial property. It was decided to have the City Marshal address the issue.

Council Reports

Council Member Dan Deiter talked about the cost of putting in a state regulated dog kennel. After much discussion it was decided to have Council Member Tonya Hensley visit with a vet office in Wamego about boarding animals as needed.

Council Member Don Westhoff mentioned the new calendar on the door.

Council Member Ken Smith did not have anything to report.

Council Member Tonya Hensley had a request from a citizen that she receive ample notice when her water is shut off to replace the meter.

Council Member Paul Gronquist asked if there were any plans to work on Ohio Street near the high school. Michael said they plan to do that area in the next few weeks.

Mayor Pam Bales reported that Stephanie Imthurn, Wabaunsee County Economic Development Director sent information about a grant that could help towards the tennis courts. This information has been given to the school district as well. She also asked if a railing could be installed at the steps at the corner of 3rd street and Iowa. Michael said that Aaron Dickens is in the process of completing the railing.

At 7:14 p.m. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on August 15, 2023, at 5:45 p.m. for the Public Hearing for the 2024 City and Recreation Budgets to be followed by the regular city council meeting.  Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded, and the motion carried. 


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, and Don Westhoff. Council Member Chris Torrey was absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever, Pool Manager Kate Gronquist and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were ­­­­­Don Frank and Tony Conrad members of the USD 329 Wabaunsee School District.

Public Comment:

Don and Tony visited with the council regarding proposed building options for the school district.

Don and Tony left the meeting at 6:19 p.m.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of May 17, 2022, as submitted. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $37,582.84. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

City Pool Manager Kate Gronquist reported on the following:

  • Pool employee wages.

Kate left the meeting at 6:45 p.m.

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • Proposed 2 changes to the 2023 budget. Council agrees with the changes. She will send the proposed budget to the auditor, with a potential public hearing date the first meeting in August.
  • A property owner has invited the council to come look at the progress made on a home that has been under scrutiny for many months.
  • A local business would like to hold a beer garden at the fairgrounds during a fundraising event to take place in August 2022. All paperwork needs to be filed with the city.
  • INA Alert will be coming to give a quote on installing cameras at city hall.

Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever did not have anything to report.

Council Reports

Council Member Pam Bales went over a cleaning check list for the community center. She gave an update on the Flint Hills Regional Council. She also asked about restrooms in the park.

Council Member Don Westhoff reported that after a hard rain the alley on Ohio between 10th Street and 11th Street washes out.

Council Member Dan Deiter asked if there was an update on the marshal candidate.

Council Member Paul Gronquist reported that he has gotten several calls opposed to the one-way parking on East 4th Street from Missouri to Ohio.

Mayor Maurice Baker asked how the summer help is doing. Trent replied that he is doing great. He was approached about putting streetlights out at Park Valley. He asked if anyone had an update on the building progress at Park Valley.

At 7:17 p.m. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to go into executive session for 15 minutes for non-elected personnel with the Council, and City Attorney Tom Barnes in attendance. Council Member Pam Bales seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The regular meeting resumed at 7:30 p.m.

There was no action taken coming out of executive session.

At 7:33 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to the Alma City Hall on Tuesday, June 21, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business.  Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma Community Center, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, and Chris Torrey. Council Member Karen Wright was absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also present were Bobby Daniel, Barb Frank, Jim MacGregor, Charles McGhee, Michael Stubbs, and Doug Hull.

Public Comment:

Bobby Daniel asked if there was an update for the development of the vacant Park Valley lots. He voiced his concern about the citizens of Alma possibly paying to have streets put in at Park Valley. Bobby was reassured that the cost of new streets will be assessed to adjacent property owners by special assessment.  He was also concerned about the drainage along the new street.

Doug Hull voiced his concern about cars speeding on West 3rd street coming into town. He asked for bigger signage. Mayor Maurice Baker said that the best way to get people to slow down will be for a warning or citation to be given. After much discussion it was decided to have the City Marshal run radar and to also check into a digital radar speed sign. Doug left the meeting at 6:29 p.m.

Barb Frank asked for an update for the property at 506 Grand. Council said that this topic will be discussed later in the meeting as the property owner was on the agenda at 7 to present answers to questions posed by the Council last meeting.

Jim MacGregor-Wabaunsee County Economic Development Coordinator thanked the council for the use of the Community Center for the Flint Hill Regional Council Meeting to be held on May 21, 2021. He also gave an update on the American Rescue Plan. All Cities will receive funds based on their population. The funds will be distributed in June or July. Jim left the meeting at 6:27 p.m.

Michael Stubbs, Wabaunsee County Historical Society Board Member, reported on work the Board is doing in the City Cemetery. They are renovating section 12 also known as Potters’ Field. Currently there are 111 graves in that section, but only 11 headstones remain. There is a plan to refurbish the existing stones and to replace the missing stones. In June a ground penetrating radar device will be used to survey the site so plots can be properly charted. He also asked about possibly getting all cemetery records digitized. Michael left the meeting at 6:27 p.m.

Council Member Chris Torrey left the meeting at 6:36 p.m.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of May 4, 2021 as corrected. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $ 188,773.34. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported that she spoke with Christy Hitch of Tri County Waste, and that the Property owner at 506 Grand has only paid for one trash pickup. Council Member Dan Deiter said that this can be discussed later in the meeting when Sarah Degand arrived.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • He has prepared specs for the sidewalk project to be done this summer.
  • There is a sidewalk at the 410 E 6th, with no sidewalk on the properties on either side, the owner has asked if he can remove the sidewalk. After much discussion it was decided he may remove the sidewalk as there is no connecting sidewalks.
  • Several months ago, Council gave approval to purchase a plow truck from Purple Wave, but the City was unsuccessful in its bid. He asked if he could use those funds to bid on another plow truck. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve Michael to bid no more than $20,000.00 on a plow truck. Council member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried. He also has 2 trucks that he plans to put up for auction with Purple Wave to help offset the cost of the plow truck.
  • He got an estimate to replace the roof on the stone house at the City Park and the Well house at Railroad Park. After much discussion it was decided to get several more estimates.
  • He received bids to Mill and Overlay parts of 4th Street and Illinois as well as Overlay 2 inches of asphalt by Alma Creamery.
  1. Shilling Construction: $129,999.00
  2. Bettis Asphalt:         $132,525.75
  3. Bayer Construction: $100,260.00

Council Member Pam Bales moved to accept the bid from Bayer Construction in the amount of $100,260.00. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Reports

Council Member Pam Bales reported that the Flint Hills Regional Council meeting will return to open meetings at the Alma Community Center on May 21, 2021. She also presented a short video about a new proposed National Park named for Zebulon Pike.  It follows the route covered during his explorations of the area in the 1800’s.  the National Park survey is seeking input and suggestions concerning this trail.  The Council will consider a letter of support at the June meeting.

Council Member Paul Gronquist did not have anything to report.

Council Member Dan Deiter asked about the ditch on Railroad Street across from the Welcome sign. City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik said the City will mow it. There was some discussion about the new sewer line that is to go in on east 11th Street.

Maurice Baker will attend a meeting with the Watershed district where he will propose installation of a syphon tube with a valve to regulate the amount of water released daily as is required.

At 7:18 Council Member Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session for Attorney Client privilege for 10 minutes and to have City Attorney Tom Barnes in attendance.

City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, Barb Frank, and Bobby Daniel left the meeting.  They returned at the conclusion of the executive session.

The regular meeting continued at 7:28 p.m.

There was no action taken coming out of executive session.

At 7:36 p.m. it was determined Sarah Degand was not in attendance as she had agreed at the last meeting.  She was to provide information requested by the Council on the property at 506 Grand Street.  City Attorney Tom Barnes recommended the City move forward with condemning the property at that location. Sarah was to present a budget for repairs as well as a timeline to complete the repairs. Additionally, the Council asked for documentation from all legal owners of the property giving Sarah Degand (1/5 owner) permission to live at the property. The owners have failed to comply with requests set forth by the council at previous meetings. After much discussion Council Member Pam Bales moved to proceed with condemning the property at 506 Grand, due to noncompliance and failure to prove actions to Council. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion passed.

At 7:39 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to the regular meeting on June 1, 2021 at 6:00 at Alma City Hall. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Sherry Smith, City Clerk


President Pam Bales called the Special Meeting of the Alma City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following Council Members present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, and Paul Gronquist. Mayor Maurice Baker and Council Members Chris Torrey and Karen Wright were absent. Council President Pam Bales declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Utility Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Clerk Sherry Smith and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance was Austin Masters of USDA and Sam Johnson of BG Consultants. Mayor Maurice Baker arrived at 5:35 p.m, Sam Johnson arrived at 5:45, and Karen Wright arrived at 5:47 p.m.

Those present pledged allegiance to the flag.

Austin Masters presented loan and grant information pertaining to the Gas Line Project. Due to the unexpected loan expense the City had to take to pay for the high gas cost, the city was able apply for a grant for additional funding to go towards the gas line project. The amount of the grant is $303,300.00. This would not be possible if not for the low interest rate loan from the state.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve Loan RD-1940-1 in the amount of $1,173,700.00 at the interest rate of 2.125%. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the Rural Development Grant RD-1942-46 in the amount of $303,300.00. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Austin Masters left the meeting at 5:46 p.m.

City Attorney Tom Barnes gave an update on the property at 506 Ohio. Family members have made contact with the City and would like to make repairs to bring the property back into code compliance. They will attend the public hearing on April 6, 2021.

Sam Johnson gave an update on the gas line project. He submitted a Substantial Completion Certificate for NPL. Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the Substantial Certificate of Completion. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

He submitted Change order #2 for NPL. Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the change order. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

He submitted Pay App #4 for NPL. Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve Pay App #4 in the amount of $88,532.40. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

He submitted Pay App #5 for NPL. Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve Pay App #5 in the amount of $35,730.58. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

He submitted a Completion of Work Certificate for Michels. Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the Completion of Work Certificate. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the Notice to Proceed for design of Phase 2. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Sam Johnson left the meeting at 6:18 p.m.

At 6:20 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to go into executive session for 10 minutes for Attorney client privilege. Those in attendance were City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Clerk Sherry Smith, council members and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

At 6:30 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to extend executive session for 5 minutes. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

The regular meeting resumed at 6:35 p.m.

As a result of executive session Council Member Pam Bales moved to authorize City Attorney Tom Barnes to draft a letter to BlueMark Energy regarding the amount the City is disputing for the February invoice. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

At 6:38 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded this motion. Motion carried. The next meeting will be at 5:45 on April 6 at the Community Center.

Meeting adjourned.

City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma Community Center, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, and Karen Wright. Council Member Chris Torrey was absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. Also present were Sam Johnson of BG Consultants, Amon Taylor of Waste Management, Jim MacGregor of Wabaunsee County Economic Development. City representatives City Clerk Sherry Smith, Assistant City Supervisor Trent Viergever, and City Attorney Tom Barnes.
Public Comment:
Amon Taylor of Waste Management visited with the Council in regard to trash pickup service. He introduced himself, talked about the company, and said he would be sending in a bid for trash and recycle pickup. He left the meeting at 6:10 p.m.
Jim Macgregor introduced himself to the Council as the new Director of Economic Development for Wabaunsee County. He visited about his position.
Sam Johnson gave an update on the gas line project. The railroad bore is underway and should be completed by January 15, 2021. He submitted a change order. Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the change order contingent with KDOT approval. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried. Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the Certificate of Substantial Completion. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried. Sam left the meeting at 6:30 p.m.
Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of the January 5, 2021 meeting as corrected. Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.
Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills as presented. Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.
Tyler Holloman sent in documentation in regard to a grant to build Moderate Income Apartments above City Hall. Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve all documents be signed. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

City Clerk reported for City Marshal Jon Sielaff. She gave an update on the property at 506 Grand. Marshal Sielaff will have a resolution for the Council to sign at the next meeting. She also reported that the City will have to pay the interest on the 2012 Water Bond. This is due to the closing of the refinance taking place after February 1, 2021.

Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever reported that City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik has figured the cost of the sewer line work on West 11th Street. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the sewer line work at a cost not to exceed $7,000.00. Council Member Karen Wright seconded. Motion carried. He reported that the Wabaunsee County Fair Board would like to add a porch on the east building. The sidewalk project is almost complete. The contractor will send a separate bill to the property owner at 903 Kansas. The plow that has been advertised for bid on Purple Wave was not purchased. He asked to bid on pallet racks (to store wire spools) on Purple Wave. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to authorize the City Superintendent to bid on pallet racks not to exceed $3,000.00. Council Member Pam Bales seconded. Motion carried.
Pam Bales gave an update on the Flint Hills Regional Council.
Karen Wright reported that she visited with a representative from Catholic Charities in regard to individuals who need assistance with paying utilities.
Dan Deiter did not have anything to report.
Paul Gronquist reported that he was approached by a citizen in regard to putting the trash service out for bid. He reassured the citizen that because it is out for bid, does not mean the City will not necessarily be engaging a new provider. He also had concerns raised by a citizen about a citizen that is selling guns and ammunition out of his home. City Attorney Tom Barnes will research this matter.
At 7:30 p.m. Paul Gronquist moved to go into executive session for 15 minutes for matters of non-elected personnel and to have City Attorney Tom Barnes in attendance. Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.
City Clerk Sherry Smith and Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever left the meeting.
The session ended at 7:45 p.m.
There was not action taken coming out of executive session.
At 7:50 p.m. Pam Bales moved to adjourn to Tuesday, February 2, 2021, at 6:00 at the Alma Community Center for regular city business. Paul Gronquist seconded, and the motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, and Karen Wright. Council Members Paul Gronquist and Chris Torrey were absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever, City Marshal Jon Sielaff, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also, present were Bobby Daniel, Barb Frank, Don Westhoff, Scott Hallenbeck, and Janna Williams of the Flint Hills Regional Council.
Dan Deiter moved, and Karen Wright seconded to add discussion of the city budget to the agenda. Motion carried
Public Comment:
Barb Frank asked about having the sprinklers at the city cemetery turned on. Trent Viergever said they had talked about doing that in the next couple of days.
Janna Williams of the Flint Hills Regional Council addressed the council on a new grant on locating and abating Brownfield issues. FHRC has had great success in this area and are seeking locations in Wabaunsee County needing this service. Sites with asbestos, lead paint, underground fuel tanks, closed landfills, and mold abatement are being considered for inclusion in the grant. She will be in contact with the City at a later time for possible locations.
Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of the June 20, 2021, Public Hearing on Flood Plan Management as presented. Dan Deiter seconded, and the motion carried.
Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of the June 20, 2021, regular meeting as presented. Dan Deiter seconded, and the motion carried.
Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of the June 28, 2021, continued meeting to be approved as corrected, Dan Deiter seconded, and the motion carried,
Karen Wright moved to approve the bills in the amount of $49,614.46, Pam Bales seconded, and the motion carried.
The matter of the city budget was discussed. Neither the 2020 audit or the 2021-2022 budget have been presented by the city accounting firm. As the City is under constraint by law to hold a public hearing to address the budget in a timely fashion, to meet the stated time for a public hearing on said budget on August 17, the accounting firm will be contacted once again, and the Wabaunsee County Clerk’s office will be notified concerning the issue. The City faces repercussions if the budget is not approved by August 25th. The City Clerk or Assistant City Clerk will contact the accounting firm and the county seeking what needs to be done.
Attorney Tom Barnes addressed the issue of ARPA funds which are available from the County, which among other things can be used for Water and Wastewater projects. Mayor Baker will speak with Economic Development Director Jim McGregor on possibly applying for some of the funds for the 11th Street sewer project and the Mill Valley street at Park Valley sewer project.
He also addressed researching the steps involved in requesting the vacating of a public easement. The petition must come from the individual(s) seeking such vacation. Information on this topic is located under KSA12-504 et,seq.
Marshal Jon Sielaff reported that he will be moving to town. He is working on the exact location for one of the new traffic cameras and thanked the City for buying the equipment. He also mentioned that he has two more locations to be considered for cameras. The matter of the property at 506 Grand is ongoing. There have been a few hiccups, but it is to be completed in the next one and a half to two weeks. The tenant at the property at 111 E. 10th St. will be moving, and Mr. Nations will be responsible for the property being brough back into compliance with City Codes. He also asked about the procedure for speed limit signs of twenty miles per hour being placed on the street around not only City Park, but also in front of the day care on 8th street starting at Lyndon St, proceeding east to Ohio, and then north to Ninth Street. Attorney Barnes will prepare an ordinance upon receipt of the exact location information. He also inquired into obtaining a new pistol – a Glock 19 and necessary ammunition to replace his current weapon. The current weapon with its ammunition will be sold. Member Dan Deiter moved, Pam Bales, seconded and the motion carried to obtain the new sidearm and ammunition for an amount of $400.00.
Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever presented bids on replacing the roof on the Park House and the Well House. The acceptance of the low bid of $6,979.55 for the Park House and $3,427.40 for the Well House prepared by Dusty Thowe was moved by Member Pam Bales, seconded by Dan Deiter, and the motion was approved. A portion of the cost will be paid from the Gnadt Fund for park improvements. The AC unit at the Community Center is currently being installed.
Member Pam Bales asked about the median at Park Valley. There had been some concern about liriope being used as it can encroach on the sidewalk along which it had been planted. It was decided that its growing over the curb at the median should not be an issue and as time allows, it will be planted.
Member Karen Wright had no concerns.
Member Dan Deiter was going to ask about the bid for the Park and Well House roofs, but that had been discussed earlier. He had a few other items but will wait to talk about them later.
Mayor Baker reported that he had inquired of Attorney Barnes about Developer William Mah being able to obtain a bond for security on the building of the street fronting his lots in the undeveloped part of Park Valley. This will be discussed later. Mr. Mah has presented a request for five building permits on some of his lots in Park Valley. Lineman Curtis Havenstein reported during the power outages it was noticed that the lines are old and may need replaced. He would like for the City Engineer to come look at the lines.
At 7:05 Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to the Budget Hearing at 5:45 on August 17 at City Hall to be followed by the regular meeting for City business at 6:00, Dan Deiter seconded, and the motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Pam Bales, City Council President

Mayor Maurice Baker called the Special Meeting of the Alma City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following Council Members present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Chris Torrey and Karen Wright. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Utility Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Clerk Sherry Smith, Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva and City Marshal Jon Sielaff. Also in attendance were Lori and Larry Senne, Dorine Schley all of McFarland. Kerri Cole and Bobby Daniel.

There was discussion pertaining to the unprecedented increase in natural gas price. The City bill for BlueMark Energy and Kansas Gas is $656,306.23. The City is applying for a low interest loan with the State of Kansas. The State of Kansas is asking the city to pay as much as possible out of reserve funds. The City is applying for $501,451.23. There is no guarantee that the City will get the amount applied for.

An Ordinance allowing the City to apply for a low interest loan with the State of Kansas due to the unprecedented increase in natural gas price:
was considered and discussed. Council Member Pam Bales moved that said Ordinance be passed. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded this motion. The motion carried by the vote being as follows:
Council Member Pam Bales: yes
Council Member Paul Gronquist: yes
Council Member Dan Deiter: yes
Council Member Chris Torrey: yes
Council Member Karen Wright: yes
Mayor Maurice Baker declared said Ordinance be adopted. The Ordinance was numbered Ordinance 523, was signed and approved by the Mayor, and attested by the City Clerk.

was considered and discussed. Council Member Pam Bales moved that said Resolution be passed. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded this motion. Motion carried. Mayor Maurice Baker declared said Resolution be adopted and the Resolution was then duly numbered Resolution 2021-5 and was signed and approved by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk.


Three (3) payment options were presented to help the citizens pay their bill as well as repay the loan.
1. Bill out the entire amount owed and set up payment agreements.
2. Bill out the entire amount owed with the option to pay in full or pay a standard gas rider.
3. Place gas rider on all gas bills.
After much discussion Council Member Pam Bales moved to accept Option 1. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

It was decided to allow the citizens to spread their gas payment out over a period of 4 years.

A contract between the City of Alma and Tyler Holloman in regard to insurance on the Limerick building that City Hall is located in was submitted for approval. The City will pay the invoice and Tyler will reimburse for his portion. The City portion is 12.23% of the building and Tyler Holloman’s portion is the remaining 87.77% of the building. Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the agreement from this day forward. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

At 6:48 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded this motion. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met at the Wabaunsee County Fair Barns for a tour of the facilities at 5:15 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist and Karen Wright. Council Member Chris Torrey was absent. City representatives that also attended the tour were City Clerk Sherry Smith and City Attorney Tom Barnes.

July 6, 2021
6:00 P.M

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist and Karen Wright. Council Member Chris Torrey was absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Marshal Jon Sielaff, Kate Gronquist and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also, present were Bobby Daniel, Barb Frank, Stephanie Small and David Nations.
Public Comment:
Stephanie Small asked for clarification for condemning a property. City Attorney Tom Barnes spoke on behalf of the city. A property must be safe for persons to enter, if it is not safe, the city can then remedy the situation at the cost of the homeowner. Stephanie let the council know that she has 2 more contractors scheduled to give an estimate on cost of repairs to the most needed portion of the front porch. The property owner David Nations was in attendance, when asked if he had any questions, he replied that he may have to retain ownership of the property and make the needed repairs to bring the property into compliance.
Stephanie Small left the meeting at 6:27 p.m.
Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of June 15, 2021, as submitted. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.
Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $ 76,081.00. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.
An Ordinance amending and modifying, (Ordinance No. 436) of the Code of the City of Alma, Kansas regarding ADOPTING AND REFINING FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS, and repealing Ordinance Nos. 436, and all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict therewith:
was considered and discussed. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved that said Ordinance be passed. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded this motion. The motion carried by the vote being as follows:
Council Member Pam Bales: yes
Council Member Paul Gronquist: yes
Council Member Dan Deiter: yes
Council Member Chris Torrey: absent
Council Member Karen Wright: yes
Mayor Maurice Baker declared said Ordinance be adopted. The Ordinance was numbered Ordinance 524, was signed and approved by the Mayor, and attested by the City Clerk.
An Ordinance regarding a franchise agreement with Wamego Telecommunications:
was considered and discussed. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved that said Ordinance be passed. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded this motion. The motion carried by the vote being as follows:
Council Member Pam Bales: yes
Council Member Paul Gronquist: yes
Council Member Dan Deiter: yes
Council Member Chris Torrey: absent
Council Member Karen Wright: yes
Mayor Maurice Baker declared said Ordinance be adopted. The Ordinance was numbered Ordinance 525, was signed and approved by the Mayor, and attested by the City Clerk.

was considered and discussed. Council Member Pam Bales moved that said Resolution be passed. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded this motion. Motion carried. Mayor Maurice Baker declared said Resolution be adopted and the Resolution was then duly numbered Resolution 2021-10 and was signed and approved by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk.
City Pool Manager Kate Gronquist gave a report for the month of June. She also talked about a Junior Lifeguard Camp that will be held at the pool for kids ages 8-12 years.
Kate left the meeting at 6:50 p.m.
City Clerk Sherry Smith gave an update in regard to the City web page. She also asked if the council would be interested in updating the City logo that is used on letters. The cost to update the logo is $200.00 with GoDaddy. This includes a digital copy. She also reported that the City auditors will be on site on July 7, 2021 to work on the 2020 audit. August 17 at 5:45 was set for a public hearing for the City and Rec 2022 Budgets.
City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported that the dump station is in place at the RV Park at McKnight Park. The council discussed the new rate since all hookups are now available. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to raise the daily rate to $15.00. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. He also reported the Kansas Department of Labor will be performing safety inspections at City buildings.
City Marshal Jon Sielaff reported the city wide clean up went well. He said that the signs for the City Lake have been installed. He also inquired about the Degand property. He asked if the city is to proceed with condemnation since the property has sold. City Attorney Tom Barnes said that the until ownership has officially changed, the city is to proceed with condemning the property. He also inquired about a location that could be used for target practice.
City Attorney Tom Barnes reported that the wrecked vehicles on Missouri Street are in violation of state code. City Marshal Jon Sielaff will visit with the property owner.
Council Reports
Council Member Pam Bales reported that the Flint Hills Regional Council will hold the next meeting via zoom. She also reported that there may be a grant that could help the city with addressing the standing water that attracts mosquitos. She also asked if a barrier could be placed on the walls in the council chambers so the chairs do not destroy the wall.
Council Member Karen Wright did not have anything to report.
Council Member Dan Deiter asked for an update on the gas bill that the City is disputing with BlueMark Energy. There is no update currently. He also asked if the roof of the well house could be replaced. He said there are 2 handicap ramps that are full of debris and dirt. There is a camper and a jeep that he would like City Code Enforcement Officer Jon Sielaff to visit with the owners.
Council Member Paul Gronquist asked about a line item in the 2022 budget for pool maintenance.
Maurice Baker asked about the possibility of obtaining a roll off dumpster to keep at the City Shop at all times. To cover the cost of the dumpster, a small charge could be added to each citizen’s utility bill. He also suggested angle parking on the 100 block of East 4th Street starting at the alley going east to the corner of 4th and Ohio. This would accommodate the extra cars when the apartments are rented. He also reported that the water at the City lake is too high to install the flow valve, once the water goes down, the valve will be installed.
Council Member Pam Bales asked to add the entrance to Park Valley to the unfinished business portion of the agenda.
At 7:28 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to July 20 at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded this motion.

Motion carried Meeting adjourned.

Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma Community Center, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Karen Wright, and Chris Torrey. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Marshal Jon Sielaff, Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever, Utility Employee Jeff Clark and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Marc Shepherd of Copeland Insurance and Sara Jacobson of Bluemark Energy. Citizens in attendance were Romana Miller, Jeannie Palenski, Mary Moege, Agnes Haller, Margaret Esfeld, Bobby Daniel, Joyce Diehl, Ervan Stuewe, David Zeckser, Lorelie Wilson, Jeanette Rohleder, Judy and Turk Peddicord, Sharon Stahl, Gary Lesline, Mike Orton, Gerald Stuewe, Jack Turner, Chuck Heigert, Ronald Redmon, Jared Schultz, Diane Flerlage, Andrew Toney, Brenda Ridder, Vicki Swenson-Fager, Sandy Clark, Luka Henderson, Emily Olson, Christina Hauck, Bryan McBride, Lisa Keidel-Odom and Heather Beggs.

Public Comment:

The unprecedented high cost of gas was discussed. Several questions were asked;

  • Are any other towns refusing to pay their high gas bill? Currently the City has no knowledge of any towns refusing to pay. Kansas cities have to follow the cash basis law, this means that a city cannot have an outstanding debt unless it is a General Obligation Bond.
  • Are the gas prices back down to normal? A few days after the OFO (Operational Flow Order) was lifted the gas prices returned to normal.
  • Eskridge and surrounding towns have not seen an increase in their bill, why has Alma? Eskridge is handling their billing differently than Alma.
  • What is the interest rate of the loan the City applied for? The rate currently is .25%. Every year it will change depending on the rate market, our loan rate is set to be always 2% under market rate.
  • Can steps be taken in the future to prevent high cost in gas rates? Due to this situation, there will likely be steps or rules put in place to help prevent this from occurring again.
  • If there is a class action suit, will the City join the suit? City Attorney Tom Barnes replied that if a suit comes up, he will be looking into it. That does not mean the City will join.
  • Is there any grant money that could help the Cities with the high bills? Currently the city has not gotten any information regarding any available grants.
  • What was the point of the rolling black outs if everyone’s furnaces kicked back on at the same time when the electricity came back on? The City has no control over such a procedure.
  • If business owners have to cut their expenses shouldn’t the City cut its expenses as well? City Attorney Tom Barnes made the observation that the City Council has acted very responsibly in keeping expenses down. However, with interest rates being as low as what they currently are it is wise to make necessary infrastructure repairs that simply cannot be put off an longer such as the City’s gas supply line which is at the end of its serviceable life.

Diane Flerlage thanked the City for keeping the heat on. It was worth the high price of gas to not have her pipes freeze and cause more expense.

Christina Hauck complimented the City on their cost of utilities compared to surrounding towns in which she has lived.  She also reiterated that this was not expected and in the future that lessons learned from this experience can be used.

City Attorney Tom Barnes said the entire region is facing the same issues as the City of Alma.

Sara Jacobson of BlueMark Energy spoke about the procedure that BlueMark follows for billing.

Everyone that came for the gas rate issue left the meeting at 7:00 p.m.

Marc Shepherd presented the insurance policy for 2021-2022.

Marc left the meeting at 7:22 p.m.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of March 16, 2021 as presented. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of March 5, 2021 special meeting as presented. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $206,509.37. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.


A request for City Marshal Jon Sielaff to attend a Crisis Intervention Training in Hutchinson Kansas was approved.

City Personnel Reports

City Clerk Sherry Smith asked the council when the community center could be rented again. After much discussion it was decided that as long as all county guidelines are followed people could rent the building. Signage of the rules will be displayed as well as added to the application.

She also gave the Pool report for Kate Gronquist. 15 out of the 18 lifeguards from last summer will be returning this summer. She will hire one more lifeguard. She is currently working on the following items:

  • Contacting the health department to check on guidelines and expectations.
  • Getting signage made for rules and people/businesses who donated for the slide.
  • She will talk to Michael about painting, slide and diving board installation.
  • Updating the employee handbook, forms and signs.
  • Setting up certification class dates.

City Marshal reported that he has been working on code violations. The public Hearing for 506 Grand will be on April 6, 2021 at 5:45 p.m.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported that grass is starting to be planted on the properties that were affected by the gas line project.  

Council Reports

Council Member Pam Bales gave an update on the Flint Hills Regional Council.

Council Member Karen Wright moved to waive the franchise fee for the month of February. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Chris Torrey said that the only concerns citizens approached him about was the high cost of gas.

Council Member Paul Gronquist did not have anything to report.

Council Member Dan Deiter reported that WTC is interested in taking over the old gas line and use it as a conduit.

Maurice Baker asked if a permit is needed for a gun shop to be ran out of a home. City Attorney Tom Barns said that a city permit is not needed, but the person needs to hold a valid ATF license. He believes a copy of said license could be kept on file at the City office.

At 8:06 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to the Public Hearing at 5:45 p.m. on April 6, 2021. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Sherry Smith, City Clerk

Mayor Maurice Baker called the Public Hearing of the Alma City Council to order at 5:50 p.m. with the following Council Members present: Pam Bales, Paul Gronquist, and Chris Torrey. Council Member Dan Deiter arrived at 5:51 p.m. Council Member Karen Wright was absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representative in attendance were City Utility Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Clerk Sherry Smith, Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva, City Marshal Jon Sielaff and City Attorney Tome Barnes. Also in attendance were Bryan and Sharon McBride, Barb Frank, Bobby Daniel, Patricia Hornsby, Chris Degand, Sarah Degand and John Waugh-Attorney.

The purpose of the public meeting is to close out the CDBG-Covid 19 Grant for local business.
The mayor asked if there was any public comment. There was none.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to close out the CDBG-Covid 19 grant hearing. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

City Clerk

Mayor Maurice Baker called the Public Hearing of the Alma City Council to order at 5:45 p.m. with the following Council Members present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, and Karen Wright. Chris Torrey was absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were Assistant City Utility Superintendent Trent Viergever and City Clerk Sherry Smith. Also in attendance were Don Westhoff and Bobby Daniel.
The purpose of the public hearing is for Flood Plain Management.
There was no public comment.

The public hearing ended at 5:47 p.m.

City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma Community Center, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Chris Torrey and Karen Wright. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. Also present were Sam Johnson of BG Consultants and Bobby Daniel and City representatives City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Marshal Jon Sielaff and City Attorney Tom Barnes.

There was no public comment.

Sam Johnson gave an update on the gas line project. The railroad bore is underway and should be completed by January 15, 2021. He submitted a change order for NPL Construction. Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the change order in the amount of $37,738.50. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried. Michels Construction has completed Phase 1 Segment 2, they will come back in the spring to finish the seeding. Michels submitted a 13 change orders, after much discussion it was decided that a meeting with Michels will be had. 10 of the change orders were reasonable but three of them need to be discussed further with Michels.

Sam left the meeting at 6:26 p.m.

Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of the December 1, 2020 meeting as presented.  Dan Deiter seconded.  Motion carried.

Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills as presented.  Dan Deiter seconded.  Motion carried.


2021 Plumbing licenses were approved for the following:

William Glotzbach dba Bill’s Heating and Plumbing submitted a plumbing application. Pam Bales moved, and Dan Deiter seconded the motion, and the motion carried.


was considered and discussed.  Council Member Chris Torrey moved that said Resolution be passed.  Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded this motion.  Motion carried.  Mayor Maurice Baker declared said Resolution be adopted and the Resolution was then duly numbered Resolution 2021-1 and was signed by all and approved by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk.


Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the City of Alma joining Flint Hills Regional Council at a cost of $499.00. Council Member Karen Wright seconded. Motion carried.


City Clerk Sherry Smith presented a letter regarding trash disposal pick up. After much discussion it was decided to have bids be turned into City Hall no later than February 2, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. She also reported that City Hall has changed their phone and internet service to WTC. There have been issues with the phone system, so a new phone system has been ordered. The state has released the funds for the CDBG-CV grant for local businesses. The checks have been distributed to all that applied. The City Office will return to regular business hours Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


City Marshal Jon Sielaff said that he has had questions about hunting fowl at the city lake. After much discussion it was decided that hunting is prohibited. Signage will be put in place, so citizens are aware.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported that he has measured the sewer line on west 11th Street. After much discussion it was decided that the city would remedy the problems with this section starting at the manhole on 11th and Ohio going west to the property line of 125 W. 11th. He asked Council if he could pursue purchasing a truck for snow plowing and other uses on Purple Wave. Council Member Dan Dieter moved to approve the purchase not to exceed $16,000.00. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried. The City responded to a call for carbon monoxide, before entering the property they were informed the resident is Covid-19 positive. The city crew took necessary precautions when going into the home.  It was recommended that any time the crew enters an enclosed area that they be sure to take all safety precautions including but not limited to gloves, N-95 masks, and eye protection,

There was discussion about the temporary work schedule, the utility crew will continue to work 4, 10-hour days. There will be a person available 5 days a week.

Pam Bales reported that Tyler and Morgan Holloman have been approved verbally for the grant to turn the space above City Hall into apartments.  Neither they nor the City have received any paperwork on the grant,

Karen Wright was approached by a citizen with concerns about putting the trash service out for bids.

Chris Torrey followed up with the trash bid discussion.

Paul Gronquist asked about the timeline for WTC to get citizens connected. He also asked if the millings that Hafenstine Construction donated were spread Manor Circle Dr. Michael replied that it was just finished that day.

Dan Deiter asked if there was an update on the service station that is going in on Highway 99 and I-70.

At 7:45 p.m. Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session for 30 minutes for matters of non-elected personnel and to have City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik in attendance. Chris Torrey seconded. Motion carried. 

City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Attorney Tom Barnes and Bobby Daniel left the meeting

At 8:15 p.m. the executive session was extended for 30 minutes.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik left the executive session.

The session ended at 8:45 p.m.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik returned to the meeting.

Coming out of executive session Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve pay wages as discussed. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

At 8:55 p.m. Pam Bales moved to adjourn to Tuesday, January 19, 2021, at 6:00 at the Alma Community Center for regular city business.  Paul Gronquist seconded, and the motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma Community Center, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter and Paul Gronquist. Council Members Karen Wright and Chris Torrey were absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Marshal Jon Sielaff arriving at 6:38 p.m. and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also present was Bobby Daniel.

Public Comment:

Bobby Daniel had concerns about the potential high gas prices. At this time no information was available to pass along.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of February 2, 2021 as corrected. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.


Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $ 509,535.30. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.


Michels submitted a Pay Application for approval. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve payment in the amount of $ 418,635.36. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

An agreement with Governmental Assistance Services for a CDBG Grant was submitted for approval. Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the agreement. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

A contract with Tri County Trash was submitted. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the 3-year contract. Council Member Pam Bales seconded. Motion carried.

Change order number 1 was submitted for the gas line project. Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve change order number 1. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Change order number 2 was submitted for the gas line project. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve change order number 2. Council Member Pam Bales seconded. Motion carried.

There was discussion about insurance for the City Hall building. It was decided that Tyler Holloman will talk to Copeland Insurance regarding cost. There was also discussion about refurbishing the building’s sewer line.

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported for City Marshal Jon Sielaff that notices were hung on doors to citizens who have failed to purchase city dog tags. If not purchased by March 4, 2021 a ticket in the amount of $100.00 will be issued.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik talked about the rise in gas prices during the cold snap. At this time there was not a lot of information to pass along. There was discussion about the situation.

Michael Slobodnik asked the council if he could purchase squeeze off tools for the new 6-inch gas line. These tools would be used to maintain the line as needed. The money will come out of the gas line project fund. Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the purchase not to exceed $12,000.00. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

City Marshal Jon Sielaff apologized to the council for being late, he was assisting at a fire outside of town. He reported that he had a citizen visit with him about concerns in regard to a property. He asked the council to consider putting a school zone sign on East 9th street. He visited with the council about placing larger speed limit signs on Missouri street. He also informed the council that he enrolled in training courses. He will have the information at the next meeting. He would also like the Council to consider getting a roll off dumpster for spring cleaning.

Council Member Dan Deiter reported on several properties in need of attention. He also picked up shotgun shells at the City Lake.  He asked that the signage be replaced so citizens know that shooting is prohibited. He also reported that there are tire tracks in the City Park as well as by the railroad tracks.

Council Reports

Council Member Pam Bales gave an update on the Flint Hills Regional Council. They are currently assisting communities in preparing walking trails.

Council Member Paul Gronquist reported that there has been interest in the scrap metal at the City Shop. He also asked when the dump station will be installed at the RV Park at McKnight Field. City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik said that is on the work order list to be done this spring.

Council Member Dan Deiter asked how the sewer line project on east 11th street was going. He reported that WTC is interested in the old gas line under the bridge leading into Wamego. He reported that all the gates at Mill Creek Lake have been replaced but no other work has been done.

Maurice Baker did not have anything to report.

At 7:36 Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to the Public Hearing at 5:45 p.m. on March 16, 2021. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist and Karen Wright. Council Member Chris Torrey was absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also, present were Bobby Daniel, Barb Frank, Scott Hallenbeck, Don Westhoff, and Stan Jones- Stifel and Associates.

Public Comment:  

Scott Hallenbeck addressed the council regarding the streets that will be put in place once houses are built in the Park Valley addition. He said that he already paid specials for his property, those specials paid for streets. If new streets are going in, the specials should be applied to the property of the new homes. Council advised Scott that no action has been taken on the matter, it will be discussed at future meetings. They thanked him for his concerns and feedback.

There was no public comment.

One sidewalk bid was submitted for project 2021-2. The bid is from J&J Construction in the amount of $37,600.00. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to accept the bid. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Stan Jones of Stifel and Associates gave an update on the General Obligation Bond for the Gas Line Project. This council meeting will continue on July 28, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. to present the offering and sign documents.

Stan left the meeting at 6:23 p.m.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of July 20, 2021, as corrected. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of                  $ 214,540.28. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  1. She asked about pay raises for the 2 employees that mow. Council Member Karen Wright moved approve pay raises as recommended. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.
  2. She obtained a quote from WTC for 2 additional cameras. The cost is $1,417.20. After much discussion Council Member Pam Bales moved to purchase the additional cameras. Council Member Karen Wright seconded. Motion carried.

Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever reported on the following;

  1. The AC unit at the community center needs to be replaced. Three bids were given. Two of the bids were for a single-phase unit with one bid being a 3-phase unit. After much discussion it was decided to wait until a 3-phase unit was available could be installed.

Council Reports

Council Member Pam Bales reported that the Flint Hills Regional Council held their monthly meeting in person in Junction City.  She attended via zoom. She talked about grants that may be available. She also talked about the entry way leading into the Park Valley addition. It was decided to replace the dirt and weeds with fresh dirt and plant liriope (also called lilyturf).  The trees will be left in place for now. She also asked about roll-off dumpsters being placed on city streets. They can be there if it is temporary. She asked how long temporary is.

Council Member Karen Wright reported that Amy Cassell has a copy of the city logo, which a student had refreshed.  She will send it to the City after school starts.

Council Member Dan Deiter asked if the payment for the signs at the lake came from the lake fund, City Clerk Sherry Smith said it came out of the Marshal fund. It was decided to transfer the money, so it came out of the lake fund.

Council Member Paul Gronquist did not have anything to report.

Maurice Baker talked about an easement that the city currently has on the west end of west 11th street. The current landowner would like the city to vacate the easement so a house can be built. Due to the 2 towers in the vicinity, it is not feasible to build very many homes due to the towers’ fall radius. After much discussion, the council has no issue vacating the easement. City Attorney Tom Barnes will follow up with the correct procedure for the city to vacate and turn ownership over to the current landowners.  Don Westhoff had a few questions about how one goes about requesting the City’s vacating an easement.  Tom Barnes will research this item.

At 7:28 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to continue the meeting on July 28, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business.  Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded this motion.  Motion carried Meeting will be continued on July 28, 2021.

Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma Community Center, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, and Chris Torrey. Council Member Karen Wright was absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Marshal Jon Sielaff and City Attorney Tom Barnes were in attendance. Also present were Stan Jones of Stifle, Nichols, Christie Hitch of Tri County Waste, Michael and Carolyn Connolly, Marsha Rogers, Tonya Hensley, Bobby Daniel and a representative of Waste Management.

Public Comment:

Bobby Daniel had concerns about businesses downtown not clearing the snow on the sidewalk in a timely manner. He asked how many hours they had to remove the snow. Council Member Pam Bales replied that according to ordinance snow/ice is to be removed within 12 hours of the snow/ice stopping.

Marsha Rogers, Tonya Hensley and Michael and Carolyn Connolly visited with the council about putting the trash service out for bids. Council Member Paul Gronquist replied that it is good to see what is out there, but this does not mean that the city will award the bid to another company.

Trash service bids were presented as follows:

  1. Howie’s Trash Service- $15.25 per month. Recycle- $11.00. With a 3-year contract.
  2. Waste Management- $17.40 per month for a 96-gallon toter. An extra toter is $9.85. Bulk items are $15.00. Recycle roll off is $289.00 per month. With a 4–5-year contract, 4% annual increase in cost.
  3. Tri County- $15.25 without toter. $17.25 with toter and recycle is $9.50 per month. With a 3-year contract

Council Member Pam Bales moved to accept the bid from Tri County Waste at the proposed rates. Council Member Chris Torrey seconded.

Marsha Rogers, Tonya Hensley and Michael and Carolyn Connolly, Christie Hitch and the Waste Management representative left the meeting at 6:31 p.m.

Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of the January 19, 2021 meeting as corrected.  Paul Gronquist seconded.  Motion carried.

Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills as presented.  Dan Deiter seconded.  Motion carried.


Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the appointment of City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik as voting delegate #1 for KMEA Board. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

A plumbing license for Whitaker Heating and Plumbing was submitted. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the plumbing license for Whitaker Heating and Plumbing. Council Member Pam Bales seconded. Motion carried.

Stan Jones of Stifle and Nichols gave an update on refinancing the 2012 Water Bond. He asked that the council approve the Bond Agreement. Council Member Dan moved to approve the Bond Purchase Agreement. Council Member Pam Bales seconded. Motion carried.

City Attorney Tom Barnes reported that he had researched information in regard to a citizen selling guns and ammunition out of their home. Per federal regulations a person who is going to sell guns or ammunition has to hold an ATF License. Council Member Paul Gronquist asked if the home had to be rezoned to commercial in order to sell. City Attorney Tom Barnes replied that it did not.

City Marshal Jon Sielaff presented resolution 2021-3 for the property at 506 Grand.

A Resolution Regarding the Condition of Property at 506 Grand Avenue, Alma, Kansas and Scheduling Hearing Relating to Such Property

WHEREAS, the Enforcing Officer of the City of Alma, pursuant to the provisions of Section 4-604 of the Code of the City of Alma has made an investigation of the structure(s) at the above-named address in the City of Alma; and

WHEREAS, such investigation disclosed that the structure(s) are dangerous and/or unsafe and/or unfit for human habitation; and

WHEREAS, in accordance with the findings of his/her investigation, the Enforcing Officer provided a written report to the governing body of the City of Alma.

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the governing body of the City of Alma, Kansas, that:

  1. A hearing will be held on the 6th day of April 2021 at 5:45 p.m. before the governing body of the City of Alma, Kansas related to the above-named structure(s) in the City of Alma. Such hearing shall be held at the City of Alma Community Center, 244 E 11th Street, Alma, Kansas 66401.
  2. At the above-named hearing, the owners, the owners’ agent, any lienholders of record and any occupants of such structure(s) may appear and show cause why such structure(s) should not be condemned and ordered repaired or demolished.
  3. At the above-named hearing, the governing body shall hear all evidence submitted by the owners, the owners’ agent, lienholders of record and occupants having an interest in such structure(s) as well as evidence submitted by the Enforcing Officer or his/her authorized representative and shall make findings by resolution. If the governing body of the City finds that such structure(s) are unsafe and/or dangerous and/or unfit for human habitation, such resolution shall fix a reasonable time within which the repair or removal of such structure(s) shall be commenced and such resolution shall state that if the owner of such structure(s) fails to commence the repair or removal of such structure(s) within the time stated or fails to diligently prosecute the same until the work is completed, the governing body will cause the structure(s) to be repaired or removed, as appropriate. If the governing body of the City finds that such structure(s) are abandoned property, the governing body may authorize the rehabilitation of such property as provided by K.S.A. 12-1756a.
  4. The governing body shall cause this Resolution to be published in the official City newspaper. Further, the governing body shall cause a copy of this Resolution to be mailed to the owners, agents, lienholders of record and the occupants of the above-named structure(s) – all of the above shall be in conformity with the provisions of Section 4-606 of the Code of City of Alma.

Council Member Dan Deiter Moved to approve Resolution 2021-3. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

City Marshal Jon Sielaff also asked if a stop sign could be placed at the intersection of 9th and Illinois as well as rollaway stop sign at 3rd and Kansas. After much discussion it was decided to put signage in the requested areas, however instead of rollaway signs at 3rd and Kansas something permanent should be installed.  He also reported that he will obtain an old radio from the County Sheriff’s Office when they upgrade.

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported that County Attorney Tim Liesman has inquired about the use of the Community Center to hold jury selection. Council said that as long as all proper Covid-19 guidelines are followed the County may use the center.


City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported that the pool will need to be painted this year. With Council’s approval he will put it out for bids. The antenna that will be needed for the new meter reading system is going to be placed on the WTC tower as it is taller than the City water tower and will not need to be removed when the tower is painted. A contract will be drawn up in regard to placing the antenna on the WTC tower. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the contract contingent on City Attorney Tom Barnes’s approval. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. He also reported on the sewer line at City Hall being shared by other parts of the building as well.  With the apartments going in above City Hall, the sewer line from the building to the sewer main should be upsized to 6-inch.  Also, the existing sewer line that is shared by City Hall and the Antique Emporium needs to be replaced.  He is looking into the cost to have the sewer line replaced and talk to the owner of the Antique Emporium about cost share. He would also like to mill and overlay some streets this summer season using monies collected from sales tax and from the street budget. It was decided to move forward with this. He also discussed several sidewalks that are on the list to be replaced this summer.

Pam Bales gave an update the Moderate-Income grant that Tyler Holloman has been granted. As well as that the City of St. Mary’s has closed their public swimming pool.

Chris Torrey said he received a compliment from a citizen on behalf of the City crew’s removal of the recent snow.

Dan Deiter reported that the gas line project has finished up and the city may now remove the old gas line connected to the bridge going into Wamego. He will begin making calls to get this taken care of.

Paul Gronquist did not have anything to report.

Maurice Baker reported that he had visited with David Stuewe in regard to a road in Park Valley. It was determined that the road has not been vacated and the citizens that use it to reach the back of their properties may continue to do so.

At 7:40 p.m. Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session for 15 minutes for matters of non-elected personnel and to have City Attorney Tom Barnes in attendance. Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried. 

City Clerk Sherry Smith and City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik left the meeting.

The session ended at 7:45 p.m.

There was no action taken coming out of executive session.

At 7:50 p.m. Pam Bales moved to adjourn to Tuesday, February 16, 2021, at 6:00 at the Alma Community Center for regular city business.  Paul Gronquist seconded, and the motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist and Chris Torrey. Council Member Karen Wright was absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever, City Marshal Jon Sielaff and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also, present were Bobby Daniel, Barb Frank, Stephanie Small and Bryan Dudek.

Public Comment:  

Stephanie Small gave the council an update in regard to her property. After much discussion Council Member Chris Torrey moved that Stephanie Small has until August 17, 2021 to start repairs on the house. If repairs are started a 30-day extension will be allowed to get them completed. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Bryan Dudek visited with the council about a fundraising event he would like to host in the City park next summer. The event is for colorectal cancer research. He would like to have a live band play. He asked about parking for the tour bus that will come in the night before the event. It was decided there is plenty of time to decide the best location to park the tour bus.

Bryan and Stephanie left the meeting at 6:26 p.m.

Barb Frank asked about the USPS van that has been sitting on Missouri Ave for several days. It is hard to see around the van as there are no windows and it is not parked against the curb. It was decided to have City Marshal Jon Sielaff visit with the postmaster.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of June 1, 2021, as corrected. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of                  $ 125,274.59. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

City Clerk gave a short report for City Pool Manager Kate Gronquist. One lifeguard has obtained his WSI certification. She asked to approve his pay wage as recommended. She also asked to hire 3 addition people to help with swimming lessons. Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the pay raise as well as hire the recommended people to teach swimming lessons. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

City Marshal Jon Sielaff reported that the signs for the lake are ready to be picked up and installed. He gave a short update on the Unbound Gravel Bike ride, there will be a follow up meeting with the event organizers to go over any concerns that arose from the event this year. He also said that the citizens are getting better about not blowing grass clippings in the street. There was a suspicious person at the city park/pool on Saturday June 12, 2021. He asked about parking of camper trailers on residential streets. There is an ordinance in place that prohibits parking of trailers on residential streets. He will notify the community as needed to move their camper trailers off the street.

Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever reported that Wabaunsee County has a storage box that they would like to move. It was decided that it should stay where it is at and needs to be anchored to the ground. A variance will need to be obtained in order to have the storage box.

Council Reports

Council Member Pam Bales reported that the Flint Hills Regional Council will be going back to Zoom meetings rather than meet in person. They thanked Alma for hosting the first in person meeting since the COVID-19 pandemic started in March 2020. She also asked if the council members were ok with the letter of support for the Pikes Peak Trail. All members are on board with the letter.

Council Member Chris Torrey did not have anything to report.

Council Member Dan Deiter talked about an article in the Kansas Governmental magazine about ways for a municipality to collect unpaid utility bills. He also talked about the portion of road on east 9th street that is incomplete. It was the consensus of the council to visit with the new property owners about taking steps with the City to get the small portion completed.

Council Member Paul Gronquist asked about the Unbound Gravel Bike ride clean-up.

Maurice Baker reported that there is a small section on the 600 block of Ohio street where there is no sidewalk, but the properties adjacent have sidewalks. It was decided to include this portion to be completed with the next sidewalk project.

At 7:13 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to the Wabaunsee County Fair Grounds on July 16, 2021, at 5:15 for a tour of the new buildings then return to City Hall for the regular meeting. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma Community Center, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist and Chris Torrey. Council Member Karen Wright was absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva, City Marshal Jon Sielaff and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also present were Bobby Daniel, Barb Frank, Stephanie Small, and William Mah. Sarah Degand arrived at 6:08 p.m.

Public Comment:

Barb Frank asked for an update for the property at 506 Grand. City Code Enforcer Jon Sielaff reported that there is still much work to be done to bring the property into compliance. Sarah Degand said that she is taking care of it, there is more work to be done than initially thought. She asked the council to give a little more time. After much discussion it was decided to allow more time. Sarah is to return to the May 18, 2021 meeting with a budget for repairs as well as a timeline in order to complete the repairs. The council asked for a written agreement from all persons that are on the deed. This is to show that Sarah does in fact have permission from all to live on the property. Sarah left the meeting at 6:38 p.m.

Stephanie Small addressed the council about a noncompliance letter she had received. She asked for more time to get the items on the list back into compliance. Council asked her to return to the June 1, 2021 meeting with a timeline for getting the property back into compliance. Stephanie left the meeting at 6:47 p.m.

William Mah has purchased 20 vacant lots at Park Valley.  He will be building homes on the lots. He asked the Council what type of homes they would like to see built, and if they would consider replotting the lots to make them smaller, allowing for more homes. Council Member Dan Deiter said he is not in favor of making the lots smaller.  Mr. Mah plans to have the homes completed within 2 years. He asked about building streets and about utility lines. Council said that something can be worked out between the City and Mr. Mah. He is ready to start building on the lots that are developed. William will return to a future meeting with photographs of other homes he has built. He left the meeting at 8:00 p.m.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of March 20, 2021 as submitted. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.


Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of                  $ 62,875.18. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

City Clerk Sherry Smith asked how the City is going to collect payment for any individual who made an agreement for the high gas cost in February 2021 who sell their homes and do not pay the bill. City Attorney Tom Barnes suggested utilizing a collection agency. Sherry said that the unpaid bill can be placed on the Kansas Debt Setoff. After much discussion it was decided to visit this situation as it arises.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following

  • Torrey Brothers Construction submitted a bid in the amount of $28,900.00 to sandblast, paint and fiberglass patch the cracks in the pool. This will be paid for out of Capital Outlay. There was $70,000.00 left over in the General Fund from fiscal year 2020, which will be transferred to Capital Outlay Misc. fund to help pay for the pool.
  • He has visited with William Mah about building homes at Park Valley.
  • He will have bids at the next meeting for street mill and overlay on 4th Street, Illinois Street and Asphalt in front of Alma Cheese.
  • At a previous council meeting the bill from Evergy was discussed. Evergy is saying that the bill will be approximately $80,000.00 more than normal. We have not received the bill yet, so we do not have exact numbers in order to come up with repayment options. At this time City Clerk Sherry Smith has asked the state if the City may use a portion of the funds from the low interest rate loan the city obtained for the high gas cost in February 2021. More people than anticipated paid their high gas bills in full leaving funds from the loan available for the electric bill. The state approved, so, at this time, the bill will be paid with the loan funds and then a plan can be put in place for repayment from the citizens.

City Marshal Jon Sielaff gave an update on some criminal activity that took place at 506 Grand. He also gave an update on 2 vehicles at 1035 Ohio. He reported that the city may obtain a roll off dumpster from Tri County Waste for $350.00 for 3 weeks. After much discussion it was decided to hold a city wide clean up on June 18th and 19th, 2021. During this weekend, if citizens have large items, but are unable to transport them to the roll off, volunteers will assist those who need it. The dumpster will remain at the shop until June 30, 2021. A detailed flyer will be available at a later date. Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the use of the roll off dumpster for $350.00. council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Reports

Council Member Pam Bales reported that the library would like to use the Community Center 4 times during the summer to show movies. Because of COVID restrictions the library is not big enough, and while it has been suggested to hold the event outside. It was decided that the library could use the community center. She also was asked about the sidewalk on the north side of 300 block of East 3rd Street. She talked to a few citizens about the possibility of having bees in town. Most were not against it.

Council Member Paul Gronquist did not have anything to report.

Council Member Dan Deiter inquired about citizens receiving utility bills in the mail after they are due.  Penalties for such bills will be waived.  The postmarked envelope may be required for the waiving of the penalty.

Maurice Baker talked about the need to change the locks at the community center.

At 8:05 Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to go into executive session for Attorney Client privilege for 15 minutes and to have City Attorney Tom Barnes, City Clerk Sherry Smith, Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva and City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik in attendance.

City Marshal Jon Sielaff, Barb Frank and Bobby Daniel left the meeting

The regular meeting continued at 8:20 p.m.

At 8:22 p.m. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to go into executive session for 10 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Michael, Sherry, Lindsey and Tom left the meeting.

At 8:32 p.m. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to extend the executive session. With City Marshal Jon Seilaff to join. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

The regular meeting continued at 9:00 p.m.

There was no action taken coming out of executive session.

At 9:00pm.m Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to the regular meeting on May 18, 2021 at 6:00 at the Community Center. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.

Sherry Smith, City Clerk

Mayor Maurice Baker called the regular meeting of the Alma City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following Council Members present:  Pam Bales Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, and Karen Wright.  Chris Torrey was absent.  Mayor Baker declared that a quorum was present.  All present pledged allegiance to the flag.  City Representatives in attendance were City Utility Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, Pool Manager Kate Gronquist, and City Attorney Tom Barnes.  Also in attendance were Bobby Daniel, Sam Johnson, David Arteberry of Gilmore and Bell, and Stan Jones of Gilmore and Bell.


Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of April 6, 2021, as presented. Paul Gronquist seconded.  Motion carried.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of the special meeting of April 6, 2021, for the closeout of the CDBG-CV grant as presented. Paul Gronquist seconded.  Motion carried.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of the special meeting concerning the Degand Public Hearing on the property at 506 Grand St., Alma KS, of April 6, 2021, as presented. Paul Gronquist seconded.  Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $140,708.23.  Council Member Dan Deiter seconded.  Motion carried.

There was no public comment.

David Arteberry of Gilmore and Bell presented information for the Council to consider concerning financing for the up-coming Gasline Project Phase 2.  The Council agreed that it is in the best interest of the City to have the financing in place while interest rates are low.  Mr. Arteberry will be returning to present plans for the Council’s consideration at least twice more in the next ninety days.  The Council thanks Mr. Arteberry for the information and look forward to his return.  Mr. Jones, Mr. Johnson, and Mr. Arteberry left the meeting at 6:24.

City Personnel:  City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik asked to hire Jared Schultz and Gaige Smith as summer help.  Paul Gronquist moved to approve hiring the summer help at the recommended wage.  Dan Deiter seconded.  Motion carried.

On June 5 the Unbound Bike Race (formerly The Dirty Kanza Bike Race) will again be coming through Alma.  Marcy Merritt is in charge of coordinating the set up and take down in Alma. 

He is pursuing costs for prepping the Alma City Pool for the upcoming season.  Costs will include sandblasting, painting, and repairing cracks in the fiberglass.

He presented information released by Evergy concerning electrical costs incurred during the unprecedented cold spell in February.  He will have more information at the next meeting.

He is still looking into what to do with the old water tower.  Purple Wave is not interested in listing it for sale on its site.  There is a company in the area that will remove and haul off the tower for $12,600.  At this time, that project is on hold.

The request from WTC to place a sign in the park was denied.

Research on the request for beehives being located in the city will be continued next month.  Marshal Sielaff will present information.

Inquiries into the trash accumulating at the residence on 506 Grand have been made.  Payment from those responsible for the trash is required by the trash company before they can remove it.

City Attorney Tom Barnes reported on the ongoing issue of the Bluemark Energy bill which is being contested by the City.  A Bluemark attorney is claiming that the energy charge was due to force majeure, which is being denied by the City.  At this time Bluemark is requiring the City prepay the gas nomination each month as required by contract.  The City was reminded that since it is represented by counsel, all comments from the Bluemark Energy attorney are to be directed to Attorney Barnes or his representative.  Investigations into the validity of the prices charged for natural gas in February continue. 

Pool Manager Kate Gronquist presented a packet of information concerning the 2021 Alma City Pool.  Pam Bales moved and Paul Gronquist seconded approving the staffing recommendations and wages as submitted by Kate Gronquist Gronquist.  Motion carried.

Additional items in her presentation include scheduling hours of operation, lifeguard training, private and public swimming lessons, opening and closing dates, Covid considerations, prices for daily swimming, water aerobics/lap swim, and pool parties.  Additional information was presented on pre-season goals for both pool and city personnel and on the advantages of not offering pool passes.

She will investigate the number of swimmers allowed in the pool area.

She is excited about the upcoming season and reported that the staff is ready, willing, and able.  She has already received questions from patrons wanting to sign up for swimming lessons.


She also reported that Family and Consumer Sciences is looking for a place for a meeting with access to a swimming pool on August 6.

Under Concerns of the Council:

Council Member Pam Bales announced that the Flint Hill Regional Council will return to face-to-face meetings next month at the Alma Community Center on May 20 at 9:00.  All recommended Covid precautions will be practiced.  Part of the meeting will include a trip to the intersection of K99 and I-70 to view the new Travel Plaza site.

Council Member Karen Wright presented a check from the Alma Area Foundation for the 2020 annual distribution of the Kenneth and Bonnie Gnadt Bequest in the amount of $2,102.91.  The money is to be used for park improvements and must be matched by City funds.  At the present time the money is being saved for a future project.  One suggestion was to create a Bark Park to alleviate the problems at McKnight Field with people not only not cleaning up after their dogs, but also dogs causing damage to the infields of the ball fields.

Council Member Dan Deiter reported that the main roof on the Park House needs to be replaced soon.  At least one shingle was on the ground and there is damage to other shingles.  He also reported that the rocks protecting the park from trucks backing out of the post office has been hit again.  Camera footage concerning the accident will be investigated.  One solution is to add additional limestone rocks to protect the park.

Council Member Paul Gronquist reported that he has noticed that lights in the shelter house are not being turned off.  Council Member Deiter reported that he has noticed that the Park House porch has the same issue.  City Superintendent Slobodnik will check into the matter.


Mayor Maurice Baker reported that Hot Alma Nights will return in August if Covid restrictions are relaxed.  He also reported that Council Member Chris Torrey is still waiting test results and that well wishes for his swift recovery are much appreciated.

Mayor Baker also reported that City Clerk Sherry Smith had questions about the utilities at 506 Grand. 

At 7:45 CM Pam Bales moved to adjourn to 6:00 on May 4,2021 for regular city business at the Alma Community Center.  Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded.  Motion carried.

Pam Bales

Mayor Maurice Baker called the Public Hearing of the Alma City Council to order at 5:50 p.m. with the following Council Members present: Pam Bales, Paul Gronquist, and Chris Torrey. Council Member Dan Deiter arrived at 5:51 p.m. Council Member Karen Wright was absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order.  City representatives in attendance were City Utility Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Clerk Sherry Smith, Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva, City Marshal Jon Sielaff, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Bryan and Sharon McBride, Barb Frank, Bobby Daniel, Patricia Hornsby, Chris Degand, Sarah Degand and John Waugh-Attorney. 

There was discussion pertaining to the property at 506 Grand. In 2020 the City started legal proceedings to condemn the property after the homeowner passed away in 2019. City Attorney Tom Barnes addressed the council, he gave background information pertaining to the issues of the property. City Code Enforcement Officer Jon Sielaff gave an update on the property. Violations that he noted are as follows:

  • Rot on the outside of the structure.
  • The porch is pulling away from the structure.
  • The bay window has rot along the edges.

City Attorney Tom Barnes asked Jon if he thought the property was habitable in its current condition. In his opinion as Code Enforcement Officer, he does not believe it is. There is possible mold on the inside due to the elements entering where the structure is rotted. It looks as if caulking was used to close holes in the structure. It is now weather worn and cracked. He was asked if the property could be made habitable.  He replied that it might be possible, but he was not comfortable with giving a definite yes or no.

The family members of Candy Degand (deceased) addressed the council. They spent the week prior to the hearing cleaning and making repairs to the property.

April 30, 2021 is the soonest a court date could be set for the probate hearing.

After much discussion Council Member Chris Torrey moved to allow the family 30 days to bring the property into compliance with the following conditions.

  • They must pay a $200.00 deposit for utilities. It was decided to turn the water on so they could find and repair any leaks. The gas line needs to be pressure tested; gas will be turned on when the city has proof of ownership.
  • They will need to continue to work on resolving the issue with the title to the property.
  • They must repair the structure to bring it into compliance with City code.
  • City personnel must have access to the property to inspect utility connections.
  • They will return to the meeting on May 4, 2021 with an update on the property.
  • Rehab also includes the lawn.
  • They are to research if Medicaid will pursue the lien on the property since it is now being rehabbed instead of demolished.

Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

The public hearing ended at 6:26 p.m.

City Clerk


Mayor Maurice Baker called the Public Hearing of the Alma City Council to order at 5:45 p.m. with the following Council Members present: Pam Bales, and Dan Deiter. Council members Paul Gronquist, Chris Torrey, and Karen Wright were absent. Attorney Barnes said the meeting could start, but no action could be taken without a quorum being present. Mayor Baker opened the meeting to discussion on the issue and when Council Member Karen Wright arrived at 5:50 p.m. he declared that a quorum was present. City representatives in attendance were City Utility Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Clerk Sherry Smith, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Barb Frank and Bobby Daniel.

There was discussion pertaining to the property at 111 E 10th. At the public hearing on June 6, 2021, the property owner was given until August 17, 2021, to begin repairs on the property to bring it into compliance. If repairs had been started an extension of 30 days would be granted to complete the work. As of this date no repairs have been started. The property owner has taken possession of the house as the tenant has moved. The owner and the tenant were advised to present a bid from a contractor on the cost of repairs as well as a timeline to abate the situation. As of this meeting neither the property owner nor the tenant is present with the required documents. After much discussion Council Member Pam Bales moved to authorize the City Code Enforcement officer to obtain bids to remediate the porch and the other noncompliant items to bring the property back into compliance. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

At 5:55 p.m. Council Member Bales moved to close the public hearing, Member Deiter seconded and the motion carried,

Sherry Smith, Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in the continued, regular session at Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist and Karen Wright. Council Members Chris Torrey and Pam Bales were absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representative in attendance was Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva. Also, present were Bobby Daniel, Scott Hallenbeck, William Mah-Mahnoply Properties and Stan Jones- Stifel and Associates.

Public Comment: 

Bobby Daniel asked the council if building permits should be issued in Park Valley for lots that aren’t yet developed. Scott Hallenbeck also voiced concerns on current residents possibly not wanting curb and gutter put in. Maurice Baker has discussed the situation with William Mah, who said it will be hard to sell a house on a gravel road. Council advised that it will be discussed down the road with landowners once houses are built/sold. Maurice let William know it may be easier to do sewers for all houses at once, but he would have to do the work himself as the city does not have the equipment for the job that needs done. The City may have pipe that they could supply for it. Maurice stated we can go over things when it gets closer to the time and discuss further action at that time.

There was no public comment.


Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to pass Resolution 2021-11. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded the motion. Motion Carried

Resolution 2021-11



Stan Jones of Stifel and Associates presented the bond and temp note agreement for refinancing the gas line project.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to pass Resolution 2021-12, Council Member Dan Deiter Seconded. Motion Carried.


Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to pass Ordinance #526, Bond agreement. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion Carried.


Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to pass Resolution 2021-13, Council Member Dan Deiter seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Stan left the meeting at 6:30 p.m.

Council Reports

There were no reports from the Council.

At 6:33 p.m. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to August 3rd, 2021, at Alma City Hall at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded this motion. 

Motion carried Meeting adjourned.

Lindsey Silva, Assistant City Clerk

Mayor Maurice Baker called the meeting of the Alma City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following Council Members present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, and Karen Wright. Council Members Paul Gronquist and Chris Torrey were absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Marshal Jon Sielaff and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Bobby Daniel and Kevin Griffith.

Public Comment:

Kevin Griffith asked the Council to approve and sign the quit claim deed that City Attorney Tom Barnes prepared. This deed is giving the portion of city property that the house sits on to the current owners. A motion was made by Council Member Pam Bales that the Mayor be authorized to execute the deed on behalf of the City. Said motion was seconded by Council Member Dan Deiter, and upon being put for a vote, was duly approved by the City Council. Mayor Maurice Baker signed the deed and City Clerk Sherry Smith attested. Kevin left the meeting at 6:10 p.m.

Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of the September 7, 2021 regular meeting as corrected. Dan Deiter seconded, and the motion carried.

Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of the September 7, 2021 public hearing meeting as presented. Dan Deiter seconded, and the motion carried.

Dan Deiter moved to approve the bills in the amount of $95,315.55, Karen Wright seconded, and the motion carried.


City Clerk Sherry Smith submitted a request to attend Clerks School in Wichita Kansas.


was considered and discussed. Council Member Pam Bales moved that said Resolution be passed. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded this motion. Motion carried. Mayor Maurice Baker declared said Resolution be adopted and the Resolution was then duly numbered Resolution 2021-13 and was signed by the council members present and approved by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk.

City Clerk Sherry Smith submitted a list of lifeguards that met the requirements to be reimbursed for training. Council Member Pam Bales moved to reimburse the lifeguards. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

She also presented the 2022 rates for health insurance.

City Marshal Jon Sielaff reported on the following:

  • He asked about getting bids for the property at 111 W 10th street to repair the areas that are currently in non-compliance. It was decided to take bids for 30 days from the first publication date.
  • He said that the property owner of 217 E 3rd had asked him to assist with an eviction notice. He informed her that the City does not do this, so she would need to contact the County.
  • He asked about the ordinance pertaining to speed limits. City Attorney Tom Barnes said for Jon to get him the locations and he would draw up the ordinance.
  • He reported on the fire at 402 E 3rd.
  • He asked about following up on a resolution that was passed for the property at 811 Missouri. The property owners have stalled on bringing the property back into compliance. It was decided for the City Marshal to visit with the property owners before moving forward with acting on the resolution that had previously been passed.

Council Member Dan Deiter asked about the property at 506 Grand. City Clerk Sherry Smith reported that the crew moving the structure has filled out a moving permit, and that they still have minor issues to take care of before moving the structure.

Council Member Pam Bales asked about the property at 915 Kansas.

Member Pam Bales asked about the councils’ thoughts on bees. It was decided to table the issue until there is a full Council present. She also gave an update on the Flint Hills Regional Council.

Council Member Dan Deiter asked about the sidewalk on the north side of 6th Street between Missouri Street and Ohio Street. He commented that the millings on the triangle by the welcome to Alma sign are holding up well.

Mayor Baker reported that he had checked the burn site for unauthorized items that had been placed there. There are several items that are not allowed at the burn site. It was discussed to place a camera at the burn site to monitor illegal activity.

At 6:47 Council Member Pam Bales moved to go into executive session for 30 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel and to have City Attorney Tom Barnes present. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Marshal Jon Sielaff and Bobby Daniel left the meeting.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to extend executive session for 30 minutes. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

County Sheriff Rob Hoskins joined the executive session at 7:05 p.m.

At 7:48 p.m. the regular council meeting resumed, and Sheriff Hoskins left the meeting.

There was no action taken following the executive session. 

At 8:00 p.m. Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to October 4, 2021 at 6:00 p.m, for regular city business. Member Dan Deiter seconded, and the motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

Mayor Maurice Baker called the meeting of the Alma City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following Council Members present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, and Karen Wright. Council Members Paul Gronquist and Chris Torrey were absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order.  City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Sam Johnson-BG Consultants, Morgan Holloman, and Barb Frank.

Public Comment: 

Morgan let the Council know that on October 21, 2021 they will be hosting a grand opening event at the Antique Store. The event will take place from around 5:00p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Council Member Bales asked about the opening date for the new apartments.  Some should be ready in the next month or so and hopefully all eight will be available iin December.  Morgan left the meeting at 6:02 p.m.

Barb Frank asked about using the water at the cemetery to water the grass on her mother’s grave. If she was using too much she will pay. Michael replied that is what the water is for, and that no fees will be charged.

Sam Johnson gave an update on the 2nd phase of the gas line project - the timeline to award the project to a contractor on March 1, 2022 with a project completion date of March 1, 2023. The environmental review for CDBG is completed, as well as the preliminary surveys for the existing gas alignment, approximate location of rural water line, existing right away sand existing easement alignment have been established. 

  • The Preliminary gas alignment has been designed.
  • New permanent easement will be needed in several locations depending on final alignment. 
  • New temporary easements will be needed along entire project.
  • Recommend obtaining title reports for all properties along the gas alignment. Council Member Pam Bales moved to authorize Lawyer Title of Kansas to prepare title reports. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.
  • They will coordinate with Wabaunsee Rural Water District 2 for water line placement. 

Bids to paint the water tower were submitted, they are as follow:

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the bid submitted by Suez, contingent upon additional funding by ARPA. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Sam left the meeting at 6:30 p.m.

Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of the September 24, 2021 regular meeting as corrected.  Dan Deiter seconded, and the motion carried.

Dan Deiter moved to approve the bills in the amount of $59,237.54, Karen Wright seconded, and the motion carried.

Council Member Pam Bales reported on the condition and use of the Community Center. After much discussion it was decided to increase the deposit to $100.00 as well as increasing the rental fee as follows:

  • Upstairs All Day $50.00, half a day (6-8 hours) $30.00, 2-3 hours $20.00
  • Basement All Day $30.00, half a day (6-8) hours $20.00, 2-3 hours $10.00.

An ad for a Community Center Manager/Cleaner will be placed in local papers after the next meeting.

City Clerk Sherry Smith asked the Council if a decision had been made regarding the rates of the 2022 Employee Health Insurance. After much discussion Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the City cap on Plan A Employee only to be $900.00. Council Member Karen Wright seconded. Motion carried. 

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported that he, Assistant Superintendent Trent Viergever and Lineman Curtis Havenstein met with Mike Schmattrer, engineer for KMEA, regarding the electrical issues experienced in late summer. He also asked to roll any money left over for street repairs this summer into Capital Outlay to be used next summer.

Council Member Pam Bales gave an update on the Flint Hills Regional Council.

Council Member Karen Wright did not have anything to report.

Council Member Dan Deiter did not have anything to report.

Mayor Maurice Baker did not have anything to report.

At 7:25 Council Member Pam Bales moved to go into executive session for 10 minutes for attorney client privilege involving property acquisition and to have City Attorney Tom Barnes and City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik present. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Barb Frank left meeting.

At 7:35 p.m. the regular meeting continued. There was no action taken coming out of executive session.

At 7:35 p.m. Pam Bales moved to go into executive session for 10 minutes for non-elected personnel and to have City Attorney Tom Barnes Present. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Michael Slobodnik left the meeting at 7:40 p.m.

At 7:45 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to extend executive session for 5 minutes. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

At 7:48 p.m. the regular council meeting resumed.

There was no action taken following the executive session.  

At 7:48 p.m. Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to October 19, 2021 at 6:00 p.m, for regular city business.  Member Dan Deiter seconded, and the motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

Mayor Maurice Baker called the meeting of the Alma City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following Council Members present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, and Karen Wright. Council Members Paul Gronquist and Chris Torrey were absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Bobby Daniel, City Council-elect Don Westhoff, Barbara Frank, and Michelle Neill.

Public Comment:

Bobby Daniel asked about the plans for infrastructure at the housing development at Park Valley. Attorney Barnes explained how the proposed financing project proposed by Mr. Vogel on Mr. Mah’s behalf will work. There is a handout available at City Hall on this subject.

Attorney Barnes also reported that Bluemark is planning on taking the City to Federal Court over difference of opinion on costs owed by the City from last February’s cold snap. The Council authorized Attorney Barnes to accept the service of the paperwork from Bluemark to the City. He will have twenty-one days to file his reply or he can request on behalf of the City a two-week extension if necessary. He assured the Council he will have the reply ready within the twenty-one days.

Michelle Neill discussed the position of Community Center manager with the Council. She had a few questions about items that need attention and how return of deposits will be handled if renters fail to meet requirements of the condition at the end of their rental period. She also requested that Kaw Valley Exterminators be contacted to add rodent control to their present agreement with the City. Council Member Bales moved to approve Michelle Neill in this position at the requested salary. Council Member Wright seconded and the motion carried.

Christie Hitch of Tri-County Trash removal requested a two dollar increase to residents’ trash removal fee to allow for her increased costs. Council Member Deiter moved to approve the increase, Council Member Wright seconded and the motion carried. Barbara Frank inquired about the charge for excessive trash and if it was being raised as well. The request from Ms. Hitch was for regular trash removal.

Council Member Bales moved to approve the November 15, 2021 minutes as presented with Council Member Deiter seconding. Motion carried.

Council Member Deiter moved to approve bill payment, Council Member Wright seconding, and the motion carried.

Alma City Liquor Licenses were approved for the following:

Karen Wright dba Wright Retail Liquor Store. Dan Deiter so moved, Pam Bales seconded, and the motion carried. Karen Wright abstained.

Justin Miller dba A and E Liquor, LLC. Dan Deiter so moved, Pam Bales seconded, and the motion carried.

Alma City Cereal Malt Beverages licenses were approved for the following:

Karen Wright dba Stop 2 Shop. Dan Deiter so moved, Pam Bales seconded, and motion carried. Karen Wright abstained.

David Hedges dba DJ’s Bar and Grill. Dan Deiter so moved, Pam Bales seconded, and the motion carried.

2022 Plumbing licenses were approved for the following:

Paul Odell of PK Mechanical, Inc. Dan Deiter so moved, Pam Bales seconded, and the motion carried.

Brad Heinisch of Central Mechanical Construction. Dan Deiter so moved, Pam Bales seconded, and the motion carried.

Don Frank of Frank’s Heating and Plumbing. Dan Deiter so moved, Pam Bales seconded, and the motion carried.

John Whitaker of Whitaker Heating and Plumbing. Dan Deiter so moved, Pam Bales seconded, and the motion carried.

AN ORDINANCE INCORPORATING CURRENT VERSIONS OF THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE, INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE AND NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND CODE PROVISIONS OR PARTS THEREOF THAT ARE IN CONFLICT WITH THE SAME. was considered and discussed. Council Member Dan Deiter moved that said Ordinance be passed. Council Member Karen Wright seconded this motion. The motion carried by the vote being as follows:

Council Member Pam Bales: yes

Council Member Dan Deiter: yes

Council Member Karen Wright: yes

Mayor Maurice Baker declared said Ordinance be adopted. The Ordinance was numbered Ordinance 529, was signed and approved by the Mayor Maurice Baker and attested by the City Clerk.

AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY OF ALMA ZONING REGULATIONS TO ALLOW BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS REVIEW OF BUILDING PERMITS DENIED ON THE BASIS OF ZONING ISSUES, AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND CODE PROVISIONS OR PARTS THEREOF THAT ARE IN CONFLICT WITH THE SAME was considered and discussed. Council Member Dan Deiter moved that said Ordinance be passed. Council Member Karen Wright seconded this motion. The motion carried by the vote being as follows:

Council Member Pam Bales: yes

Council Member Dan Deiter: yes

Council Member Karen Wright: yes

Mayor Maurice Baker declared said Ordinance be adopted. The Ordinance was numbered Ordinance 530, was signed and approved by the Mayor Maurice Baker and attested by the City Clerk.

City Superintendent Slobodnik reported requested continuing month to month gas nomination from Encore as he did in November. Council Member Bales moved to approve monthly nomination from Encore with Council Member Deiter seconding. The motion carried.

Under concerns of the Council Member Wright asked if the City is vacuuming leaves from the gutters as it has in the past. Yes, the City is doing working on getting this done, Mayor Baker made some modifications to make handing the task bit easier.

Council Member Bales reported that the Flint Hills Regional Council is raising dues from the present sixty cents to ninety cents per capita starting in January. The FHRC provided information showing its value over the past year to the City to warrant an increase in dues. This will be voted on when the invoice is presented in January 2022.

Council Member Bales inquired as well about an ordinance governing placement and size of signage on Missouri Street. This will be researched.

At 7:20 Council Member Deiter moved for a fifteen-minute executive session for non-elected personnel with Council and Attorney included in the session, Council Member Wright seconded and the motion carried. Bobby Daniel, Don Westhoff, Barbara Frank, Michelle Neill, and Michael Slobodnik exited the meeting at this time.

The regular meeting resumed at 7:35 with Bobby Daniel, Don Westhoff and Michael Slobodnik returning to the meeting.

Council Member Deiter moved to ratify the mayor’s dismissal of Jonathan Sielaff as Alma City Marshall as of November 16, 2021. Council Member Wright seconded and the motion carried.

Advertisements for a new marshal will be sent out at the earliest opportunity.

At 7:40 Council Member Bales moved to adjourn to December 21, 2021 at 6:00 p.m, for regular city business at the Alma Community Center. Member Dan Deiter seconded, and the motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.
Pam Bales, Council President

Mayor Maurice Baker called the meeting of the Alma City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following Council Members present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, and Karen Wright. Council Members Paul Gronquist and Chris Torrey were absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order.  City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Sam Johnson-BG Consultants, Bobby Daniel, City Council-elect Don Westhoff, Barb Frank, Charles McGhee, and Ross Vogel.   Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever arrived at 6:20 p.m.

Public Comment: 

Ross Vogel visited with the council about different financing options regarding the development at Park Valley. Mr. Vogel will send information to City Attorney Tom Barnes. Ross left the meeting at 6:28 p.m.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik left the meeting at 6:20 p.m.

Sam Johnson reported that Railpros (Phase 1 of the gas line project) has stated they have an invoice for $14,800.00 which was due last year but was lost in personnel changes.  Northern Pipeline paid the invoice and requests reimbursement. After much discussion, it was decided that Sam would send all agreements and correspondence with Railpros to City Attorney Tom Barnes.  He will report to the council next month. Sam gave an update on the 2nd phase of the gas line project. It was the consensus of the council to allow BG Consultants to begin the centerline descriptions as outlined under the additional services part of the agreements. Sam left the meeting at 6:56 p.m.

Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of the November 1, 2021 regular meeting as submitted.  Dan Deiter seconded, and the motion carried.

Dan Deiter moved to approve the bills in the amount of $172,461.52, Karen Wright seconded, and the motion carried.


was considered and discussed.  Council Member Pam Bales moved that said Resolution be passed.  Council Member Karen Wright seconded this motion.  Motion carried.  Mayor Maurice Baker declared said Resolution be adopted and the Resolution was then duly numbered Resolution 2021-14 and was signed and approved by the Mayor, attested by the City Clerk, and signed by council members.

City Clerk Smith thanked the Council for allowing her to attend the first year of Clerks School. She added that she would like to arrange for Assistant Clerk Silva to attend future sessions when possible.  Cross training is important when there is a small staff.

Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever reported that BlueMark Energy has terminated the contract with the City. The termination is due to high gas prices last February and ongoing investigations into the legality of the charges. After much discussion the council moved to accept Encore on a one-month basis. During this time City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik will contact other natural gas suppliers to get more information. The lift station was inspected with minor infractions.

Council Member Pam Bales gave an update on the Flint Hills Regional Council.

Council Member Karen Wright did not have anything to report.

Council Member Dan Deiter reported that he talked with Blue Stem Auto concerning a truck illegally parked in the alley behind the Pius X building for at least two weeks.  Blue Stem Auto personnel moved the truck that same day.  

Mayor Maurice Baker presented a bid from Michelle Neill for cleaning the community center. After much discussion it was decided to invite Michelle to the next meeting.

At 7:30 Council Member Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session for 30 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel and to have City Attorney Tom Barnes present. Council Member Karen Wright seconded. Motion carried.

Barb Frank and Bobby Daniel left the meeting

At 8:00 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to extend executive session for 10 minutes. Council Member Karen Wright seconded. Motion carried.

Michael Slobodnik returned to the meeting at 8:01 p.m.

At 8:10 p.m. the regular council meeting resumed.

There was no action taken following the executive session.  

At 8:19 p.m. Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to December 7, 2021 at 6:00 p.m, for regular city business.  Member Dan Deiter seconded, and the motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma Community Center, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist and Karen Wright. Council Member Chris Torrey was absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also, present were Bobby Daniel, Barbara Frank, Bobby Thompson, Council Member Elect Don Westhoff, and Sam Johnson.

Public Comment:  

There was no public comment.

Bobby Thompson visited with the Council about the Flint Hills Gravel Bike ride he would like to have in Alma July 8 and 9, 2022. The race will start and end in Alma. There will be an overnight race starting on Friday evening and ending Saturday morning. As well as two other shorter daytime races starting Saturday morning. He will attend a future meeting with more details.  He has run a similar event from his hometown of Americus and is planning on doing the same thing in other areas in the Flint Hills.  He left the meeting at 6:15 p.m.

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the minutes of December 21, 2021, as corrected. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the minutes of the Public Hearing of December 21, 2021, as corrected. Council Member Pam Bales seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $ 192,734.22. Council Member Karen Wright seconded. Motion carried.

Council Members Dan Deiter and Don Westhoff were sworn into office by City Clerk Sherry Smith.

Mayor Maurice Baker was sworn into office by City Clerk Sherry Smith. 

Outgoing Council Member Karen Wright left the meeting at 6:26 p.m.

Sam Johnson gave an update on the gas line project. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to authorize BG Consultants to advertise the project. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried. A special meeting will be held on February 22, 2022, to open bids for the gas line project.

A 2022 Plumbing license was approved for the following:

Vincent Glotzbach of Bill’s Heating and Plumbing.  Don Westhoff so moved, Dan Deiter seconded, and the motion carried.

Council Member Pam Bales asked about continuing the city’s membership with Flint Hills Regional Council. Council Pam Bales moved to approve the membership at a cost of $721.80 for the year of 2022. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to appoint Pam Bales as representative for Alma for Flint Hills Regional Council. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  1. She reported that she has completed the required number of hours and passed the classes to obtain the Clerks Year 1 certification.
  2. Several citizens have called with concerns about snow on the sidewalks not being cleared.
  3. She asked about staying late a few evenings so people could come get 2022 City dog tags. Council approved. Notice will be sent out pertaining to the dates.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik gave an update on the easements pertaining to the gas line project. Council Member Dan Deiter asked City Attorney Tom Barnes to prepare a transfer of ownership to Wamego Telecommunications for the vacated gas line under the Kansas River bridge.

Mayor Maurice Baker asked about the water level at the city lake.  Michael will have someone check.

Council Reports

Council Member Paul Gronquist reported that he would not be able to attend the January 18th meeting.

Council Member Pam Bales asked about the property at 506 Grand. Mayor Maurice Baker replied that he had contacted the owner.

Council Member Dan Deiter asked about the lawsuit with BlueMark Energy. City Attorney Tom Barnes reported the steps that have been taken by his staff as well as City staff.

Council Member Don Westhoff has received several calls from citizens commenting that the City seems to put more emphasis on residential properties regarding non-compliance rather than businesses properties. Mayor Maurice Baker stated that the process starts either from the Code Enforcement Officer or when a written complaint about a particular property is received. The code enforcement officer then addresses the issue. City Attorney Tom Barnes also gave a timeline of the legal aspect of a non-compliance property. 

Maurice Baker asked if the letter for Alma Manor to utilize the community center in an emergency has been sent. City Clerk Sherry Smith reported that it has.

The Council examined the current applications for the position of City Marshall.  City Clerk Sherry Smith reported that there are additional applications.   

Barbara Frank asked if there is a permit required to bring a trailer home into the city limits. “Trailers” are no longer allowed to be moved into town but modular homes are.

At 7:44 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn the meeting to January 18, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business.  Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded this motion.  Motion carried. 


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

Mayor Maurice Baker called the public hearing of the Alma City Council to order at 5:45 p.m. with the following Council Members present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist and Karen Wright. Council Member Chris Torrey was absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order.  City representatives in attendance were City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Clerk Sherry Smith, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Bobby Daniel, City Council-elect Don Westhoff, Ruth Van Houten, Jim and Paula Fairchild, and Ross Vogel 

The purpose of this hearing is to consider an alleged nuisance complaint as regards the property at 109 E 2nd Street. It is alleged that the property in question is not in compliance with the City’s code. The City’s code enforcement officer testified as to the condition of the property pointing out the following:

  • All structures need scraped and painted.
  • There are several holes in the exterior walls and soffit of the residence, particularly the soffit on the west side of the residence and underneath the wooden porch. The west side soffit was patched over with metal sheeting, but the sheeting is no longer attached to the structure.
  • The porch has settled significantly away from the structure.
  • Several windows need repair.
  • The shed/garage in the backyard is structurally unsound.

The owners provided testimony that they have started to clean some items out of the shed/garage and will continue to do so. They intend to make all repairs to bring the property into compliance, but will need time to do so.  

Having an opportunity to consider the testimony and to deliberate, the Council made the following findings and rulings:

  • The structures at the above property are dangerous and/or unsafe and/or unfit for human habitation.
  • All structures need scraped and painted.
  • There are several holes in the exterior walls and soffit of the residence, particularly the soffit on the west side of the residence and underneath the wooden porch. The west side soffit was patched over with metal sheeting, but the sheeting is no longer attached to the structure.
  • The porch has settled significantly away from the structure.
  • Several windows need repair.
  • The shed/garage in the backyard is structurally unsound.

The owners of the above property shall be allowed to continue with their efforts to repair and improve the above property to the Code Enforcement Officer’s satisfaction.  The property owners are directed to attend the Council Meeting to occur on February 15, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. to which this public hearing shall be continued and are to provide the Council with an update of progress being made to bring the property back into compliance with the City’s code and to provide an estimate from a contractor on costs to restore the structures to compliance. City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik will inspect the property prior to that meeting and report back with his findings.

Therefore this hearing is continued to February 2022 at 6:00 p.m. It is so ordered.



Mayor Maurice Baker called the meeting of the Alma City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following Council Members present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist and Karen Wright. Council Member Chris Torrey was absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order.  City representatives in attendance were City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Clerk Sherry Smith, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Bobby Daniel, City Council-elect Don Westhoff, Barbara Frank, and Ross Vogel 

Public Comment: 

Ross Vogel gave an update on the RHID program to fund the infrastructure at Park Valley on the undeveloped lots. After much discussion he asked the council to consider a resolution to move forward with asking the state for an approval.


was considered and discussed.  Council Member Pam Bales moved that said Resolution be passed.  Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded this motion.  Motion carried.  Mayor Maurice Baker declared said Resolution be adopted and the Resolution was then duly numbered Resolution 2021-15 and was signed and approved by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk. 

Ross left the meeting at 6:32 p.m.

Bobby Daniel asked about other properties in Alma that are not in compliance. 

Barb Frank asked if there was a timeline for the property at 506 Grand to be cleaned up. Mayor Maurice Baker will contact the owner.

Council Member Bales moved to approve the December 7, 2021 minutes as presented with Council Member Deiter seconding.  Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve bill payment, Council Member Dan Deiter seconding, and the motion carried.

Alma City Cereal Malt Beverages licenses were approved for the following:

Juan Lopez aba El Corral.  Pam Bales so moved, Dan Deiter seconded, and motion carried.  

Alma City Liquor Licenses were approved for the following:

Justin Miller dba A and E Liquor, LLC.  Dan Deiter so moved, Pam Bales seconded, and the motion carried.

2022 Plumbing licenses were approved for the following:

Luke Dumler of McElroy’s.  Pam Bales so moved, Paul Gronquist seconded, and the motion carried.

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported that Bobby Thompson would like to start and finish a dirt road bike ride. Mr. Thompson will come to a future meeting with more details.

City Superintendent Slobodnik reported that he has met with Sam Johnson of BG Consults regarding new streets at Park Valley. He also gave an update on clean up after the windstorm on December 15, 2021.

Council Member Pam Bales reported that Flint Hills Regional Council will be increasing the annual dues starting in 2022. She also asked if there was an update on the possible dog park.

Council Member Karen Wright did not have anything to report.

Council Member Paul Gronquist asked if there was an update on the water tower to be placed on Purple Wave. City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik said that he had other things he would like to place on Purple Wave and will do that soon.

Council Member Dan Deiter did not have anything to report.

Mayor Maurice Baker reported that he had visited with an individual about a storage container on their property. It will be removed soon.

At 6:54 p.m Council Member Deiter moved for a ten-minute executive session for non-elected personnel with Council, City Clerk Sherry Smith and Attorney included in the session, Council Member Pam Bales seconded and the motion carried.  Bobby Daniel, Don Westhoff, Barbara Frank, and Michael Slobodnik exited the meeting at this time.

The regular meeting resumed at 7:04 with Bobby Daniel, Don Westhoff and Michael Slobodnik returning to the meeting.

There was no action taken coming out of executive session.

City Attorney Tom Barnes left at 7:12 p.m.

At 7:15 p.m Council Member Deiter moved for a one-hour executive session for non-elected personnel with Council, and City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik included in the session, Council Member Pam Bales seconded and the motion carried.  Bobby Daniel, Don Westhoff, Barbara Frank, and Sherry Smith exited the meeting at this time.

Michael Slobodnik left the executive session at 7:45 p.m.

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to extend the executive session at 8:15 p.m. for fifteen minutes. Council Member Pam Bales seconded. Motion carried.

The regular meeting continued at 8:30 p.m.

Coming out of executive session Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve employee wages as recommended. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

The Council and City staff would like to thank BG Consultants for the blankets.

At 8:34 Council Member Bales moved to adjourn to January 4, 2022 at 6:00 p.m, for regular city business at the Alma Community Center.  Member Paul Gronquist seconded, and the motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma Community Center, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist and Don Westhoff. Council Member Chris Torrey was absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also, present was Bobby Daniel.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve adding the Approval of Assignment and Bill of Sale for the former gas pipeline under the K-99 bridge south of Wamego to the agenda. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Public Comment: 

Bobby Daniel asked about the cost estimate to put in curb and gutter and streets at the Park Valley addition. Sam Johnson of BG Consultants gave an estimate in the amount of $ 54,863.14 per lot. 

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the minutes of January 4, 2022, as corrected. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $128,560.88. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

A meeting request for City Clerk Sherry Smith to attend the 2022 CCMOFA Clerks conference in Manhattan, KS on March 16-18 was approved.  It was suggested that Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva might attend as well.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the Assignment and Bill of Sale for the former city gas line on the Kansas River bridge to Wamego Telecommunications. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

A RESOLUTION OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF ALMA, KANSAS DETERMINING THAT THE CITY IS CONSIDERING ESTABLISHING A RURAL HOUSING INCENTIVE DISTRICT WITHIN THE CITY AND ADOPTING A PLAN FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF HOUSING AND PUBLIC FACILITIES IN SUCH PROPOSED DISTRICT; ESTABLISHING THE DATE AND TIME OF A PUBLIC HEARING ON SUCH MATTER AND PROVIDING FOR THE GIVING OF NOTICE OF SUCH PUBLIC HEARING (PARK VALLEY ADDITION RURAL HOUSING INCENTIVE DISTRICT) was considered and discussed.  Council Member Pam Bales moved that said Resolution be passed.  Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded this motion.  Motion carried.  Mayor Maurice Baker declared said Resolution be adopted and the Resolution was then duly numbered Resolution 2022-2 and was signed and approved by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk.

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported the main copier in the office is going to need to be updated soon. It was decided to get bids for a replacement either by leasing or purchasing.   She also gave an update on obtaining easements for the gas line project.

Council Member Dan Deiter will visit with City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik regarding the bridge at the intersection of K-99 Highway and 8th Street.

City Attorney Tom Barnes gave an update regarding the ARPA funds. Entities now have more options on which to spend the funds than previously reported.

Council Reports

Council Member Pam Bales gave an update on the Flint Hills Regional Council.

Council Member Don Westhoff asked about fixing the asphalt on East 9th Street between Ohio and Grand at the entrance to the school district because the asphalt is popping up. He will visit with City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik about this.

Council Member Paul Gronquist reported that a driver for the post office is having trouble with backing up to the deck to collect mail with the cars and trailers being parked in the alley.

At 6:30 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to go into executive session for 10 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel to include City Attorney Tom Barnes. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

City Clerk Sherry Smith and Bobby Daniel left the meeting.

There was no action taken coming out of executive session.

At 6:40 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales move to go into executive session to discuss Real Estate Acquisition to include City Attorney Tom Barnes. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried. 

The regular meeting continued at 6:46 p.m.

City Clerk Sherry Smith returned to the meeting.

There was no action taken coming out of executive session.

Mayor Maurice Baker was asked by William Mah if there will be sidewalks in Park Valley in the existing easements.

Council Member Paul Gronquist asked about sending Lindsey Silva to the Clerks conference in March. It was decided she could attend.

At 6:48 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn the meeting to the Alma Community Center on February 1, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business.  Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded, and the motion carried. 


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

Mayor Maurice Baker called the meeting of the Alma City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. with the following Council Members present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist and Karen Wright. Council Member Chris Torrey was absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order.  City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Keith Eyestone, William Mah, Barb Frank, and Bobby Daniel.

Public Comment: 

Barb Frank talked about the 3% fee that is added to her WTC bill each month. This fee is for cable T.V.  WTC has given several reasons why this charge is being added. She was told that the City of Alma requested the fee, in turn the city will receive money quarterly for this charge. The City will call WTC to ask exactly what the charge is for. She also asked if there was a deadline for the new owners of 506 Grand to remove the trailer. It was decided to City Marshal Jon Sielaff will contact the owner.

There was discussion about resolution 2021-14. Council Member Pam Bales moved to table the resolution till the November 15, 2021 meeting. Council Member Paul seconded. Motion carried.

Alma Manor has asked that the city provide an official letter on city letterhead that gives them permission to use the community center during an emergency. City Clerk Sherry Smith will write the letter and send to City Attorney Tom Barnes for final approval.

At 6:30 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session for 10 minutes for attorney client privilege involving property acquisition and to have City Attorney Tom present. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

William Mah and Keith Eyestone left the meeting at 6:35 p.m.

At 6:40 p.m. the regular meeting continued. There was no action taken coming out of executive session.

City Attorney Tom Barnes left the meeting at 6:40 p.m.

Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of the October 4, 2021 regular meeting as submitted.  Dan Deiter seconded, and the motion carried.

Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $90,153.26, Dan Deiter seconded, and the motion carried.

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported that the locks at the community center will be changed.

She also gave an update on Clerks School.

City Marshal Jon Sielaff reported that Halloween night went without any incidents. He gave an update on the property at 110 E 10th Street. It was decided to table any further action to give the new owners a chance to bring everything into compliance. Council Member Dan Deiter asked to have the truck that has been dropped off at Blue Stem Auto moved, it is blocking the alley and is parked illegally. Dan also asked to check whether all 4 dogs at 910 Kansas have current City Tags.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • The guidelines have been broadened regarding the American Rescue Act. After some discussion it was decided to leave the city applications as they were submitted.
  • He submitted a bid in the amount of $2,717.00 to repair the jib on the bucket truck. Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the repair in the amount of $2,717.00. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.
  • USD 329 has submitted receipts for damages that occurred during the power outages this past summer. They have been turned into the city’s insurance company for investigation.
  • Sam Johnson has recommended that the city remove approximately 2,300 feet of gas line directly north of I-70 from the Phase 2 Project Scope. KDOT will be installing a “Shoofly” detour on the west side of the existing highway K-99 alignment that is in direct conflict with the proposed gas line alignment. Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the removal of 2,300 feet of gas line from Phase 2. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.
  • Sam Johnson has also provided guidelines for residents who wish to be compensated for their easement pertaining to the gas line project.
  • He gave an update on the homes being built at Park Valley.
  • Mayor Maurice Baker has installed the syphon at the city lake. Currently 60 pounds of water is being released per minute. In the future a grate type structure will be built to protect the syphon from debris clogging it.

Council Member Pam Bales discussed the ad for the position of manager/cleaner at the community center. 

Council Reports

Council Member Pam Bales gave an update on the Flint Hills Regional Council. 

Council Member Karen Wright did not have anything to report.

Council Member Dan Deiter emailed KDOT regarding the gasline conduit under the bridge on Highway K-99. KDOT is preparing a contract with WTC to take possession of the old pipeline. He also visited with an individual regarding financing the street work at Park Valley where the new homes are being built. He will try to have more information at the next council meeting. He thanked Michael for putting up the sign across Missouri Street.  There has already been interest from other organizations to have similar signs for various events.

Council Member Paul Gronquist asked if Purple Wave is doing anything about the water tower. Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported that he is going to place other items on Purple Wave and will inquire about the water tower again.

Mayor Maurice Baker did not have anything to report.

City Marshal Jon Sielaff reported that the lights on the patrol truck tend to flicker. After much discussion it was decided to obtain quotes to replace the light bar as the current one is old.

At 7:30 p.m. Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to Monday, November 15, 2021 at 6:00 p.m, for regular city business.  Member Paul Gronquist seconded, and the motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

At 5:45 p.m. Mayor Maurice baker called the public hearing, regarding a non-compliance property at 109 E 2nd Street to order with the following Council Members present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist and Don Westhoff. Council Member Chris Torrey was absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also, present was Barbara Frank, Bobby Daniel, Ruth Van Houten, Paula and Jim Fairchild, Sam Johnson of BG Consultants, Jim MacGregor of Wabaunsee County Economic Development and Michelle Neill. 

Discussion centered on the property at 109 E 2nd Street. Progress has been made on the cleanup. It was decided to extend the clean-up process until June 21, 2021. At this time, they will need to return to the council meeting to give an update. 

A RESOLUTION IN THE CITY OF ALMA, KANSAS, RECORDING THE DETERMINATION OF THE GOVERNING BODY FOLLOWING A HEARING PURSUANT TO SECTION 4-607 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF ALMA REGARDING CONDEMNATION OF STRUCTURE(S) AT 109 E 2ND STREET, ALMA, WABAUNSEE COUNTY, KANSAS PURSUANT TO CITY OF ALMA, ORDINANCE NO. 365 CHAPTER VIII, ARTICLE TWO was considered and discussed.  Council Member Pam Bales moved that said Resolution be passed.  Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded this motion.  Motion carried.  Mayor Maurice Baker declared said Resolution be adopted and the Resolution was then duly numbered Resolution 2022-1 and was signed and approved by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk.

Ruth, Paula and Jim left the meeting at 5:57 p.m.

At 5:57 p.m. Mayor Maurice Baker declared the public hearing was closed and called the regular meeting to order with the following council members present Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist and Don Westhoff. Council Member Chris Torrey was absent.

Public Comment: 

Bobby Daniel had several questions about the RHID resolution. 

Sam Johnson gave an update on the gas line project. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve Amendment No. 1 to the Design Contract. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Jim MacGregor of Wabaunsee County Economic Development visited with the council about the city possibly supplying the water to the Travel Center on I-70 and K-99 Highway. After much discussion it was decided to investigate the matter in more detail. 

Jim and Sam left the meeting at 6:43 p.m.

Michelle Neill addressed the council about cleanliness of the community center after it has been rented. It was reiterated that if the center is not clean after the rental period, the entire deposit will not be returned.  She also asked about getting the floors redone since has been years since that has been done.  It was decided that the floors need to be redone. She asked about the possibility of purchasing new rugs through a different company. She talked about the concrete pad in front of the basement door as it needs to be replaced. There was also discussion about the retaining wall by the basement. It was decided to put it out for bids. Michelle left the meeting at 7:03 p.m.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of February 1, 2022, as corrected. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $347,047.70. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

City Clerk Sherry Smith presented the quote to lease a copier as compared to purchase one outright. After much discussion it was decided to purchase a copier. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to allow the purchase a copier up to the amount of $3,600.00. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried. With the deadline approaching to purchase 2022 City Dog Tags, she asked about appointing an animal control officer to issue citations for those who have not purchased a current tag. It was decided that a list of individuals who did not purchase a current tag would be sent to City Attorney Tom Barnes, and he would see that long-form Complaints and Affidavits were filed with the Municipal Court to have those in violation of the City Code provisions requiring annual registration of pets cited and fined.  She also asked about consolidating the city chart of accounts. All council members agreed it would be good to update/consolidate the accounts in the City’s accounting software, but it was decided to get a accurate estimate of the cost of doing so before moving forward. City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported that he visited with Wabaunsee County about painting stripes on the East 11th Street.  The County will provide the cost closer to when the work will be done. He attended the City of McFarland council meeting last week. He gave them an update on the lawsuit with BlueMark Energy, as well as asked if there were any changes that they would like to make to the service that they contract out with Alma. He will attend McFarland’s next meeting for further discussion.  He asked about using ARPA funds to service the 4 Hi-Service pumps and backwash pumps at the water plant. After much discussion, it was decided that he will put this out for bids. He has also talked to Brown’s Chevrolet about purchasing a new truck for the City Marshal. With the fleet program discount, a truck will cost $37,500.00. It was decided to get quotes from other dealerships. 

End of the Year transfer requests were presented to the council. $88,000.00 was transferred to Capital Outlay. $7,000.00 transferred into the Marshal Truck fund. $5,000.00 transferred into the pool maintenance fund and $13,000.00 into the office equipment/software update fund.

Council Reports

Council Member Pam Bales reported that she will be attending the Flint Hills Regional Council meeting on February 18, 2022.

Council Member Don Westhoff reported that he visited with the City of Chanute about the type of tax they were able to apply to the Travel Center located outside of city limits. It is called a Community Infrastructure tax. He also presented an option for a handicap door opener for the community center and city hall. Council Member Don Westhoff moved to purchase a handicap door opener in the amount of $699.00 from Amazon for the community center. Council Member Pam Bales seconded. Motion carried. 

Council Member Paul Gronquist did not have anything to report. 

Council Member Dan Deiter liked the idea of waiting to purchase a new Marshal truck.

Mayor Maurice Baker talked about the City Marshal position. The ad has been adjusted to reflect applicants must have qualified for the position. He asked the council their thoughts on returning to City Hall for council meetings. It was decided to remain at the community center.

At 8:15 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn at the Alma Community Center on February 22, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. for action on the RHID, Gas line project bid award and other business. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded, and the motion carried. 


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

Mayor Maurice Baker called the Special Meeting to order with the following council Members present Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist and Don Westhoff. Council Member Chris Torrey was absent. City personnel City Clerk Sherry Smith and City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik were present. Also present was Sam Johnson of BG Consultants, Garrett Nordstrom of Governmental Assistance Services, Ross Vogel, Jim MacGregor of Wabuansee County Economic Development, Brad Starnes of USD 329 Superintendent and Bobby Daniel.

Sam Johnson presented the council with a bid tabulation for phase 2 of the gas line project. The submitted bids were as follows:

  1. NPL Construction Company $798,932.94
  2. Nowak Construction Company $1,483,923.65
  3. Timco Blasting & Coatings Inc   Submitted incorrect bid form.

After much discussion Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to award the bid to NPL Construction contingent on USDA releasing funds. Council Member Pam Bales seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to authorize Mayor Maurice Baker to sign documents for USDA once they are available. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Garrett Nordstrom visited with the council about a possible BASE Grant that is available. This grant will help with costs incurred during the 3rd phase of the gas line project. The deadline to apply for the grant is February 28, 2022. After much discussion Council Member Don Westhoff moved to apply for the grant. Council Member Pam Bales seconded the motion. Motion carried. Mayor Maurice Baker signed a contract to allow Garrett Nordstrom to apply on behalf of the City of Alma.

Ross Vogel visited with the council about the RHID program. There was much discussion regarding the RHID Program. Wabaunsee County Commissioners will be meeting on Monday February 28, 2022, Mayor Maurice Baker will attend the meeting to discuss the program. Brad Starnes said that at this time the school district is not against the program, and that the school board will be meeting on March 7, 2022, to discuss the matter.


Council Member Pam Bales: yes

Council Member Paul Gronquist: yes

Council Member Dan Deiter: yes

Council Member Chris Torrey: absent

Council Member Don Westhoff: yes

Mayor Maurice Baker declared said Ordinance be adopted.  The Ordinance was numbered Ordinance 531, was signed and approved by the Mayor, and attested by the City Clerk.

Brad Starnes left the meeting at 6:42 p.m.

Jim MacGregor of Wabaunsee County Development visited with the council about a BASE Grant that is available, these funds would help with putting in infrastructure for a water line to be run to the Travel Plaza on K-99 and I-70. Rural Water District 2 does not have the capacity to supply the Travel Plaza. After much discussion it was decided to have Wabuansee County apply for the Grant on behalf of the city. Mayor Maurice Baker signed a letter of support for Wabaunsee County. Council Member Paul Gronquist asked if existing or new citizens along highway K-99 were to request to connect to the new water line if that was allowed. It was decided that there is a process that must be followed with Rural Water District 2 in order to make the switch.

At 6:50 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to March 1, 2022, to conduct regular city business. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Sherry Smith

City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma Community Center, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, and Don Westhoff. Council Members Paul Gronquist and Chris Torrey were absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also, present were Bobby Daniel, Joe Silva, Aaron Miller and Barbara Frank.

Public Comment:

Joe Silva visited with the council regarding boats with gas powered motors being on the water at the City Lake. Gas powered boats are prohibited, as the city’s drinking water comes from the city lake. After much discussion it was decided that if Joe witnessed a gas-powered boat on the lake, he could submit proper information such as the person’s name and date the violation occurred to City Attorney Tom Barnes, who would then issue and affidavit and a complaint with a notice to appear in court to the individual in violation.
Aaron Miller asked why the City Superintendent felt it was his responsibility to talk to another individual about a complaint that was brought to his attention regarding a restraining order placed against his son with the person who placed the order practicing in the same area where his son was working. City Attorney Tom Barnes said he will discuss the issue in executive session with the council and City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, due to allegations by Mr. Miller that he was considering bringing a defamation claim against the City.
Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of March 1, 2022, as corrected. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.
Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the bills in the amount of $264,257.07. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.
City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:
• Several people have asked if staying at the RV Park for an extended amount of time would be allowed a discount. It was decided that the daily rate will stand. The Council will discuss at a future date what constitutes an extended stay.
• Dave Williams a contracting agent for the Culpepper & Meriweather Circus would like to hold a circus in Alma on September 12, 2022. There will be 2 shows the first at 5:00 p.m followed by the second at 7:30 p.m. After much discussion it was decided for City Clerk Sherry Smith to obtain more information.
• A citizen noticed that they had been charged for recycling. He originally agreed, but changed his mind, and notified the City to cancel. He would like to be reimbursed. City Attorney Tom Barnes said that the citizen needs to submit a written request stating the amount owed. Once the request is received the council will discuss the issue further.
• City Hall has received numerous complaints about the increasing cat population. The matter will be discussed later.
• All affidavits and complaints concerning those citizens who failed to purchase dog tags as required by law have been completed; the documents need to be served to the individuals who failed to do so. It was decided to send the documents via restricted mail.
City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:
• The trailer parked behind City Hall will be moved by the end of the week.
• He is ready to move forward with the 11th street sewer line. In a previous meeting it was discussed to install the sewer main in the middle of the street, after studying it some more, it will be easier to use the city easement on the north side of 11th Street.
• He and Mayor Maurice Baker met with Jim McGregor-Wabaunsee County Economic Development Director regarding the RHID program that Developer William Mah would like to utilize for Park Valley. Currently Jim does not believe the county is in favor of the RHID. After much discussion they would like to city to apply $100,000.00 to the development of Park Valley. There was discussion about how the city has already invested money into the property taxes of all vacant lots from 2011 to 2017. It was decided that Mayor Maurice Baker or Council Member Dan Deiter will contact Ross Vogel-Agent for William Mah.
• Michael has gotten a bid on a ¾ ton extended cab truck to be purchased for the City Marshal.
Aaron Miller left the meeting at 7:15 p.m.

Council Reports

Council Member Pam Bales gave an update on the Flint Hills Regional Council. She also asked about repaving the community center parking lot. She also asked if there was an update on the cracked window at the community center. Michael will follow up with Pella Windows. She has heard there is some misunderstanding regarding the wording of the February 22, 2022, Special Meeting minutes concerning the water line to the Travel Plaza at K-99 and I-70.
Council Member Don Westhoff did not have anything to report. His main concern was the RHID, which was already discussed.
Council Member Dan Deiter reported that he had visited with a few citizens regarding the possible dog park. They were not in favor of the dog park but would rather see a pickle ball court. He also asked City Attorney Tom Barnes for an update on the lawsuit with BlueMark Energy. Tom replied that they are ready to plan a conference with the magistrate. Dan asked the council to consider hiring a part time Deputy to address some of the issues at hand until a full time City Marshal can be hired.
Mayor Maurice Baker visited with Chris Torrey’s wife about his letter of resignation from the council. He has been unable to attend meetings for several months and has almost two years left in his term.
At 7:46 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to go into executive session for 10 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel with the Council, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik and City Attorney Tom Barnes in attendance. Council Member Dan Dieter seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Sherry Smith, Joe Silva, Barbara Frank and Bobby Daniel left the meeting.
Michael Slobodnik left the meeting at 7:56 p.m.
Council Member Pam Bales moved to extend the executive session for non-elected personnel for 30 minutes. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.
The regular meeting resumed at 8:25 p.m.
Sherry Smith returned to the meeting.
There was no action taken coming out of executive session.
At 8:30 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to the Alma Community Center on April 5, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business. Council Member Dan Dieter seconded, and the motion carried.
Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist and Don Westhoff. Council Member Chris Torrey was absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Pool Manager Kate Gronquist and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Barbara Frank attended as well.

Public Comment:

There was no public comment.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of April 19, 2022, as submitted. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $119,856.61. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.



was considered and discussed. Council Member Pam Bales moved that said Ordinance be passed. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded this motion. The motion carried by the vote being as follows:
Council Member Pam Bales: yes
Council Member Paul Gronquist: yes
Council Member Dan Deiter: no
Council Member Chris Torrey: absent
Council Member Don Westhoff: yes
Mayor Maurice Baker declared said Ordinance be adopted. The Ordinance was numbered Ordinance 532, was signed and approved by the Mayor, and attested by the City Clerk.

Mayor Maurice Baker recommended the appointment of Sherry Smith for the position of City Clerk. Council Member Pam Bales moved and was seconded by Council Member Don Westhoff. Motion carried.

Mayor Maurice Baker recommended the appointment of Lindsey Silva for the position of Assistant City Clerk/City Treasurer. Council Member Don Westhoff moved and was seconded by Council Member Dan Dieter. Motion carried.

Mayor Maurice Baker recommended the appointment of Tom Barnes with Stumbo Hanson, LLP of Topeka, Kansas for the position of City Attorney. Council Member Dan Deiter moved and was seconded by Council Member Paul Gronquist. Motion carried.

Mayor Maurice Baker recommended the appointment of Angela Anderson for the position of Municipal Judge. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved and was seconded by Council Member Pam Bales. Motion carried.

Mayor Maurice Baker recommended the appointment of Lindsey Silva for the position of Municipal Court Clerk. Council Member Pam Bales moved and was seconded by Council Member Don Westhoff. Motion carried.

Mayor Maurice Baker recommended the appointment of Sherry Smith for the position of Environmental Review Officer. Council Member Don Westhoff moved and was seconded by Council Member Dan Dieter. Motion carried.

Mayor Maurice Baker recommended the appointment of Gary Ringel for the position of City Cemetery Sexton. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved and was seconded by Council Member Pam Bales. Motion carried.

Mayor Maurice Baker recommended the appointment of Michael Slobodnik for the position of Zoning Administrator. Council Member Pam Bales moved and was seconded by Council Member Don Westhoff. Motion carried.

Mayor Maurice Baker recommended the appointment of the Wabaunsee County Signal Enterprise to be the City’s Official Newspaper. Council Member Don Westhoff moved and was seconded by Council Member Dan Dieter. Motion carried.

Mayor Maurice Baker recommended the appointment of Pam Bales for the position of Governing Body President. Council Member Don Westhoff moved and was seconded by Council Member Dan Dieter. Motion carried.

Mayor Maurice Baker recommended the appointment of the Stockgrowers State Bank as the Official Depository. Council Member Pam Bales moved and was seconded by Council Member Don Westhoff. Motion carried.

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • She talked to Tri County Waste about bringing a roll off dumpster on May 23, 2022, and picking up on June 13, 2022. Council agreed.
  • She proposed adding $1.00 a month to all active residential water meters. The funds will be applied to pool maintenance. Some discussion, but no decision reached.
  • She proposed adding $1.00 a month to all active water meters. The funds will be applied to water tower maintenance. Some discussion, but no decision reached.

City Pool Manager Kate Gronquist presented a list of new hires for approval. Council Member Pam Bales moved to hire the employees as recommended. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried. She gave an update on pool hours, admission cost and a small list of maintenance issues to take care of before the pool opens.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • The painting of the water tower is scheduled to begin in the next couple of weeks. Back when the City accepted bids there was an alternate to do both the interior and exterior of the tower. He recommended to have both the interior and exterior painted and pay for the work using $57,629 of ARPA money as well as $57,629 water reserve.
  • Discussed revising the fence ordinance to include metal paneling if it is approved fence material. City Council decided to leave the ordinance as is at this time.
  • Reported that the Farmer’s Market is schedule for May 7th on 3rd Street between Ohio and Missouri Streets.

Council Reports

Council Member Pam Bales asked if the door at the community center has been fixed.

Council Member Don Westhoff said that the house on 10th and Ohio is starting to look better as it is being brought into compliance with city code. He asked if the street signs that are leaning can be set straight. This will be done as time allows.

Council Member Dan Deiter asked if there was an update on the lawsuit with BlueMark Energy. Currently there is no update.

Council Member Paul Gronquist did not have anything to report.

Mayor Maurice Baker did not have anything to report.

At 7:31 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session for 20 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel with the Council, City Attorney Tom Barnes and Michelle Neil in attendance. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Sherry, Michael, Kate and Barb left the meeting.

At 7:50 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to extend the executive session. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

At 8:02 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to extend the executive session. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Michelle Neill left the meeting at 8:02 p.m.

The regular meeting resumed at 8:21 p.m.

There was no action taken coming out of executive session.

At 8:22 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to the Alma City Hall on May 17, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

Mayor Maurice Baker called the Special Meeting to order with the following Council Members present Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist and Don Westhoff. Council Member Chris Torrey was absent. City personnel Attorney Tom Barnes arrived at 6:09 p.m.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to go into executive session at 6:01 p.m. to discuss non-elected personnel and to have the applicant for City Marshal in attendance. Attorney Tom Barnes joined the meeting at 6:09 p.m. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The regular meeting resumed at 7:13 p.m.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the recommended hires for summer mowing at the recommended wage. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded the motion. Motion carried.

At 7:15 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to the regular city council meeting on May 17, 2022. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Pam Bales
Council President

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist and Don Westhoff. Council Member Chris Torrey was absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Barbara Frank, Bobby Thompson-Rock Ridge Gravel Bike Race, Chris, Amy and Conrad Cassell.

Public Comment:

Barbara Frank asked if anything can be done about the tall grass at 506 Grand. She also asked what can be done about the fox family that has been living under the deck at 316 W 9th. City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik replied that he will investigate getting the grass taken care of and that he has talked to an individual about trapping and relocating the fox family out of town.

Conrad Cassell presented his small business plan to sell shaved ice at different venues to the council. He plans to start at the Farmer’s Market and then see what other avenues present themselves. After much discussion it was decided that he will have to obtain a solicitor’s license. Chris Cassell will work with City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik to obtain electrical hookups for the trailer that will be used. The Council concurred that Royal Ice is a great idea, gave their approval, and wished him luck.

Bobby Thompson- Rock Ridge Gravel Bike Race gave an update on the race that is to be held on July 8th and 9th. He requested that Ohio Street between 8th and 10th Street be closed as well as 9th Street between Ohio and Grand. It was the consensus of the council to close the requested streets.

Bobby, Chris, Amy and Conrad left the meeting at 6:28 p.m.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of May 3, 2022, as corrected. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of the special meeting of May 12, 2022, as submitted. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

At 6:32 p.m. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to go into executive session for 15 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel with the Council and City Attorney Tom Barnes to attend. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried. The regular meeting resumed at 6:48 p.m. No action was taken.

Barbara Frank left the meeting.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $90,480.52. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:
• She gave an update on the delivery of the roll off dumpster for the city-wide cleanup on June 4th.
• She reported on Tri-County’s mistake on the recycle schedule.
• She gave an update on a notice to appear for court on May 24, 2022.
• She also asked how the council wanted to proceed with a landlord whose tenant has moved away and not paid the bill. The landlord has been notified numerous times and has not made any arrangements to get the bill paid. It was decided to proceed with small claims court as well as to add the tenant to the Kansas Debt Setoff program.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:
• The water tower is currently being sandblasted; a pin hole has been found. After the company is finish sandblasting, the hole will be repaired.
• The old water tower has sold on Purple Wave. The new owners will be in Alma on Wednesday May 18, 2022, to take the tower down.
• The Sterling Dump Truck and the 2008 Chevy have been sold on Purple Wave as well as a few other items.
• He asked about a pallet that is laying in the crosswalk on 7th Street. It was to be picked up by the trash company but has not. The city will pick it up and dispose of it.

Council Member Dan Deiter questioned the wages for pool employees. After much discussion it was decided to ask Pool Manager Kate Gronquist to attend the next meeting.

Council Reports

Council Member Pam Bales gave an update on the Flint Hills Regional Council.

Council Member Don Westhoff has checked with various entities regarding a patrol vehicle that the city may utilize, if necessary, until the new City patrol truck can be delivered in October. He also asked about the sidewalk on Ohio Street between 10th and 11th Streets. The homeowners have torn out the sidewalk at the driveway. Michael will talk to the homeowners and let them know they are responsible for replacing the section of sidewalk that was removed.

Council Member Dan Deiter talked to the property owners at 115 E 2nd. They are to have information regarding the cleanup process for the Council meeting on June 21, 2022.

Council Member Paul Gronquist asked if the baby pool has been painted. It has, and the crew will come back in the fall to apply permanent paint.

Mayor Maurice Baker asked if State Surplus sold vehicles. The state now places their vehicles on Purple Wave.

At 7:41 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to go into executive session for 15 minutes for attorney client privilege with the Council, City Attorney Tom Barnes, City Clerk Sherry Smith and City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik in attendance. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The regular meeting resumed at 7:48 p.m.

There was no action taken coming out of executive session.

At 7:48 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to the Alma City Hall on Wednesday, June 1, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, and Don Westhoff. Chris Torrey was absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance was Barbara Frank.
Council Member Pam Bales moved to add Change Order No. 1 with Northern Pipe Line as regards Phase 3 of the gas line improvement project to the Agenda. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.


Barbara gave a list of possible houses for the City Marshal candidate.
Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of June 21, 2022, as presented. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.
Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $263,076.99. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Don Westhoff moved to approve the Special Event CMB Permit for Justin Miller to sell alcohol at a fundraising event on August 20, 2022, at the Wabaunsee County Fairgrounds. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.
Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the Release of Settlement Agreement with BlueMark Energy. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.
Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve Change Order No. 1. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.
City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • She reported that a citizen is interested in being a temporary Animal Control Officer until a City Marshal can be hired. This will be discussed further in executive session.
  • Another citizen is interested in enforcing rules and regulations at the City Lake. It was decided to appoint the interested individual, Mayor Maurice Baker will visit with them before they are officially appointed.
  • She presented a bid from INA Alerts and WTC for security cameras. It was decided to see about an updated bid from WTC.
  • Previously the council had agreed to hold the Public Hearing for the 2023 Budget the first meeting in August, this will need to be moved to the second meeting in August.
  • Justin Miller would like to sell alcohol off premise during Hot Alma Nights. It was decided to not allow this.
  • A certified letter was sent to a citizen regarding the number of dogs at their residence.
  • Council Member Don Westhoff asked if the city would be interested in purchasing a tranquilizer gun for the animal control officer to use if necessary. There was no decision made.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • He presented a bid for the 2022-1 sidewalk project. One bid was submitted. Council Member Don Westhoff moved to accept the bid from Havenstein Construction in the amount of $66,860.00. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Reports

Council Member Pam Bales gave an update on the Flint Hills Regional Council. She mentioned the door at the community center is still not working properly. A citizen cleaned up the rocks that washed down 11th Street due to heavy rains.
Council Member Don Westhoff has had concerns from citizens about the increased cost to get into the pool. They are also dissatisfied with not being able to purchase pool passes. He asked if the city would be interested in purchasing a beam to hoist equipment for the water plant. It was decided that these beams would not work for the area.
Council Member Dan Deiter discussed the work that needs to be performed on the 2008 Ford utility truck. It was decided to have Michael call Blue Stem Auto and I-70 in Maple Hill. He asked about putting more limestone rocks at the park to help stop individuals from driving into the park. Michael will see if he can take some from the ball field and place at the park, he will also call Alex Gnadt to inquire about more rocks. He also suggested that the city apply the settlement amount of $85,000.00 with BlueMark Energy to the gas line project. This will reduce the amount that citizens’ future bills increase smaller.
Council Member Paul Gronquist asked about taking the community center maintenance off of unfinished business on the agenda. It was decided to leave it as is, due to ongoing maintenance.
Mayor Maurice Baker asked if the sewer line had been started at Park Valley. He also asked if the 11th street sewer line is closer to starting.
At 7:51 Council Member Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel for 10 minutes with City Clerk Sherry Smith and Superintendent Michael Slobodnik in attendance. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.
Barbara Frank and Attorney Barnes left the meeting.
The regular meeting continued at 7:59. As a result of executive session Council Member Pam Bales moved to accept the wage increase as recommended for the summer employees. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.
Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the staff changes for the pool as recommended by Manager Kate Gronquist. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.
At 8:01 p.m. Council Member Dan Dieter moved to go into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel for 20 minutes. Council Member Pam Bales seconded. Motion carried.
At 8:21 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to extend the executive session for 10 minutes. Council Member Pam Bales seconded. Motion carried.
Sherry Smith and Michael Slobodnik left the meeting.
The regular meeting continued at 8:30 p.m.
There was no action taken coming out of executive session.
At 8:31 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on Tuesday, August 2, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, and Don Westhoff. Chris Torrey was absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Barbara Frank, Sherry Hensley, and Ashely Michaelis. Christy Hitch Johnson and Marsha Rogers arrived at 6:52 p.m.


Sherry and Ashely asked the council to consider passing a resolution that will allow citizens to consume alcohol within the perimeter of the Hot Alma Nights event. After much discussion Council Member Don Westhoff moved to accept the proposal to allow the consumption of alcohol within the Hot Alma Nights event perimeter. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Barbara informed the council of another possible house for the City Marshal candidate.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of July 19, 2022, as corrected. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $92,733.84. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.


Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the Code of Ethics for the City of Alma. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the Official Procedures for Civil Rights Complaints for the City of Alma. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Don Westhoff moved to approve the Procurement Procedure Policy for the City of Alma. The motion died due to lack of a second. It was decided to follow up on a previously approved Procurement Procedure Policy and discuss at the next meeting.

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • She gave an update on the circus that will be coming on September 12, 2022.
  • She reported the library is storing books in the basement of the community center while repairs are being made to the library.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • Discussed issues with the water coming from the city lake. There is a tint and odor when coming from the faucet. The issue is being addressed. The water is safe to consume. This happens in particularly hot weather.
  • He gave an update on the gas line project.
  • Don Westhoff asked if there was a start date for the sidewalk project that was awarded at the last meeting. The start date is mid-August.

Christy Hitch of Tri-County waste informed the council that due to continually rising costs, she is discontinuing the recycle service. The last day for the service is August 25th. Please leave the recycle totes at the curb as they will be picked up that day. Christy and Marsha left the meeting at 7:00 p.m.

Council Reports

Council Member Pam Bales thanked the City for allowing the library to use the basement of the Community Center to store materials until the library is repaired and gave an update on how the repairs are going. She gave an update on the Flint Hills Regional Council. She has been approached by a citizen in regard to West 8th Street Terrace needing repairs. She also asked if the city would consider some compensation for costs the homeowners have paid over the years for sewer repairs and replacement on the 11th Street sewer line as it was inadequate when it was installed. She suggested having the City cover the connection costs from the homes to the new sewer line would be appreciated. She also asked if there was a policy and procedure in place for the pool in regard to an employee being given a copy of an oral complaint. After much discussion it was decided to ask the pool manager to provide the pool manual.

Council Member Don Westhoff asked who was responsible for the potholes on Missouri/K-99, Superintendent Michael Slobodnik said that the city is responsible for the portion that is in city limits. He has to apply with the state for a permit to make any repairs. He also asked if there was an update on the bridge at 8th and K-99 Highway. At this time there is no update on when the state will complete the repairs.

Council Member Dan Deiter did not have anything to report.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik informed the council that the automatic door at the community center has been adjusted again. It was decided to look into Montgomery Doors for a better handicap door opener.

Council Member Paul Gronquist asked about the bid from WTC for a camera at city hall. City Clerk Sherry Smith replied that the bid they submitted in April still stands. He also asked if there were any plans for the use of the old fire station. Superintendent Michael Slobodnik said they are currently storing street equipment in the building.

Mayor Maurice Baker gave an update on the repair of the 2008 Ford utility truck. He also asked the council about purchasing lids to keep rain from filling the trash receptacles on Missouri Street. It was decided to purchase lids.

Council Member Pam Bales asked about painting the parking stripes at Pacheco Beef. City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik said they will be painting crosswalks in the next week and that the parking stripes will be done at that time. She also asked if the owner of the trailer that is parked on Ohio street has been contacted and asked to move his trailer to his back yard. It was decided to have the individual who is staying at the RV Park to come into City Hall to make his payments.

At 7:33 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on Tuesday, August 16, 2022, at 5:45 p.m. to hold the Public Hearing for the 2023 Budget, followed by the 2023 Rec Budget. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, and Don Westhoff. Chris Torrey was absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Barbara Frank, and Troy Pitsch-USD 329 Superintendent.


Troy asked the council if the school district could use the community center as a meeting place if an emergency were to take place during school hours. It was the consensus of the council to let the school district use the community center.

Troy left the meeting at 6:03 p.m.

Eric Kirsch-Wabaunsee County Sheriff’s Office visited with the council regarding a group of officers patrolling Alma part time. 

Eric left the meeting at 6:30 p.m.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to add the City 2023 Budget and the Alma Rec 2023 Budget to the agenda. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of August 2, 2022, as submitted. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $231,921.31. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.


Council Member Pam Bales moved to Approve the Alma City 2023 Budget as submitted. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried. 

Council Member Pam Bales moved to Approve the Alma Recreation 2023 Budget as submitted. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the Procurement Procedure Policy for the City of Alma. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to appoint Michael Slobodnik as director for the City of Alma on the Kansas Municipal Gas Agency Board of Directors. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to appoint Trent Viergever as alternate director for the City of Alma on the Kansas Municipal Gas Agency Board of Directors. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

City Personnel Reports

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • The roll off dumpster has been delivered.
  • The resolution for Hot Alma Nights has been completed.
  • She gave an update on the circus.


City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • There has been a homeless person sleeping at the city cemetery.
  • He gave an update on the Marshal’s truck. It was decided to look at other dealerships to see if a truck could be purchased sooner.
  • He will have bids for street work at the next meeting.
  • He gave an update on the watershed billing.
  • He asked who is responsible for purchasing the manholes at Park Valley where the new homes are being built.
  • The electrical infrastructure that is shown on the maps at Park Valley is not correct. The lines were never placed. It will be costly to purchase the wire at this time, so it was decided to use wire that is already on hand to help reduce the cost.
  • The tap is welded on the gas line leading to the Flint Hills Travel Plaza.
  • Alex Gnadt has donated stone to the City for the park.


Council Reports

Council Member Pam Bales gave an update on the Flint Hills Regional Council, which is holding its regular August meeting at the Kan-Equip Arena at the fair crowds and is being hosted by Wabaunsee County.

Council Member Don Westhoff received a call about the vacant house at 911 Kansas. A neighbor will be putting his house up for sale and is worried that the condition of the house at 911 Kansas will affect the sale. It was decided that Mayor Maurice Baker would talk to the homeowner.

Council Member Dan Deiter asked for an update on the gas line project.

Council Member Paul Gronquist asked if there was an update on Council Member Chris Torrey. There is no update. There was discussion about what to do with his position on the council. City Attorney Tom Barnes said that state statue indicates that if a person is not able to perform their duties, then the position can be vacated by legal means. Mayor Maurice Baker will visit with Chris again to see if he will submit a letter of resignation.

Mayor Maurice Baker asked about paying moving expenses for the City Marshal candidate. It was decided the city would pay for a moving van and fuel. He also reported that Bill Manka will take on the role as animal control. He will work on contract. He will bill out $100.00 to set a trap and $50.00 to relocate any animals. Mayor Baker also asked what the council would like to pay Joe Silva to enforce rules and regulations at the city lake. It was decided to not deputize Joe as previously approved, as the city will have a Marshal in the near future.

At 7:55 p.m. Council Member Don Westhoff moved to go into executive session for non-elected personnel and to have City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik and City Attorney Tom Barnes in attendance. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

City Clerk Sherry Smith and Barbara Frank left the meeting.

At 8:05 p.m. the regular meeting resumed.

City Clerk Sherry Smith returned to the meeting.

Council Member Don Westhoff moved to approve the reimbursement of training fees for the recommended lifeguards. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

At 8:08 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on Tuesday, September 6, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business.  Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded the motion. Motion carried. 



Sherry Smith, City Clerk

Mayor Maurice Baker called the Public Hearing of the Alma City Council to order 5:45 p.m. with the following Council Members present: Pam Bales, Paul Gronquist and Don Westhoff. Council Members Chris Torrey and Dan Deiter were absent.  Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order.  City representatives in attendance were Attorney Tom Barnes, City Utility Superintendent Michael Slobodnik and City Clerk Sherry Smith.  Dr. Troy Pitch, USD 329 superintendent was present.


At 5:48 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn the Public Hearing for the City of Alma 2023 Budget and the 2023 Alma Recreation Budget.  Council Member Dan Deiter seconded this motion.  Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.


City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, and Don Westhoff. Paul Gronquist and Chris Torrey were absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, Curtis Havenstein, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Brian Foster-BG Consultants, Barbara Frank, Paula and Jim Fairchild, and Ruth Van Houten.


Curtis asked the council if the Wabaunsee Booster Club could hang Wabaunsee Charger flags from the light poles on Missouri Street. It was decided that this could be done. 

Curtis left the meeting at 6:03 p.m.

Brian Foster-BG Consultants introduced himself to the council. He is taking the place of former engineer Sam Johnson. He visited with the council about the sewer line that will be affected by the addition of Alma Foods. Council Member Pam Bales moved to have BG Consultants send a survey crew to do a study of the sewer line. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Barbara Frank asked how long the roll off dumpster will be at the city shop. City Clerk Sherry Smith said that she called earlier in the day to have it picked up as it is full.

Paula and Ruth gave an update on their property. They were asked to return on October 17, 2022, with another update. If all the repairs are made and the property passes inspection, they do not need to return, but just need to notify the council so they can send an inspector.

Paula, Jim, and Ruth left the meeting at 6:33 p.m.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of August 16, 2022, as submitted. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of the August 16, 2022, Special Meeting for the 2023 Alma City Budget and for the 2023 Alma City Recreation Budget, as submitted. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the bills in the amount of $181,798.43 Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.


A meeting request was submitted for City Clerk Sherry Smith to attend the City Clerks Training Year 2.

Barbara Frank left the meeting at 6:38 p.m.

City Personnel Reports

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva checked into a body type camera that will be used for office security. Council Member Don Westhoff move to approve the purchase of cameras not to exceed $300.00. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.
  • The Alma Pool went over budget, the auditor has been notified and will work with the clerk to bring it into compliance.
  • 2 representatives from the city need to be at each circus show to greet citizens. Ticket sales have gotten better over the last few weeks. 

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • Alma Foods is looking to add an addition to their building. Michael would like to revise the sewer encroachment agreement if the addition extends onto city property. He will have more information at the next meeting.
  • At the last meeting the watershed payment was discussed. The watershed board is asking the city to pay half ($14,203.50) now and pay the remainder over the next 2 years.  It was agreed that this has already been approved.
  • He presented 3 bids to mill and overlay the designated streets, they are as follows:
  1. Bayer Construction: $240,457.50
  2. Bettis Asphalt: $198,777.00
  3. Schilling Construction: $207,840.00

After much discussion Council Member Don Westhoff moved to accept the bid from Bettis Asphalt. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried. 

Council Reports

Council Member Pam Bales gave an update on the Flint Hills Regional Council. She also asked if there was an update on Council Member Chris Torrey. Mayor Baker reported that he visited with Mrs. Torrey, who asked if Chris could attend the meetings via Zoom. It was decided that the best course of action would be to have City Attorney Tom Barnes address the issue. She asked if there was an update on the 11th Street sewer line project.  Michael reported that it will start next week.  She also reported that there is a conflict with the October 18th meeting.  It was decided to move it to 6:00 on October 17th at City Hall.

Council Member Don Westhoff asked about repairing potholes. They will be addressed when street work is being done. He informed the council that he will be unable to make the September 20, 2022, council meeting. After much discussion it was decided to keep the meeting on that day.

Council Member Dan Deiter asked if there was an update on the Marshal Truck. City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik said he has contacted a few dealerships; Council Member Dan will also contact dealerships about purchasing a new truck. He asked for an update on the gas line project. He asked if the 2008 Ford Trucks are still holding up, Mayor Baker replied that they are and feels that they are in good standing.

Mayor Maurice Baker asked about revisiting the temporary policing with Eric Kirsch. It was decided to talk to Eric again. 

At 8:06 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to go into executive session for non-elected personnel and to have City Attorney Tom Barnes in attendance. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

City Clerk Sherry Smith and Superintendent Michael Slobodnik left the meeting.

Tom Barnes left the meeting at 8:08 p.m.

At 8:31 p.m. the regular meeting resumed.

Sherry and Michael returned to the meeting.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the reimbursement of training fees for the recommended lifeguard. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

It was decided to offer Joe Silva the indicated amount each month to enforce the rules and regulations at the city lake. He will be issued a certificate indicating his position with the city as Alma City Lake Enforcement Officer.

At 8:38 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on Tuesday, September 20, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business.  Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried. 


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist and Don Westhoff. Council Member Chris Torrey was absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Eric Kirsch-WB County Sheriff’s Office and Marcy Spaw-WB County Historical Society.


Marcy gave an update on the improvements being made at the City Cemetery. She asked the council if they would consider donating meals during the workshop on October 3-5th. It was the consensus of the council to reimburse the cost of food during the workshop.

Marcy left the meeting at 6:09 p.m.

Eric Kirsch was approached by Mayor Maurice Baker about revisiting the possibility of a group of deputies patrolling Alma while the city is without a City Marshal. Eric visited with Wabaunsee County Sheriff Rob Hoskins, and he is willing to provide deputies on a contract agreement. After much discussion the council agreed to have City Attorney Tom Barnes draw up an agreement and have it ready at the next meeting.

Eric left the meeting at 6:28 p.m.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of September 6, 2022, as corrected. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $224,274.77 Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.


City Personnel Reports

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • The city received $896.00 from the advance circus ticket sales. It was decided to ear mark the money for park improvements.
  • The 2021 audit is complete.
  • I have been in contact with the dealership in Parsons regarding the Marshal truck. The fleet number has been reactivated; it will take 24 hours to show active in the system. Once it is active, we can get an idea what kind of discount we can expect. Council member Pam Bales moved to approve the purchase of the truck if the cost came in at $50,000.00. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.
  • She presented a software addition for the utility billing. This addition will allow the citizens to create an account, they will be able to look up their account history, submit work orders if they feel their readings are incorrect, and set up their account for automatic withdrawal. The addition will also allow the office to send out text messages to get information out to the public. It was decided to call other cities that utilize the addition to get their impression.


City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik left the meeting at 7:00 p.m.

Mayor Maurice Baker reported for Michael:

  • He presented a bid from CAS Constructors LLC, to replace parts on the clarifiers at the Water Treatment Plant. After much discussion Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the bid in the amount of $29,400.00. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.
  • He gave an update on the 11th Street sewer line project. 

City Attorney Tom Barnes gave an update on the Engineer agreement with BG Consultants. Currently, he advises the council to not approve the agreement. It was decided to allow Tom to negotiate an appropriate agreement with BG Consultants.

Council Reports

Council Member Pam Bales reported that Flint Hills Regional Council has money from the EPA that can be used to abate the mold in the basement of City Hall. After much discussion it was decided to visit with the owner of the adjacent building to see if they are interested in proceeding. She reported that the automatic door at the community center is working.

Council Member Don Westhoff asked about the sidewalk project. He is concerned that the weather will get cold, and the project will not be completed.

Council Member Dan Deiter asked if there was an update on City Marshal candidate. 

Council Member Paul Gronquist did not have anything to report.

Mayor Maurice Baker has spoken with a citizen who is interested in finishing out the term for Council Member Chris Torrey. 

At 7:51 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on Tuesday, October 4, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business.  Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried. 



Sherry Smith, City Clerk

Mayor Maurice Baker called the Special Meeting to order with the following Council Members present Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, and Don Westhoff. Council Members Paul Gronquist and Chris Torrey were absent.   Council Member Paul Gronquist entered the meeting at 5:50.

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session at 5:16 p.m. to discuss non-elected personnel and to have the applicant for City Marshal in attendance. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The applicant left the meeting at 5:45 p.m.

At 6:00 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to the regular city council meeting on October 4, 2022. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Sherry Smith
City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist and Don Westhoff. Council Member Chris Torrey was absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Ken Smith and Terry Herren.


Ken and Terry have concerns with a neighbor whose property is in non-compliance with city code. There have been issues with the property for several years. After much discussion it was decided to have City Attorney Tom Barnes visit with the property owner before moving forward with legal action. Ken also asked if there is a timeline for the Marshal candidate to start. The council said that there is a plan in the works with Wabaunsee County Sheriff’s Office. They also just interviewed another candidate for the position.

Ken and Terry left the meeting at 6:10 p.m.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of September 20, 2022, as corrected. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $121,029.31 Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever arrived at 6:25 p.m.

Council Member Dan Deiter asked if it is possible to make double payments on the Water Rights loan. City Clerk Sherry Smith will contact the state.

City Personnel Reports

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • A citizen has asked if they could utilize a dumpster rather than a trash toter. Due to the nature of his business, he has more trash than the company will pick up. It was decided to have the citizen contact the neighbors to get their view on having a dumpster placed in the neighborhood.
  • A citizen has asked if the city has any say on where a mailbox can be placed. Right now, there is a mailbox in her yard, she would like the mailbox moved to the corner where other mailboxes are already established. 
  • She reported that she had gotten 3 responses back from other cities regarding the Front Desk program. It was decided to contact the company for further information.

Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever reported on the following:

  • He gave an update on the 11th Street sewer line project. It was decided the city would pay for the residential lines to be tied into the sewer main.

Council Member Don Westhoff asked when the sidewalk project is going to be started. Trent replied that it is scheduled to start within the week.

Council Reports

Council Member Pam Bales gave an update on the Flint Hills Regional Council.

Council Member Don Westhoff asked when Bettis Asphalt is to start the street work. Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever was unsure, he will ask City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik.

Council Member Dan Deiter passed along information to Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever to have all the necessary equipment installed in the new marshal’s truck. He has been assisting with a property that has been in non-compliance. He said enough progress has been made that they can be taken off the non-compliance list. It was the consensus of the council to deem the property compliant. He also asked if Alma Foods was moving forward with the addition and do they have the proper permits. City Clerk Sherry Smith reported that they have the necessary permits.

Council Member Paul Gronquist had a concern to discuss in executive session.

Mayor Maurice Baker did not have anything to report.

At 6:50 p.m. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to go into executive session for 10 minutes to discuss contract negotiations with the council and City attorney to attend. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Sherry and Trent left the meeting.

At 7:10 the regular meeting resumed.

Council Member Dan Dieter asked City Clerk Sherry Smith when the best time to pay Wabaunsee County Sheriff’s Office for patrolling Alma would be. It was decided to pay at the end of the month when payroll is done.

At 7:20 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to go into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel with the council only. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Sherry, Trent, and Tom left the meeting.

The regular meeting resumed at 7:33 p.m. 

At 7:34 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on Monday, October 17, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business.  Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter and Don Westhoff. Council Members Paul Gronquist and Chris Torrey were absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith and City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik. Also in attendance was Barbara Frank.


Council Member Dan Deiter moved to add approvals to the agenda. Council Member Pam Bales seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of October 4, 2022, as corrected. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting on October 4, 2022, as submitted. Council Member Pam Bales seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the bills in the amount of $496,433.25 Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

A meeting request was made for Michael Slobodnik and Trent Viergever to attend the KCC Pipeline Safety Seminar in Manhattan, KS on October 26, 2022.

A meeting request was made for Michael Slobodnik to attend a Wastewater Operator Training in Great Bend, KS on October 18, 2022.

Change Order No. 2 was submitted for approval for the gas line project. The change is for fabrication and installation for four plate caps for each meter bollard and additional excavation, fabrication, and welding to divert a vent stack out of crop field. 

City Personnel Reports

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • Front Desk. After much discussion it was decided to have a representative from GWorks attend a zoom meeting.
  • The new City Marshal will start on November 1, 2022.
  • The city can pay extra towards the principal of the Water Rights Loan. It was the consensus of the council to pay a flat rate of $30,000.00 on the loan.
  • Jeff Clark submitted a letter of resignation for the zoning board. Council Member Pam Bales moved to regretfully accept his resignation. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • He gave an update on the 11th Street sewer line project.
  • The mill and overlay project will be starting within the week.
  • Repairs on the clarifiers have begun.

Council Reports

Council Member Pam Bales gave an update on the Flint Hills Regional Council. She asked if a citizen had applied for a building permit. It was decided that a permit was not needed as the structure is an existing structure, the citizens are just adding a roof. She gave an update on the status of the library, they will hopefully be open for regular business hours soon. She also mentioned that maybe in the future the council can start using tablets, this will cut down on the number of copies being made. She will not be at the council meetings on November 1 and November 15, 2022. 

Council Member Don Westhoff asked if there is a list for complaints against non-compliance properties. 

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to hire Leonard Lovely as the City Marshal at the recommended wage with the agreed upon vacation time. Council Member Pam Bales seconded. Motion carried. He suggested that Leo take over the process of the decals for the new patrol truck. City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik replied that he has been in contact with Leo regarding this issue. He asked about a bullet proof vest, City Clerk Sherry Smith replied that he was just fitted for a vest through the county. The City can purchase that vest from the sheriff’s office. He asked about raising the budget on the sales tax. It was reported that this has already been done for the 2023 budget year. He talked about the increase in pool expenses and end of the year reports. It was decided to have Michael reach out to Kate to inquire about end of the year reports and a handbook for pool manager job duties as well as her plans for employment next season. 

Mayor Maurice Baker has visited with a citizen that is interested in filling Council Member Chris Torrey’s position for the remainder of his term. It was decided to turn the matter over to City Attorney Tom Barnes.

At 7:11 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session for 10 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel. Council Member Pam Bales seconded. Motion carried.

Sherry, Michael, and Barbara left the meeting.

At 7:20 the regular meeting resumed.

There was no action taken coming out of executive session.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik gave a short update on the natural gas prices.

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported that two council members visited with Postmaster Wendy Lira concerning mailbox placement.  There is some concern that one mailbox is placed in the utility easement when there is room for it at the corner with the other mailboxes for that area. The city has no say on where mailboxes are placed as the easement is just a utility easement. It was decided that the city is now removing themselves from the situation, and that it is a matter for the post office and the property owner.

At 7:36 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on Tuesday, November 1, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business.  Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist and Don Westhoff. Council Members Pam Bales and Chris Torrey were absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva, City Marshal Leo Lovely and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Barbara Frank and Amanda Gnadt.


Amanda Gnadt is on the committee for Small Saturday fun run which will take place on Saturday November 26, 2022. She asked Council for permission to block off West 7th Street at Missouri Ave west to Kansas Ave. Council gave permission to block the street for the event.

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the minutes of October 4, 2022, as submitted. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $55,185.35 Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

City Personnel Reports

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • Front Desk. A representative will attend the meeting on December 6, 2022, to discuss the program with the council.
  • The city will receive payment for the CDBG Grant for the gas line project by the end of the week. 
  • The city has finalized the disbursement of the BlueMark Settlement. Each resident will see a credit on their next billing to reflect the amount refunded. In February 2021 the city experienced an extraordinarily high gas bill due to the cold snap. The City contested a portion of that bill. BlueMark Energy and the City settle on the city paying $85,000.00 rather than the $172, 440.45 that the city believed was an overcharge.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • He gave an update on the street work being done by Bettis Asphalt.
  • The electrical work is almost finished at Park Valley. They will soon begin work on the gas lines. Mr. Mah has started work on the sewer lines.

City Marshal Leo Lovely reported on the following:

  • He is in the process of getting his office organized. 
  • He is also working with various staff members at the sheriff’s office on how to best coordinate the process of reporting incidents.
  • He asked to purchase a laptop that will have the software to coordinate with the reporting system that the county uses. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the purchase of a laptop not to exceed $2,500.00. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Council Reports

Council Member Paul Gronquist reported that he is not in favor of the council moving to using tablets. He does not feel the cost of not printing on paper will cover the cost of a tablet.

Council Member Dan Deiter asked about the gas line project. City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported that Phase 2 is about 85% complete. Dan asked if the council would like to consider moving forward with the agreement with Wabaunsee County Sheriff’s Office for additional coverage when the city marshal is off duty. It was decided to discuss this matter at a later date. He also asked about the addition at Alma Foods. City Superintendent Slobodnik said that they are adding more storage space as well as space for an additional production line.

Council Member Don Westhoff reported that several roads are in bad shape. He asked if there are plans to fill potholes before the weather becomes cold, and the roads get worse. Michael replied that as time allows, he hopes to address the potholes.

Mayor Maurice Baker brought up an email that was sent to the cities regarding the American Rescue Act funds that was allocated to each city. The City of Alma has earmarked their portion of the funds for pumps at the water plant. Mayor Baker also suggested that the city look into purchasing a trailer that can haul the skidsteer. At this time the city has to borrow a trailer from a local plumber or the school district.

At 6:42 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session for 15 minutes for client-attorney privilege and to have City Clerk Sherry Smith, Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Attorney Tom Barnes and City Marshal Leo Lovely in attendance. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Barbara left the meeting.

At 6:54 the regular meeting resumed.

There was no action taken coming out of executive session.

At 7:02 p.m. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business.  Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist and Don Westhoff. Council Members Pam Bales and Chris Torrey were absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva, City Marshal Leo Lovely and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance was Barbara Frank. Stan Jones arrived at 6:04 pm.


Barbara commended the Council for not weighing in on the recent bond vote like some of the other surrounding cities did. Barbara also spoke on USD 329 and how several people spoke well on the panel during the Sentinel. 

Stan Jones of Stifel and Associates discussed refinancing for permanent financing for the gas line project. Long-term interest rates are currently already locked in. Dan Deiter would like to investigate it further. Will have an answer by the next Council meeting. Stan Jones left the council meeting at 6:17pm.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the minutes of November 1, 2022, as corrected. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the bills in the amount of $ 269,877.42 Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.


Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the Pay App for NPL Construction Co. in the amount of $137,834.92. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

City Personnel Reports

Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva reported on the following:

  • The office applied the gas credits from the settlement with BlueMark for the high gas bill in February 2021 to all current customers who had usage at that time. Will begin to work on accounts that are no longer active that had usage.
  • The individual who wanted a dumpster on his property due to his business discussed it with his neighbors and his neighbors are all okay with it. Gave update on the location of where the dumpster will be located. The council agreed it was okay for them to move forward with placing the dumpster there. 

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • Asked permission to work part time for Pott Co Water District 4. Won’t interfere with current job duties for the city. Council is okay with it. 
  • Would like metal paneling around the McFarland substation. It has almost been hit by vehicles twice now. Council agrees to move forward to protect it from damage that may occur.
  • Almost done with all the mains on the gas line project. 
  • Presented Council proposed sign ideas for WTC to place around town. It was decided that Council still does not want any signs placed in the city.

City Marshal Leo Lovely reported on the following:

  • Gave update to the Council on cases/issues he has been working on.
  • Asked for clarification on hunting at the City Reservoir. No hunting is allowed, will have Tom Barnes update our City Ordinance. 
  • Asked about the Municipal code books. It was decided to order five copies of the code books for 2022. 
  • Gave update on the Marshal truck. It was delivered to Servpro for outfitting and will be done the middle of next week.
  • Ordered the laptop that was approved to purchase. Continuing to work with Wabaunsee County Sheriff’s Office on reporting integration.
  • Gave updated cost on Interpol program that is needed. The current body cam is not working properly. Presented bid of a new one to the Council that has a 5-year contract with a cloud-based system for storage, GPS, and permissions for others to access when needed. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the bids. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. 
  • Requested stop sign to be placed at NW corner of 10th and Ohio Street to help avoid safety and traffic issues. Michael also stated that he has plans to put a crosswalk in that area in the future. After much discussion it was decided to make the intersection a four way stop. Stop signs will be placed at both the NW corner and the SE corner of 10th and Ohio. 

Council Reports

Council Member Paul Gronquist did not have anything to report. 

Council Member Dan Deiter did not have anything to report.

Council Member Don Westhoff asked City Marshal Leo Lovely if he had started working on code compliance issues yet as he has been working on a list to give him. Council Member Don Westhoff asked City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik if he could speak to the crew doing the sidewalk project on Ohio Street about picking up their materials to avoid flat tires that have been happening. Council Member Don Westhoff stated he will be absent from the December 20th meeting. 

Mayor Maurice Baker gave an update on his trip to Andover to help drop off the Marshal truck and let Council know he used a city credit card to pay for fuel. Mayor Maurice Baker also gave an update that the city is supposed to be getting a resignation letter from a Council Member who has been unable to attend meetings. 

At 7:16 p.m. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on Tuesday, December 6th, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business.  Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.


Lindsey Silva, Assistant City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, and Don Westhoff. Council Members Paul Gronquist and Chris Torrey were absent. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Marshal Leo Lovely, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Barbara Frank, Stan Jones, Troy Pitsch, and Quinton Randal. 

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to add Resolutions 2022-5, 2022-6, and Stan Jones to the agenda. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.


Troy Pitsch visited with the council about a non-compliance concern that was brought to his attention regarding the WHS Greenhouse. He told the council that the district will start the cleanup right away. Mr. Pitsch left the meeting at 6:04 p.m.

Stan Jones of Stifel and Associates visited the council about helping with obtaining financing for the gas line project. Council Member Don Westhoff moved to employ Stifel and Associates to act as financial advisors. Council Member Pam Bales seconded. The motion carried. Stan Jones left the council meeting at 6:15 p.m.   

Quinton Randal with GWorks presented the Front Desk program to the council. After much discussion Council Member, Don Westhoff moved to authorize the purchase of the program not to exceed $4,200.00. Council Member Pam Bales seconded. Motion carried. Quinton left the meeting at 6:38 p.m. 

Council Member Don Westhoff moved to approve the minutes of November 15, 2022, as submitted. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried. 

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the bills in the amount of $ 551,189.93. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried. 


Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve Ordinance 533. Uniform Public Offense Code. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve Ordinance 534. Standard Traffic Ordinance. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Don Westhoff moved to approve Resolution 2022-5. Non-compliance at 209 E 4th Street. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.  

Council Member Don Westhoff moved to approve Resolution 2022-6. Non-compliance at 210 Grand Ave Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve a CMB license for El Corral. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Don Westhoff moved to approve a CMB license for Stop 2 Shop. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve a Liquor license for Wright Liquor. Council Member Pam Bales seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve a CMB license for DJ’s Bar and Grill. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Don Westhoff moved to approve a Liquor license for A and E Liquor. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve a plumbing permit for Central Mechanical. Council Member Pam Bales seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve a plumbing permit for Frank’s Heating and Plumbing. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the city gift certificates for the employees. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

City Personnel Reports
City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • Asked about advertising for a pool manager for the 2023 season. After much discussion it was decided to start advertising.
  • She gave a short report on attending year 2 of clerk’s school.
  • She did research on placing a renter’s unpaid utility balance on tax roll. This can be placed on tax roll as a lien against the landowner’s property.
  • Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva has been in touch with an individual that does training for the municipal court.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • Utility relocation due to K-99 Highway improvements by KDOT.
  • He has been working with landowners regarding payment for crop damage due to the gas line project.
  • He gave a gas line project update. The city has picked up several new customers as a result of the project.

City Marshal Leo Lovely reported on the following:

  • Various traffic stops
  • Visited with property owners regarding non-compliance issues.
  • Parking violations.
  • A case he was working on involving juveniles has been resolved.
  • Issued a citation for nuisance dogs.
  • Visited with Wabaunsee High School regarding non-compliance issues.
  • Has been patrolling the Wabaunsee High School parking lot during lunch due to reports of vaping.
  • He applied for a grant to obtain equipment. He was awarded the grant for $1,000.00 worth of equipment.
  • He made a warrant arrest.
  • There was a suspicious person at the city shop.
  • Tenant issues.
  • He worked a case for a car break in on the 100 block of East 4th.
  • He would like to start posting reminders on the city FB page to lock all doors.
  • He will be needing to recertify with his firearm.
  • The enterpool software has been installed on his laptop.
  • The flagpole at the Lutheran school fell into the street. He assisted the principal with moving it.
  • Removed a dead animal in the 300 block of West 9th.
  • Purchased an adult and infant CPR mask.
  • Handled a trespassing issue on the 700 block of Iowa.

Council Reports

Council Member Pam Bales gave an update on the Flint Hills Regional Council.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik asked the council if he could visit with an arborist about trees to place at the cemetery.

Council Member Don Westhoff thanked the utility guys for repairing the potholes. He asked about the sidewalk project. Michael replied that it is just about completed.

Council Member Dan Deiter asked about updating the city website to include Leo as the City Marshal. City Clerk Sherry Smith replied that the changes have already been submitted. She will follow up with GoDaddy. He also reported that a citizen had talked to him about a dog that jumped the fence and latched onto her coat. City Marshal Leo will investigate this matter.

Mayor Maurice Baker asked about posting a sign letting the public know that the office has security cameras. He asked about the contract with BG Consultants Engineering.

City Attorney Tom Barnes said that he sent them his recommended language he has not heard back from BG Consultants. Mayor Baker also mentioned that there had been a complaint about an elderly person being knocked down by a dog. Marshal Lovely said he would talk to the individual for more information.
City Attorney Tom Barnes informed the council that the time has come when he has no choice but to increase his hourly rate to $200.00 per hour.

At 8:03 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on Tuesday, December 20th, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, and Don Westhoff. Mayor Maurice Baker was absent. Council President Pam Bales declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Marshal Leo Lovely, City Attorney Tom Barnes, and Stan Jones-Stifle and Associates.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to add Ordinance 535 to the agenda. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to add Resolution 2023-1 to the agenda. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

City Clerk swore in Tonya Hensley as a council member.


Council Member Don Westhoff moved to approve the minutes of December 20, 2022, as submitted. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried. 

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $102,488.88. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried. 


Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve Ordinance 535. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried. 

Pam Bales: Yes
Don Westhoff: Yes
Tonya Hensley:Yes
Dan Deiter: Yes
Paul Gronquist: Yes

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve Resolution 2023-1. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried. 

Pam Bales: Yes
Don Westhoff: Yes
Tonya Hensley: Yes
Dan Deiter: Yes
Paul Gronquist: Yes

There was discussion regarding the Tri County Waste Agreement. It was decided to table the agreement till the next council meeting. 

There was discussion regarding the position of Lake Enforcer Officer. It was decided at this time to keep the position.

There was also discussion about trash pickup during inclement weather.

Stan Jones gave an update on financing for the gas line project. After much discussion, it was decided to obtain a bond for the full amount of $1,173,700.00. Any monies remaining after the CDBG grant and USDA/Rural Development loan is applied, will carry forward to the next phase of the gas line project.

Stan left the meeting at 6:31 p.m.

City Personnel Reports

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • She asked about a spring city wide cleanup. It was decided to do the cleanup, a date will be set at a future meeting.
  • She informed the council that there is a remaining balance on Pay App 1 that needs to be paid. Council Member Don Westhoff motioned to pay the difference to NPL. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.
  • She informed the council about the interest rate increase on the loan obtained to pay the high cost of energy in February 2021.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following: 

  • He thanked the council for the pay raises.
  • He gave an update on the contract with BG Consultants. It was decided that Michael would send an email to BG concerning the contract with the City Attorneys recommendations. In the past the attorney was able to get BG to change the language in the contracts.
  • The phase 2 gas line replacement project will be completed by the end of the week, all that will remain is the punch list.

City Marshal Leo Lovely reported on the following:

  • The council reviewed his written report.
  • SFST training January 25th in Hays.

Council Reports

Council Member Pam Bales regretfully accepted the resignation of Don Hendricks for the position of City of Alma representative on the Wabaunsee County Planning Commission. An updated Charter Ordinance will be drawn up to reflect the newly elected council members will take office the first meeting in December following the election.

Council Member Don Westhoff asked about electrical license. He also asked about the timeline to finish the sidewalk project. He had several non-compliance properties for the code enforcement officer to address.

Council Member Tonya Hensley did not have anything to report.

Council Member Dan Deiter asked about the sidewalk projects. He would like to have all the information ready to put the projects out for bid to start this spring.

At 7:21 p.m. Council Member Don Westhoff moved to go into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel for 10 minutes. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Michael, Leo, and Tom left the meeting.

At 7:29 p.m. the regular meeting continued.

Council Member Don Westhoff moved to change the wage rate for an employee to the corrected amount. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Pam Bales talked about the position of pool manager. There has been an ad in the Signal-Enterprise for the position.

At 7:35 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on Tuesday, January 17, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business.  Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried. 


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, and Don Westhoff. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva, City Marshal Leo Lovely, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance was Jim MacGregor. 


Jim MacGregor discussed applying for a grant to supply water to the Plaza on K99 HWY. Jim asked for the Council’s support to move forward to submit the application that is due by January 31st. Council is in favor of supporting the application process. Jim left the meeting at 6:09pm.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of January 3rd, 2022, as corrected. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried. 

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $229,060.87. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried. 


A meeting request for City Clerk Sherry Smith to attend a virtual meeting was approved.

A meeting request for Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva to attend a virtual meeting was approved.

A meeting request for City Marshal Leo Lovely to attend training was approved. 

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the extension of the gas line project. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried. 

Pam Bales: Yes
Don Westhoff: Yes
Tonya Hensley: Yes
Dan Deiter: Yes
Paul Gronquist: Yes

Council Member Don Westhoff moved to approve Resolution 2023-2 for Ross Vogel to submit application for Income Tax Credit due to housing needs. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried. 

Pam Bales: Yes
Don Westhoff: Yes
Tonya Hensley: Yes
Dan Deiter: Yes
Paul Gronquist: Yes

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve Charter Ordinance #9. Newly elected council members will take office the first meeting in December following certification of the election. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion Carried. 

Pam Bales: Yes
Don Westhoff: Yes
Tonya Hensley: Yes
Dan Deiter: Yes
Paul Gronquist: Yes

City Personnel Reports

Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva reported on the following:

  • She gave an update on the FrontDesk program. Several people have already signed up for the program and lots of citizens have been calling and asking questions about it. Office staff have helped a few citizens get set up that asked for help. 

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following: 

  • He reported that Phase 2 of the gas line project should be finished by the end of this week.
  • He gave an update on the current gas prices and costs. He has been checking with our supplier daily on prices. He is hoping to hedge a considerable amount in the upcoming months to try to get prices back down to a manageable level.
  • He asked for approval to look at a plow truck at Purple Wave and if in good condition to purchase. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the purchase of the plow truck not to exceed $55,000. Council Member Pam Bales seconded. Motion carried. 
  • Informed Council that Kevin Griffith is willing to fill the vacant position on the Zoning and Planning Board if Council wishes to appoint him. Council Member Pam Bales moved to appoint Kevin Griffith to fill the position of City of Alma representative on the Wabaunsee County Zoning and Planning Commission Board. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.
  • He brought up the agreement with BG Consultants. City Attorney Tom Barnes is fine with approving the Amendment to Owner-Engineer Agreement. Council Member Don Westhoff moved to approve Amendment No. 2. Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.
  • A few citizens in Alma are inquiring about solar power for their homes. Michael is working on finding out more information on how this process will work. 
  • He reported that he will have his annual report by the next meeting. 

City Marshal Leo Lovely reported on the following:

  • The council reviewed his written report.
  • He discussed a hit and run of a building by an Amazon driver. It is being taken care of. 
  • He discussed the weeds at a few different locations in town. 

Council Reports

Council Member Pam Bales asked about the Tri-County agreement. It was decided to send the draft of the contract to Christi Hitch. Will approve the contract next month after everyone reviews. She also asked about the fence around the salvage yard. After much discussion it was decided that City Attorney Tom Barnes will investigate this more.  She also reported that the Flint Hills Regional Council meets this Friday in Manhattan.  She also thanked everyone who filled out the FHRC survey for doing so.  

Council Member Don Westhoff discussed Park Valley and sidewalks on the West side of Ohio Street between 7th and 8th Street.

Council Member Tonya Hensley did not have anything to report.

Council Member Dan Deiter did not have anything to report. 

Council Member Paul Gronquist did not have anything to report. 

Mayor Maurice Baker reported that the Alma Manor is closing. He has notified a couple of businesses who might be interested in doing something with the building. He also reported that he has received a complaint about trash blowing on windy days down at Park Valley. He will discuss some options with Tri-County on possible solutions. 

At 7:35 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on Tuesday, February 7th, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business.  Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried. 


Lindsey Silva, Assistant City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, and Don Westhoff. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Marshal Leo Lovely, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. 

Council Member Don Westhoff requested a moment of silence for former council member Chris Torrey.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to add BG Consultants Agreement to the agenda. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.


There was no public comment.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of January 17, 2022, as submitted. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried. 

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $231,037.87. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried. 


A meeting request for City Clerk Sherry Smith to attend the 2023 Clerks Spring Conference in Manhattan in March was approved.

A meeting request for Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva to attend the 2023 Clerks Spring Conference in Manhattan in March was approved. 

A Plumbing license for Whitaker Heating and Air was submitted for approval. Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the license. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the agreement with BG Consultants. Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve Michael Slobodnik as a board member for KMEA. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded Motion carried.

City Personnel Reports

City Clerk Sherry Smith submitted a written report:

  • Stockgrowers State Bank is remodeling, the city took their front counters, in hopes to utilize them in the office. After taking them apart it was decided that the counters would not work for this office.
  • She called the Kansas League of Municipalities about publishing a Charter Ordinance. It needs to be published 2 times. No public hearing is needed unless the ordinance is contested.
  • Christie Hitch-Johnson of Tri County Waste submitted her recommended changes to the agreement. It was decided to table the agreement until the City Clerk was available.
  • 2 individuals have applied for the Pool manager position.
  • The closing of the temporary note for the gas line project is complete.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following: 

  • Council Member Pam moved to hire Reagan Linenberger at $11.00 per hour to redo the city’s zoning district maps. Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.
  • Council Member Don Westhoff moved to approve the purchase of a trailer from Kaufman Trailers LLC out of Nebraska in the amount of $8,900.00.Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.
  • Council Member Don Westhoff moved to approve the purchase of a new computer for the wastewater plant not to exceed $1,100.00 with an additional $4,450.00 for software. Council Member Pam Bales seconded. Motion carried.
  • He discussed the current gas prices.

City Marshal Leo Lovely reported on the following:

  • The council reviewed his written report.
  • Assisted with an eviction.
  • Welfare check on a homeless person at the fair barns.
  • Spoke with Mike’s Automotive about all the cars. This will be cleaned up.
  • Council Member Dan Deiter asked about the Amazon driver that damaged the building behind the post office. Leo said that the case is complicated, he is still working on it. He would like to install a camera or sign.
  • He took a report of a counterfeit $100.00.
  • Don Westhoff said that the school has noticed kids slowing down.

Council Reports

Council Member Pam Bales reported that the Flint Hills Regional Council annual dues were paid. The council is going to use the community center for a meeting. She also discussed sidewalk issues.  She also reported that Clerk Sherry Smith has been working on changing payroll to every other week as requested by the Council.  This needs to be done at the earliest opportunity.

Council Member Don Westhoff is happy to see the trailer on the 10th and Kansas has been removed. He asked about the cleanup that still needs to be done.

Council Member Tonya Hensley reported that the city web page needs updating. She asked how the time clock works for the employees. She also asked about the payment voucher process.  Council Member Pam Bales explained that after talking to Clerk Smith, GoDaddy will shortly cease doing our city webpage and that Clerk Smith and Assistant Clerk Silva will be responsible for webpage updates.  This should improve the site a great deal.

Council Member Dan Deiter visited with Marcey Torrey. She thanked him for the plant/flowers from the council and employees. 

Council Member Paul Gronquist reported there is a pothole at 8th and Missouri. He also asked about the sidewalk on the northeast corner of 8th and Missouri. 

Mayor Maurice Baker reported that the dirt needs to be filled in beside the sidewalk on 10th and Ohio. He asked about turning the water well over to Rural Water District #2 so they can treat and use water from it.

At 7:47 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on Tuesday, February 21, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business.  Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried. 


Michael Slobodnik, City Superintendent

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales via phone, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, and Don Westhoff. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Marshal Leo Lovely, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Jared Falk, Jeff Stuewe, Joe Silva, and Greg Wright-Priority Power.


There was a discussion among Jeff Stuewe, Jared Falk, and Joe Silva about gas powered motors being on boats on the city lake. The current ordinance says that this is prohibited, after much discussion it was decided to contact KDHE for their recommendations on the risks of having such motors on the lake as it is primarily used for the city drinking water first followed by recreational use.

Jeff and Jared left the meeting at 6:30 p.m.

City of Alma energy consultant, Greg Wright, visited with the council regarding solar energy and the best way to go about incorporating the use of solar panels for residential homes. He presented a rate structure plan that helps ensure that if a customer chooses to install solar power the city is still able to recover infrastructure costs. The City Council decided to review the information presented and discuss it further at a future meeting.

Greg Wright also discussed WAPA. This is a resource that will allow the city to purchase hydropower from an energy pool to help offset the high capacity charge the City currently pays Evergy under the existing GFR contract.  The first step was to apply for the resource, the city was approved. The next step is to approve a resolution allowing the city to move forward. The city can back out at any time.

Council Member Don Westhoff moved to approve the minutes of February 7, 2023, as corrected. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Don Westhoff moved to approve the bills in the amount of $231,037.87. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.


A RESOLUTION IN THE CITY OF ALMA, KANSAS, the City of Alma, Kansas has determined that the financial statements and financial reports for the year ended December 31, 2022 to be prepared in conformity with the requirements of K.S.A. 75-1120 a(a) are not relevant to the requirements of the cash basis and budget laws of this state and are of no significant value to the City of Alma, City Council, Mayor, or the members of the general public of the City of Alma, Kansas was considered and discussed.  Council Member Dan Deiter moved that said Resolution be passed.  Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded this motion.  Motion carried.  Mayor Maurice Baker declared said Resolution be adopted and the Resolution was then duly numbered Resolution 2023-3 and was signed and approved by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk.

City Personnel Reports

Joe Silva and Greg Wright left the meeting at 8:00 p.m.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • He presented a check from the Alma Area Foundation in the amount of $1,920.00. This money is to go towards park expenses. The city must match the funds that are spent.

Mayor Maurice Baker said that he was approached by Chris Cassell about using the northeast corner of Park Valley (Gnadt Park) as a soccer field for the local soccer team to practice. It was decided this can be done; lines can be painted using the funds from the Alma Area Foundation.

City Marshal Leo Lovely reported on the following:

  • He reminded the council that it was approved at a previous meeting that hunting waterfowl at the city lake be prohibited. The attorney was going to update the ordinance.

Council Member Paul Gronquist left the meeting at 8:13 p.m.

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • Two applications have been turned in for the Pool Manager position.
  • She has received numerous concerns about the cleanup process at 911 Kansas. It was decided at a previous meeting that the owner has already made progress by removing the dilapidated home. Currently council is not requiring a time frame for cleanup.
  • She asked the council to consider appointing Josh Huske to the City Zoning Board. Mayor Maurice Baker entertained the motion to appoint Josh Huske to the City Zoning Board. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to appoint Josh to the Zoning Board. Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.

Council Reports

Council Member Don Westhoff asked if the work to the north entrance to Park Valley has been started yet. It has not. He also asked if the city would retain owner rights to the city water wells if Rural Water is to take them over. It was decided that the city would maintain ownership.

Council Member Tonya Hensley did not have anything to report.

Council Member Dan Deiter would like to submit former Council Member Chris Torrey’s obituary to the Kansas Journal.

Mayor Maurice Baker asked about zebra mussels at the city lake. Currently the lake has no issues with zebra mussels. He also asked if the council would like to continue letting Bill Manka trap and release wildlife captured in the city limits. It was decided to allow Bill to trap and release until the City Marshal is not as busy with active cases.

Council Member Pam Bales did not have anything to report.

At 8:32 p.m. Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session for 10 minutes for non-elected personnel and to have City Clerk Sherry Smith in attendance. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Michael, Leo, and Tom left the meeting.

The regular meeting resumed at 8:42.

City Clerk Sherry Smith presented a bid in the amount of $ 3,380.00 for HR Hub software. Council Member Tonya Hensley moved to approve the purchase of HR Hub. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

At 8:57 p.m. Council Member Don Westhoff moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on Tuesday, March 7, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business.  Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, and Don Westhoff. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Marshal Leo Lovely, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Jared Falk, Josh Falk, Brad Yocum, Joe Silva, Marc Shepherd-EMC Insurance, Christie Hitch-Johnson-Tri County Waste and Troy Pitsch-USD 329.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to add Resolution 2023-4 to the agenda. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Jared and Josh Falk and Brad Yocum continued the discussion on the presence of gas-powered engines on the city lake. At this time, they are prohibited by ordinance. The City has been investigating state regulations. They City ordinances have a few sections that need updating as laws have changed. The three involved in this discussion are in favor of allowing engines to be on the boat, but not be used. Gas and oil containers are not to be on board. The discussion will continue.

Brad, Josh, and Jared left the meeting.

Dr. Troy Pitsch-Superintendent of USD 329, thanked the council for letting the Wabaunsee High and Wrestling club use the community center basement for practices. The district and the wresting club donated $300.00 each to the city.

Marc Shepherd of EMC (Copeland) Insurance visited with the council regarding the city’s insurance policy.

Marc left the meeting.

Christie Hitch-Johnson visited with the council regarding the agreement for trash service. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the agreement as presented. Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried. Christie left the meeting. The topic of this issue under unfinished business on the agenda will be removed.

Joe Silva was asked if he had any concerns over the city lake. He asked how he was to address the motor issue. It was the consensus of the council to continue as the ordinance states. He may issue citations if he witnesses gas powered motors on the water at the city lake, motor running or not.

Joe left the meeting.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of February 21, 2023, as corrected. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $113,564.01. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.


A RESOLUTION IN THE CITY OF ALMA, KANSAS, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the ,City of Alma that Maurice Baker is hereby authorized to execute for and on behalf of the City of Alma, the attached Firm Electric Service Allocation City of Alma Assignment Request (Request), among the Western Area Power Administration, ASSIGNEE, and City of Alma , which was duly presented to the City Council, City of Alma and which Request is hereby approved. Pam Bales moved and Paul Gronquist seconded the resolution be approved. It was passed and duly numbered 2023-4.

A meeting request from City Marshal Leo Lovely to attend a Human Trafficking course in Marysville, KS was submitted.

A meeting request from City Marshal Leo Lovely to attend Spring Training in Emporia, KS was submitted.

A meeting request from City Marshal Leo Lovely to attend Kansas Chief of Police Leadership Conference in Mulvane, KS was submitted.

City Personnel Reports

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • Since the City has signed on for the HR Hub portal for payroll, the ACH add on module has been offered at no cost until the HR Hub portal is released in the summer of 2023. It was the consensus of the council to have all employees start direct deposit for March payroll.
  • 9 citations were issued for failure to purchase dog tags. Several individuals have already paid the fines and purchased a 2023 city dog tag.
  • She gave the council end of the year transfer recommendations.
  • Former Council Member Chris Torrey’s obituary will appear in the March issue of Kansas Government Magazine.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • The Railroad would like to permanently close Railroad Street.
  • The city will be sending out notices of a non-compliance issue with the water in April of 2020. The issue has been brought into compliance.

City Marshal Leo Lovely reported on the following:

  • He submitted a written report.
  • He would like to change the speed limit sign on West 3rd Street near the courthouse. Currently the speed limit is 20 mph while flashing, several yards away the speed limit is set at 20 mph. He would like to make the entire street 20 mph.
  • SHe is currently trying to find a more permanent solution to housing dogs after the mandatory 3 day hold at the city pound.

Council Member Tonya Hensley asked if the City Marshal could patrol various hours to cover evenings and weekends.

Council Reports

Council Member Pam Bales asked about setting up interviews for the pool manager. It is hoped that interviews will be scheduled before the March 21st council meeting. She also asked about the numerous potholes in the community center parking lot.

Council Member Don Westhoff asked about the north entrance to Park Valley. He also asked if the new software at the sewer was working properly. Michael replied that it is.

Council Member Tonya Hensley asked if all employees are required to clock out for lunch. She also asked about the community center maintenance that has been on the agenda for quite some time. This item remains on the agenda as it is ongoing. She also asked about the City Cleanup schedule. It is hoped that will take place the week after Easter for approximately three weeks.

Council Member Dan Deiter asked what the difference was in 150% renewable energy vs the 100% nonrenewable energy for the solar panel issue. Michael will investigate this to refresh his memory. He would also like to set some time aside to update the ordinance pertaining to the city lake.

Council Member Paul Gronquist did not have anything to report.

Mayor Maurice Baker visited with Gary Ringel-Wabaunsee County Fire District #6 Fire Chief about an evacuation process being in place in case the need were to ever arise. Tonya reported that there should be such a plan in the County Handbook. He also asked if the funds given to the city from the Alma Area Foundation could be used to purchase soccer goals for the local soccer team.

At 8:36 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.


Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, and Don Westhoff. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Marshal Leo Lovely, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Barbra Frank, Bobby Thompson-Rock Ridge Gravel, Josh and Ava Huske, and Dr. Troy Pitsch.


Barbra Frank asked about the sidewalk on the east side of the 500 block of Grand Ave. Superintendent Michael Slobodnik said that the sidewalk will connect to the entrance of the alley and tie into her existing sidewalk. She also asked what all the flags in the yards are for. They are location flags for a project. She asked about moving gas meters closer to the house. Michael said that he is currently researching a grant to help with the cost of relocating the meters.

Ava Huske spoke to the council about what a typical day at tennis practice is like with a team that continues to grow each year.

Josh Huske presented a plan to build a new tennis court next to the current court. The high school team has increased in numbers and more space is needed to practice. With an additional court, the district can hold meets at home. The cost for a new court is estimated at $102,500.00. He currently has $23,450.00 in pledges. He plans to have the tennis team fundraise to help with costs. He has also gone before the school board with his plans.

At 6:25 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session for 15 minutes for non-elected personnel. And to have the pool manger applicant and City Attorney Tom Barnes in attendance. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Sherry Smith, Michael Slobodnik, Leo Lovely, Barbra Frank, Dr. Pitsch, Josh and Ava Husky left the meeting.

At 6:40 p.m. the regular meeting resumed.

There was no action taken coming out of executive session.

Sherry Smith, Michael Slobodnik, Leo Lovely, Barbra Frank, Dr. Pitsch, Josh and Ava Husky returned to the meeting.

Dr. Troy Pitsch gave the school districts verbal intent to work with the city regarding additional tennis courts.

Dr. Pitsch, Josh and Ava left the meeting at 6:50.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of March 7, 2023, as corrected. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $295,066.22. Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.


A letter of recommendation from the Alma City Zoning board was submitted for final approval. Kim Herren applied for a conditional use permit to operate a coffee shop in the property at 405 Missouri Ave. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the conditional use permit. Council Member Pam Bales seconded. Motion carried.
A meeting request for Trent Viergever to attend the KWRA Annual Conference in Wichita was submitted.

A meeting request for Jeff Clark to attend the KWRA Annual Conference in Wichita was submitted.

Bobby Thompson- gave an update on the Rock Ridge Gravel bike ride that will take place this summer. This year he is going to add a 6K walk, he will donate the proceeds from the walk to a local charity. Members of the Council mentioned the fundraising effort for another tennis court. Mr. Thompson thought that would be acceptable.

Bobby Thompson left the meeting at 7:16 p.m.

City Personnel Reports

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • Judy Sommer called and asked that her thanks be mentioned during the meeting. She would like to thank Michael, Trent, and Jeff for assisting her when she fell on the Courthouse sidewalk. She is very appreciative of the thoughtfulness and kindness that was shown to her. She thinks that Alma is very lucky to have such kind citizens who jump to the aid of others.
  • She asked about a fee for the Bee Application. The council agreed to set the fee at $15.00. A permit will need to be completed along with the bee application. The ordinance will be updated to reflect the change.
  • She applied for a real estate tax exemption for the old fire station that is once again city property since the fire district built the new fire station.
  • She is currently researching a grant that the city can use to upgrade the ball diamonds, city pool, tennis courts. The grant is from the Department of Wildlife and Parks Outdoor program. The city was awarded the same grant in 1979 to build the city swimming pool.
  • The Alma library has requested permission to paint a hopscotch diagram on the sidewalk on the south side of the library. The council gave permission as long as the paint is slip resistant.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • Several city buildings have roof damage due to high winds. The cost to repair all the buildings is $10,394.70. When the claims were filed the city received a check from EMC Insurance for $4,849.00. Council Member Tonya Hensley moved to approve the repairs in the amount of $10,394.70. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.
  • The power washer at the wash bay needs to be replaced, Alkota submitted a quote of $7,339.00 to replace the power washer. Currently the city receives $4,800.00 a year from the school district and Wabaunsee County. After much discussion Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve replacing the power washer. Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.
  • He is looking to hire summer help to mow for the City for the 2023 season. He has also talked to Dustin Sievers for a quote to do all the mowing. He will have options at the next meeting.
  • He would like to hire the same company that Wabaunsee County is currently using to chip and seal. He has reached out to several companies for quotes, Circle C Paving is the only one to respond. Their quote is for $106,241.85. He also hopes to do more mill and overlay work in town this year. He is waiting to get pricing back. Council Member Don Westhoff moved to hire Circle C Paving in the amount of $106,241.85. Council Member Pam Bales seconded. Motion carried.

City Marshal Leo Lovely reported on the following:

  • He submitted a written report.
  • He asked for approval to purchase items such as pencils and stickers to give out to the community.
  • He asked to add a few more cameras to various parts of the city. He will get a quote for the cost from WTC.
  • He will be unable to attend the regular meeting on April 4, 2023.

Council Reports

Council Member Pam Bales gave an update on the Flint Hills Regional Council. She also asked if someone were to file a formal written complaint about the building behind the post office that has been hit, if that would make the owner make the necessary repairs so that kids or rodents do not get into the building.

Council Member Don Westhoff reported that the property at 2nd and Illinois is looking better. He also asked about a small, dilapidated building on a property at 4th and Illinois. He asked how long a storage container may be on a property. He also suggested to donate the money made from Circus ticket sales to the tennis courts.

Council Member Tonya Hensley asked if the city had any service award programs for the employees. She is going to reach out the League of Kansas Municipalities to see what kind of awards are available.

Council Member Dan Deiter did not have anything to report.

Council Member Paul Gronquist did not have anything to report.

Mayor Maurice Baker gave an update on the request he asked to the office to send out regarding securing trash can lids to prevent trash from blowing around town.
At 8:29 Council Member Don Westhoff moved to go into executive session for 5 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

At 8:31 p.m. Council Member Don Westhoff moved to extend executive session for 5 minutes. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

At 8:36 p.m. Council Member Don Westhoff moved to extend the executive session for 15 minutes and to have City Clerk Sherry Smith and Superintendent Michael Slobodnik in attendance. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.
At 8:50 the regular meeting resumed.

As a result of the executive session Council Member Pam Bales moved to offer the position of City Pool Manager to the applicant at the recommended wage pending acceptance. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

At 8:57 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on Tuesday, April 4, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Sherry Smith, City Clerk

Mayor Maurice Baker called the Special Meeting to order with the following Council Members present Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, and Don Westhoff.

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session at 5:45 p.m. for fifteen minutes to discuss non-elected personnel and to have the applicant for City Pool Manager in attendance. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The regular meeting resumed at 6:00 p.m.

There was no action taken coming out of executive session.

Sherry Smith
City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, and Don Westhoff. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance was Barbara Frank and Chris and Amy Cassell. Dustin Sievers arrived at 6:35 p.m.


Chris and Amy Cassell submitted a request for reimbursement for supplies for the local soccer team that has been formed. After much discussion Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the reimbursement in the amount of $728.80. Council Member Pam Bales seconded. Motion carried. Council Member Paul Gronquist opposed the motion, due to the soccer team being a private team and not open to the public at this time. Part of the funding will be from the Gnadt grant to be used for parks and matched by the City. Dan Deiter moved to approve a soccer field at McKnight Field. Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried. (Please see the minutes of May 2, 2023 for minutes correction).

Chris and Amy left the meeting at 6:17 p.m.
Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of March 21, 2023, as corrected. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.
Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $59,526.31. Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.


A meeting request for Michael Slobodnik to attend the KMU Conference and a Supervisor Leadership Seminar in Wichita was submitted.
A meeting request for Leo Lovely to attend SFST Refresher Training in Hutchinson was submitted.

A meeting request for Leo Lovely to go to the Shooting Range in Wamego/Belvue was submitted.

City Personnel Reports

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • 4 individuals have purchased their 2023 City dog tags but have not picked them up. It was decided to have City Marshal Leo Lovely deliver the tags.
  • She asked if the council agrees with 2022 end of the year transfers.
  • She also asked if the council would consider doing a budget workshop for the 2024 City budget. The council agreed. It will be planned for May.
  • Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva went to Wamego Police Department for training on the Court Management program. She learned of other opportunities to attend on this subject as well.
  • The roll off dumpster will be delivered to the shop on April 12, 2023. Volunteers will pick up items placed at the curb on Saturday April 15, 2023.
  • Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the recommended end of the year transfers. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • The street sweeper that he asked to purchase was priced higher than anticipated so he did not get it. He asked for approval to look at another one in Salina, KS. Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve a purchase for a street sweeper not to exceed $35,000.00. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.
  • He presented a bid from Dustin Sievers to mow city property. Dustin was available to answer questions. Council Member Dan Deiter told Dustin that the council will discuss the bid and get back to him.
  • He visited with Amy Terrapin and Gary Ringel about an emergency plan in the event of a train accident.
  • He gave an update on the proposed closing of Railroad Street.
  • Letters will be sent out to all citizens who have water service through the city regarding the type of plumbing in their homes.
  • He reported the City Marshal Leo Lovely obtained a bid for 3 additional cameras to place in the city. The cost will be an additional $98.56 per month. This will be discussed at the next meeting.

Dustin left the meeting at 6:45 p.m.

Mayor Maurice Baker informed the council of the importance of the City Marshal going to the gun range to be certified on the weapons.

Council Reports

Council Member Pam Bales asked about updating the ordinance pertaining to the city lake. This will be discussed later in the meeting.

Council Member Don Westhoff asked about the sidewalk project that has been ongoing for several months. City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik replied that he visited with the contractor, the contractor stated he has one more job to finish then he will be focused only on the city project. He also asked about the sidewalk at the courthouse. Michael replied that he visited with the County Clerk and the Economic Development Director, but at this time they are not interested in replacing the sidewalk. Michael asked if the county would consider splitting the cost with the city. They will take the request to the next County Commission meeting.

Council Member Tonya Hensley did not have anything to report.

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to hire Laurel Barber as the City Pool Manager at the recommended wage. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried. He asked City Attorney to make the recommended changes to the lake ordinance. Mayor Maurice Baker said that he has visited with several state officials regarding the use of gas-powered motors on the city lake. All of them said that it is up to the city on what to allow. Dan talked about how to finance the tennis courts. Josh Huske would like to use signs as a fundraiser, the company name would be on a sign placed on the fence around the court. There was some discussion about the signs being in the way of the spectators.

Council Member Paul Gronquist did not have anything to report.

Mayor Maurice Baker asked if the syphon at the city lake needs to be repaired this spring. Michael reported that it is on his list to do.

At 7:45 p.m. Council Member Tonya Hensley moved to go into executive session for 15 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel and to have City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik in attendance. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Attorney Tom Barnes and Barbara Frank left the meeting.

At 8:00 the regular meeting resumed.

Sherry Smith and Barbara Frank returned to the meeting.

There was no action taken coming out of the executive session.

Council Member Tonya Hensley asked about travel pay when attending conferences and or training.

At 8:06 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on Tuesday, April 18, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Pam Bales, Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, and Don Westhoff. Mayor Maurice Baker declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Marshal Leo Lovely and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Brian Foster of BG Consultants, Barbra Frank and James Eberwein.


James Eberwein asked the council if he could tear down a garage and build a new one in the same place. He will be extending the length of the garage. The issue at hand is that there is an alley that runs on the southeast side of the current garage. The zoning administrator could not approve a permit as the garage encroaches on the alley. There was discussion about whether to vacate the alley or have James go through the zoning board variance procedure. James left the meeting at 6:07 p.m.

Brian Foster of BG Consultants presented information to the council regarding a disagreement between the engineer and the contractor for the gas line project. The contractor purchased 25,200 ft of pipe for the gas line project. The bid specs were set for 24,525 ft of pipe. The contractor would like the city to pay for the additional 675 ft of pipe. Brian said that he could justify 50 extra feet of pipe but no more than that. The council agreed to pay for the additional 50 ft. when the change order is presented. Brian left the meeting at 6:25 p.m.

Barbara Frank asked if the city-wide clean-up was still happening, her neighbor has a mattress that needs hauled away. Mayor Maurice Baker said that he will pick it up.

Council Member Pam Bales moved to approve the minutes of April 4, 2023, as corrected. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $271,436.20. Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.


A meeting request for Sherry Smith to attend a Finance and Budget webinar was submitted.

City Attorney Tom Barnes will have language updated for Ordinance 535 at the next meeting.

It was decided to clean up the language on Ordinance 532 and have it approved at the next meeting.

City Personnel Reports

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • The roll off dumpster was delivered. Volunteers that helped with the clean-up were Maurice and Diana Baker, Garrett, Sherry, Kyra and Zakary Smith, Lucas Viergever, Kota McKinven, Logan Clark and Jared Cunningham. A second roll off has already been dropped off.
  • She asked about adding the discussion for Solar panels to the next agenda.
  • Cheryl Johnson is not able to plant the flowers on Missouri Street this year. Cheryl Lewis is interested in taking over. The Council approved the change.
  • She was asked by a citizen who makes the decision about sports that the Recreation Committee sponsors. Several parents would like to see soccer brought back to the Alma Rec, they will take care of all registration, form teams and schedule games and practices. They would like the Rec to cover insurance. It was decided to ask the Rec Commission to come to a meeting.
  • Kansas Door will be at City Hall this week to give a quote on putting in a handicap door opener.
  • She talked about the city cell phone plan, the last 2 months the city has gone over on the data. It was decided to look into minimizing data usage as much as possible and check into other carriers that may be cheaper.

City Marshal Leo Lovely reported on the following:

  • He presented a written report. Went over several items in the report.
  • He thanked Danielle Murphy for designing a new shoulder patch for the Alma Police Department.

Council Reports

Council Member Pam Bales has noticed that the walls at the community center need repainting. The carpet on the bottom portion of the walls needs to be replaced. The batteries in the clock by the kitchen need to be replaced. She asked if the TV had Wi-Fi, City Clerk Sherry Smith will look into this. There will be a Flint Hills Regional Council meeting on Friday April, 21, 2023.

Council Member Don Westhoff was approached by a citizen with concerns about the property at 10th and Ohio. There is a semi parked on the south side of the house. It was decided he is parked on private property; nothing can be done. The citizen also referred to the yard as a salvage yard. He also had numerous complaints about trash cans not being returned to the house after pickup.

Council Member Tonya Hensley asked about the procedure to have chickens in city limits. She also asked if the sidewalk on the north side of West 3rd street on the 200 block could be moved up on the list to be replaced.
Council Member Dan Deiter asked if there was an update on the tennis courts. It was decided to talk to Josh Huske before the next meeting.
Council Member Paul Gronquist asked if there was anything that could be done about the buzzards that fly over and perch on the grain silos. It was decided that all that can be done is already being done.

He has also had numerous complaints about trash cans not being taken back to the homes within 24 hours of pick up.

Mayor Maurice Baker had a meeting with the new Wabaunsee County Economic Development Director Stephanie Imthurn. She has concerns about getting water to the Flint Hills Plaza. It was decided she should contact RWD #2. She asked about the vacant building that was Alma Manor. She contacted William Mah about possibly utilizing the building for low-income housing. She also asked why the developer is not building duplex housing at Park Valley. Mayor Baker told her that it was decided years ago that subdivision would not have any duplex housing, only single-family homes would be built.

At 8:05 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session for 30 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel with only the council in attendance. Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.

City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Attorney Tom Barnes City Marshal Leo Lovely and Barbara Frank left the meeting.

At 8:34 the regular meeting resumed.

Sherry Smith and Leo Lovely returned to the meeting.

As a result of executive session, Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the policy that while away for training City employees will only be paid a straight 8 hours per day. Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.

At 8:36 p.m. Council Member Pam Bales moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on Tuesday, May 2, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley and Don Westhoff. Mayor Pam Bales declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Pool Manager Laurel Barber and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Barbara Frank and Justin Miller.

Public Comment:

Justin Miller told the council that he has submitted a letter of interest for the open council position expiring at the end of November and that he plans to run for the open seat in November. He asked them to consider him for the position. Justin left the meeting at 6:03 p.m.

Sherry Smith informed the council that she submitted a letter of resignation to Alma Recreation.

It was decided to ask the Recreation Commission to attend the next meeting.
Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the minutes of May 2, 2023, as corrected. Council Member Dom Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

City Pool Manager Laurel Barber presented a hire list for lifeguards. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the lifeguards at the recommended wage. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried. Laurel also gave an update on the start of the season. She plans to open for the season on May 29, 2023. She also has various ideas for extra activities for the kids. Laurel left the meeting at 6:30 p.m.

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the bills in the amount of $136,920.37. Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.


Both City Clerk Sherry Smith and Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva submitted a meeting request to attend KBI E-Disposition Training in Manhattan KS on June 23, 2023. It was approved.

A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION AND SUBMITTAL OF AN APPLICATION TO THE KANSAS HOUSING RESOURCES CORPORATION (KHRC) FOR THE KANSAS HOUSING INVESTOR TAX CREDIT (HITC) PROGRAM was considered and discussed. Council Member Don Westhoff moved that said Resolution be passed. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded this motion. Motion carried. Mayor Pam Bales declared said Resolution be adopted and the Resolution was then duly numbered Resolution 2023-5 and was signed and approved by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk.

Change Order No. 3. with NPL Construction related to the gas line construction project was submitted for approval. Council Member Don Westhoff moved to approve Change Order No. 3. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Final Pay App for NPL Construction in the amount of $107,636.07 was submitted for approval. Council Member Don Westhoff moved to approve Pay App 5. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

There was a discussion about water and sewer rates. Water rates were last increased in October 2016, and the cost to operate the water plant and treat water has increased drastically. In order to cover the increases, rates will need to be increased. City Clerk Sherry Smith and City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik are working with KWRA on a proposal for a rate increase.

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • Since former Mayor Maurice Baker was 2 years into his term when he resigned, the position of Mayor will need to be placed on the ballot for election. City Clerk Sherry Smith has taken care of this.
  • She presented 3 letters of interest for the open council position.
  • William Mah has looked at Alma Manor. He had questions about a possible tax break if he were to purchase the building. He is also willing to give a donation to the tennis courts.
  • She asked about getting the floors at the community center redone. It was decided to get a quote.
  • She presented a quote from Verizon that better suits the city’s needs. After much discussion it was suggested, all full-time employees may be eligible to receive a stipend to compensate them for using their personal cell phone for work purposes. The discussion will continue at a future meeting.
  • She presented a bid for a camera to be placed at the pool. There have been some issues with kids going over the fence. The discussion will continue
  • It was the consensus of the council to have City Clerk Sherry Smith distribute the agreements for the tennis courts to all entities involved.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • He has put a sidewalk project out for bid. All bids will be reviewed at a future council meeting.
  • He will also have bid for a mill and overlay to be opened at a future council meeting.

City Marshal Leo Lovely submitted a written report. He also reported on the following:

  • He would like to thank Trent Viergever for his assistance in helping a child who was lost find their way home.
  • Council Member Tonya Hensley inquired about the constant extra patrols at Alma Manor.

Unfinished Business

Council Member Tonya Hensley had visited with Gwen Hendricks about the sidewalk project on the east side of 3rd Street between Kansas and Iowa. Gwen is thrilled with the design of the new sidewalk.

Council Reports

Council Member Paul Gronquist asked if the sidewalk on the west side of the high school is on the list to be replaced. It is on the list. He also asked which stop sign was hit by the truck driver. City Marshal Leo Lovely said it was the sign at the corner of 7th and Ohio Street.

Council Member Don Westhoff has noticed the amount of foot traffic going to Dollar General on 11th Street. He asked if there was a way to make that area safer for walkers. Council Member Dan Deiter said that due to the high cost of a sidewalk and that the city was advised not to add striping along the street nothing has been done.

Council Member Tonya Hensley asked if the property at 903 Kansas and the property at 107 S. Missouri could be addressed. She also asked if anyone has applied for summer work. At this time there have been no applications.

Council Member Dan Deiter reported that there is a section of sidewalk on the 600 block of Grand that needs to be filled in with dirt or gravel. He also asked if the office had talked to the individuals staying at the RV park about the new regulations to start on June 1, 2023. City Clerk Sherry Smith said they had been notified; the individuals had their employers contact city hall.

Mayor Pam Bales gave an update on the Flint Hills Regional Council. Soon the city will need to appoint a new representative to represent the City of Alma if the City continues membership.

AT 8:20 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session for 15 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel and to have City Marshal Leo Lovely in attendance. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Attorney Tom Barnes, and Barbara Frank left the meeting.

At 8:35 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to extend the executive session by 15 minutes. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

At 8:55 p.m. City Marshal Leo Lovely left the executive session.

At 8:55 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to extend the executive session by 15 minutes. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

The regular meeting resumed at 9:15 p.m.

Sherry Smith, Michael Slobodnik and Leo Lovely returned to the meeting.
There was no action taken coming out of the executive session.

Mayor Pam Bales discussed budgeting for annual employee raises during the budget workshop. No decision was reached.

At 9:17 p.m. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to the Alma City Hall on June 13, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Tonya Hensley and Don Westhoff. Mayor Pam Bales declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Pool Manager Laurel Barber, and City Marshal Leo Lovely. Also in attendance were Barbara Frank, Valerie Wright, Kevin Griffith and Matt Frank of Alma Recreation. Council Member Paul Gronquist arrived at 8:09 p.m.

Council Member Don Westhoff moved to add Alma Recreation, Verizon government plan and an executive session to the agenda. Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.

Public Comment:

There was no public comment.

Mayor Pam Bales read a letter that was written to the Rec Commission on December 22, 2004. The letter stated that the Rec has agreed to handle all monies pertaining to the Recreation Fund. The city will continue to receipt the taxes into the city’s books and write a check to the Recreation Fund. The person responsible for writing checks needs to be bonded through the city insurance company.

The Recreation will handle any expenses pertaining to recreation within the city such as utilities and mowing. The recreation has the option to hire out the mowing or purchase a mower and mow themselves.

They will not be required to submit a budget into the state or publish any budget in the paper. The budget authority will be handled with the city books.

It was decided that this needs to be upgraded and a few details added to duties of the Rec. Commission, composition, and how often to meet. They need to have an agenda and publish it, or least make it available to the public.

Kevin Griffith and Matt Frank discussed the following with the council:

  • The recreation budget process.
  • 2 citizens have shown interest in the open recreation commission positions. Kevin and Council Member Tonya Hensley will call the interested parties.
  • Lack of communication between the city, school and rec board.
  • Volunteers and donations for various projects that need to be addressed at McKnight Park.
  • Kevin gave an update on the condition of the ball fields.
  • Council Member Dan Deiter would like the commission to meet on a regular basis as well as report to the council at least once a year.

Kevin and Matt left the meeting at 6:32 p.m.

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the minutes of May 16, 2023, as corrected. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member ­­­­­Dan Deiter moved to approve the bills in the amount of $410,604.44. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

City Pool Manager Laurel Barber reported on the following:

  • The stairs are going to need replaced at the end of the season. She obtained a cost from in the amount of $5,999.00. After much discussion it was decided to keep looking, but as this item has been mentioned in the past, it will be diligently pursued for the coming season.
  • New guards are doing well the first few weeks of the season.
  • She has had a lot of positive feedback on the punch cards, as well as a few complaints. Council Member Don Westhoff said he has heard from 5 families that are against the punch cards. There was discussion about the possibility of a family purchasing a wrist band for everyone who will be swimming in lieu of a family pool pass. This will be explored further and hopefully may be ready before the season is over.
  • On July 1, 2023 Lawyer Title Company and Bank of the Flint Hills has rented the pool for a pool party during the firework show provided by the Alma Chamber of Commerce.
  • Dylan Barber has agreed to take over leading the water aerobics class.
  • Due to the weather, attendance so far this summer is down compared to this time last year.
  • They are working on getting the baby pool in use.
  • Laurel left the meeting at 6:57 p.m.

At 7:07 P.M. Council Member Don Westhoff moved to go into executive session for 10 minutes to discuss applicants for the open council position. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Marshal Leo Lovely, Barbra Frank and Valerie Wright left the meeting.

At 7:11 p.m. The regular meeting resumed.

City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Marshal Leo Lovely, Barbra Frank and Valerie Wright returned to the meeting.

As a result of the executive session, Council Member Don Westhoff recommended Ken Smith for the open council position. Mayor Pam Bales accepted the recommendation. Council Member Dan Deiter will ask Mr. Smith to attend the June 20, 2023 meeting. Council Member Don Westhoff moved to appoint Ken Smith as a council member. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Mayor Pam Bales reported that Municipal Court Judge Angela Anderson will be resigning as the judge for Alma effective July 1, 2023. After much discussion Mayor Pam Bales accepted the recommendation of Attorney Tom Barnes of Jim Willard as Municipal Court Judge. Council Member Don Westhoff moved to appoint Jim Willard as Municipal Court Judge. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

There was discussion about the median at the entrance to Park Valley. It was the consensus of the council to continue to spray the weeds until the street work is done, then address the median at that time.

It was decided to not place a surveillance camera at the pool at the time.


There was discussion about switching to the Verizon Government plan. At the end of the 2-year term, there may be a policy to allow the employees to purchase the used phones, with some stipulations such as they cannot be resold. Council Member Don Westhoff moved to switch to the Verizon Government Plan. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

Mayor Pam Bales read information about the open record act pertaining to employees using their personal phones for work purposes. This will be included in City Guidelines. The City will also put a plan into place about how long data will be retained on the phones. This policy is being followed in many communities. More information on the wordage next week.

Council Member Tonya Hensley moved to approve the waiver for employees to use their personal phones for work purposes with the city paying a stipend of $25.00 per month. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • Heather Haller of Bank of the Flint Hills would like to have an ice cream truck in the park for a private gathering of select customers of the Bank of the Flint Hills. It was decided to have Heather obtain a solicitor’s license for the day as the general public may also be able to purchase ice cream from the vendor.
  • There is a CDBG audit for the gas line project on June 15, 2023.
  • Bi-weekly payroll has started.
  • She asked if the council would consider asking the school district to share the cost of attorney fees for the tennis courts. It was decided the city would cover the cost at this time.
  • Kansas Door has started installing the automatic door opener at City Hall. They would like to put in a stand-alone button rather than drill into the building. The cost is $670.00. Superintendent Michael Slobodnik said the City should be able to do the work for less than $500. That falls within his purview, so he will get it done as soon as he can.
  • Maurice’s party invitation has been sent out via Front Desk and the Signal Enterprise.
  • Her portion of the 2022 audit is complete. The rough draft has been sent to April Swartz for final review.
  • She asked about setting a date for the 2024 budget workshop. The workshop will take place after the regular council meeting on June 20, 2023.
  • William Mah is getting things in order to start building the next 5 houses.
  • The City received a check from EMC Insurance for $11,074.85. The city did not file any claims in 2022.
  • An employee is switching from employee only insurance to employee/spouse.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • He will have bids for the street project at the June 20, 2023 council meeting.
  • He has a meeting with the engineer at 1:00 p.m. to discuss Phase 3 of the gas project.

Council Member Paul Gronquist arrived at 8:09 p.m.

Cit Marshal Leo Lovely reported on the following:

  • He submitted a written report for the council to review.
  • He asked about a resolution for a property that is in non-compliance. City Clerk Sherry Smith will assist in getting the resolution ready for council to sign at the next meeting.
  • Mayor Pam Bales said that the individuals that are purchasing Alma Manor may close the sale on July 5, 2023.
  • A property on E 6th street is still in limbo as to who the responsible party is to maintain the property.
  • He asked about a possible ordinance for how long “operable” vehicles may be parked on the street without moving.
  • He asked for clarification on the underground fences for pet containment. Council Member Dan Deiter said they are not allowed according to the City Ordinance.
  • He checked out a suspicious vehicle at McKnight Park.
  • He asked about attending any training courses for himself and Municipal Court Clerk Lindsey Silva. The Council encouraged both to do so when training is available, and for Lindsey to visit with surrounding communities for more information as well.
  • He has started to file lesser criminal court cases with municipal court rather than with district court. Council Member Paul Gronquist said City Attorney Tom Barnes suggested years ago to run criminal cases through district court to save on attorney fees. City Marshal Leo Lovely asked for clarification as to what the council would like him to do. It was decided to use municipal court more when applicable.
  • He asked to post more notices via the many resources the city has to notify the residents of regular ordinances, any updates to same, and other relevant information.
  • He gave an update on the purchase of the patrol rifle. He will use the sale of the current patrol rifle to offset some of the cost. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the purchase. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried. Council Member Don Westhoff abstained.
  • He presented information on a taser, council members will look at the information and discuss it at a later meeting.
  • He asked if he found training pertaining to code enforcement if he could attend.

Mayor Pam Bales reported that other cities have access to a public website that will allow City Marshal Lovely to obtain any addresses and or names for any non-compliance issue. She also talked about putting a more weather-proof payment center at the RV park.

Council Reports

Council Member Paul Gronquist received a phone call from Dr. Pitsch regarding paying the school districts portion of the new tennis courts. He asked if they could split the payment up over 3 years. He also asked if the steps at the pool had been discussed. He also reported on the post office truck that picks up the mail. Currently they park on the street around the park. Michael has asked them to start parking on the south side of the old fire station.

Council Member Don Westhoff reported that a dump truck has been parked on the city sidewalk. He asked about the tractor/mower that is parked at McKnight Park. It belongs to the state and occasionally park equipment there if they are working in the area. He reported that the kids are driving too fast in Park Valley. He visited with the Mayor of McFarland; the mayor appreciates all Michael Slobodnik does for the City of McFarland.

Council Member Tonya Hensley had a citizen visit with her about the city placing an unpaid utility bill against her deceased husband’s estate. Tonya visited with City Clerk Sherry Smith, who reported that numerous attempts had been made to collect the debt before being filed against the estate.

Council Member Dan Deiter did not have anything to report.

Mayor Pam Bales congratulated City Marshal Leo Lovely on his recent marriage. She reminded everyone that the next council meeting will be held on June 20, 2023. Since the first meeting in July falls on a holiday, the meeting will be held on July 5, 2023.

At 9:07 p.m. Council Member Tonya Hensley moved to adjourn to the Alma City Hall on June 20, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business to be followed by the 2024 Budget workshop. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, and Don Westhoff. Mayor Pam Bales declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Marshal Leo Lovely and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Barbara Frank and Ken Smith.

Council Member Don Westhoff moved to add Resolution 2023-6 and the appointment of Ken Smith to the City Council to the agenda. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the minutes of June 13, 2023, as corrected. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $49,776.72. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

City Clerk Sherry Smith gave the Oath of Office to newly appointed Council Member Ken Smith.

Public Comment:

There was no public comment.

There was discussion on proper procedure for an executive session.


A RESOLUTION IN THE CITY OF ALMA, KANSAS, PROVIDING FOR THE REMOVAL AND/OR ABATEMENT OF A NUISANCE EXISTING AT 410 E 6TH, ALMA, WABAUNSEE COUNTY, KANSAS PURSUANT TO CITY OF ALMA, ORDINANCE NO. 365 CHAPTER VIII, ARTICLE TWO was considered and discussed. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved that said Resolution be passed. Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded this motion. Motion carried. Mayor Pam Bales declared said Resolution be adopted and the Resolution was then duly numbered Resolution 2023-6 and was signed and approved by the Mayor and Council and attested by the City Clerk.

City Clerk Sherry Smith did not have anything to report.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported on the following:

  • He presented 3 bids for street work:
    ◦ Bayer Construction       $173,728.00
    ◦ Shilling Construction    $157,302.00
    ◦ Bettis Asphalt $148,087.00

Council Member Tonya Hensley moved to accept the low bid in the amount of $148,087.00 from Bettis Asphalt. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

  • He also presented a bid from J&J Construction for sidewalks in the amount of $109,420.00. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to accept the bid from J&J Construction. Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.
  • He reminded the council that they had previously approved Circle C to chip and seal streets.
  • He also informed the council that he was asked to visit with the kids who participate in the Summer Reading Program at the library.

Mayor Pam Bales talked about the event at the library for the Summer Reading Program. City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik and City Marshal Leo Lovely were asked to visit with the kids about their respective jobs within the city.

City Marshal Leo Lovely reported on the following:

  • He asked about parking on the sidewalk when the driveway is short. It was decided to ask the homeowners to not block the sidewalk to allow pedestrians to utilize the sidewalk.
  • He gave an update on the property at 107 S. Missouri. It was decided to move forward with a resolution.
  • There was discussion about the property at 409 E 6th Street. City Attorney Tom Barnes gave the procedure to bring the property into compliance. After the correct procedure has been completed, a resolution can be presented to the council. Tom informed the Marshal that as Code Enforcer, he may enter a property that is not secured to investigate the condition.
  • He was asked to serve on the Juvenile Justice Advisory Council Board. It was the consensus of the council that he could serve on the board if it did not interfere with his duties and was on his own time.
  • Council Member Dan Deiter asked if the rifle that was approved at the last meeting had been ordered. Council Member Don Westhoff said that the parts had been ordered.
  • He presented information about purchasing a taser. After much discussion it was decided to enter into a contract with Axon for 5 years, to be renewed yearly with the new council. Council Member Don Westhoff moved to enter into a contract with Axon as soon as available, not to exceed $900.00 a year. Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded. Motion carried.
  • The issue with the dump truck that is partially parked on the sidewalk has been addressed.
  • He asked about filing lesser criminal cases through municipal court rather than district court. City Attorney Tom Barnes advised that cases that are a misdemeanor or more severe may require a court appointed attorney. Most cities of the 3rd class do not have the budget to accommodate the expense. It is best to go through the district court. The city will continue to handle all speeding and nuisance issues via municipal court.
  • He asked for clarification of the fence ordinance. After much discussion it was decided that the current ordinance does not prohibit the use of underground fences or radio-read collars for dogs.
  • He asked about building a more adequate shelter for the dogs that are running at large. After much discussion it was decided to put a plan together.
  • The city may have to pay the bill if an individual that is taken into custody needs to be seen by a doctor.

Council Reports

Council Member Dan Deiter did not have anything to report.

Council Member Don Westhoff asked about the semi parked in the RV Park portion at McKnight Park. He also talked about the retaining wall that a citizen would like the city to help pay for.

Council Member Ken Smith did not have anything to report.

Council Member Tonya Hensley gave an update on the baby pool. City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik reported that the pool has been filled. Russell Torrey will come back in the fall to sand blast the pool. She talked about the survey that she has been working on with Amy Cassell for the Alma Rec. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to appoint Chris Cassell and Dustin Sievers to the Rec Committee. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Paul Gronquist has concerns that the sidewalk fund is being used as a “bank” for other projects.

Mayor Pam Bales reported that a housing survey from Wabaunsee County Economic Development was sent out via Front Desk, posted on the city’s Facebook page as well as the city web page.

At 7:56 p.m. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to the Alma City Hall on July 5, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. to conduct regular city business. Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded, and the motion carried.

At 8:00 p.m. the workshop for the 2024 budget started. It will continue on July 5, 2023 following the regular meeting.

Sherry Smith, City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Tonya Hensley, Ken Smith, and Don Westhoff. Council Member Paul Gronquist was absent. Mayor Pam Bales declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Marshal Leo Lovely and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Barbara Frank and April Swartz-Varney and Associates.

Public Comment:

There was no public comment.

April Swartz of Varney and Associates gave the 2022 audit report. She also told the council that she will be coming to City Hall on July 14, 2023, to assist with the 2024 budget.

April left the meeting at 6:15 p.m.

Council Member Tonya Hensley had a question concerning the purchase/contract of the taser 7 that was approved at the last meeting. It was explained that the motion was to enter into a contract to be in line for a taser when they became available, as well as to purchase the taser if it became available sooner than expected. She also questioned resolution 2023-6. There was confusion about which property it was going to, as several properties were discussed. She also discussed the reimbursement process for employees who attend trainings/meetings. City Attorney Tom Barnes reviewed the IRS Employers Tax Guide to Fringe Benefits, it is his opinion that the reimbursement is being handled correctly, but if company vehicles are being driven consistently over 15 miles round trip, then that mileage could be considered as a benefit and added to the employee’s payroll to be taxed.

Council Member Don Westhoff moved to approve the minutes of June 20, 2023, as presented. Council Member Ken Smith seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Ken Smith moved to approve the bills in the amount of $48,606.96 Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to accept the Alma Recreation as a department of the city. Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried. Council Member Dan Deiter reported that he has measured an area at McKnight Park to place a soccer field, the area is big enough to hold a field that meets KSHAA regulations. Mayor Pam Bales talked about the tennis court agreements, after much discussion it was decided to visit this matter when the school district approaches the city with a plan.

It was the consensus of the council to adopt a policy stating that text messages for work purposes on a personal phone be deleted after no more than 15 days unless needed for future reference.

City Attorney Tom Barnes said that if the council would like, he can do a power point presentation regarding Kansas Open Record Act (KORA) and Kansas Open Meeting Act (KOMA), this presentation will take approximately 40 minutes.


City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • The auditor is coming on July 14, 2023 @ 9:30 a.m. to go over the 2024 budget.
  • She and Lindsey attended a Court Management training with the KBI, it was geared towards cities of the 1st class rather than cities of the 3rd class. She continues to research available training to attend in the future.
  • There will be a public hearing on July 18, 2023, at 5:45 p.m. for the closing of the CDBG grant for the gas line project.

City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik did not have anything to report.

City Marshal Leo Lovely reported on the following:

  • He submitted a written report.
  • He gave an update on the following properties that have been cited for non-compliance.
    ◦ 410 E. 6th- the property owners continue to make progress.
    ◦ 409 E. 6th- letters have been sent out, the next step is to adopt a resolution.
    ◦ 107 S. Missouri- letters have been sent out, the next step is to adopt a resolution.
  • He asked for clarification on the dirt road that runs along side the north side of the train tracks. It is an easement for the railroad, he cannot enforce any rules while on that road, but once the individual exits the road, he can enforce rules.

Council Reports

Council Member Dan Deiter reported that 3 windows have been broken out of the park house. He asked City Clerk Sherry Smith to check the cameras to see if the individuals are shown. She said that because we did not have a more secure time frame, they were not able to see anything. The Alma Area foundation presented Dan with a check to go towards the upkeep of the park house. He asked about the electricity at the park house. City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik said the meter had been removed due to people leaving the lights on at the stage area. He can put the meter back in so that people that are using the park for gatherings will have access to electricity. He also reported that the funds to pay the Water Rights loan had originally been coming out of the electric fund, some time ago it was changed to come out of the water fund. It was the consensus of the council to start paying the loan out of the electric fund again.

Council Member Don Westhoff asked if signs could be made restricting the parking of large trucks at McKnight Park. He has gotten feedback from citizens regarding the job well done by the utility crew and the City Marshal. He also asked if the city could pull the dump truck that is parked on the sidewalk back. After much discussion it was decided that Council Member Ken Smith will contact one of the owners and ask him to move it back.

Council Member Ken Smith had a complaint of a dog running at large, due to this dog’s behavior a citizen felt the need to return inside his home. City Marshal Leo Lovely said this dog is a county dog that comes into the city.

Council Member Tonya Hensley gave an update on the survey that Amy Cassell sent out via Skyward for activities the Alma Rec could do in the future. She also asked how long the flowers are allowed to be left on the graves at the cemetery. City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik replied that they typically only remove flowers in the fall and spring.

Mayor Pam Bales said that after considering Marshal Lovely’s probable appointment to the Juvenile Justice Advisory Council Board, with meetings held once a quarter in Holton are part of his regular work schedule. After some discussion it was decided that upon appointment to said Board, it will be part of his regular duties.

At 7:55 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to go into executive session for 10 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel and to have City Marshal Leo Lovely in attendance. Council Member Ken Smith seconded. Motion carried.

City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Superintendent Michael Slobodnik, City Attorney Tom Barnes, and Barbra Frank left the meeting.

At 8:05 Council Member Dan Deiter moved to extend the executive session by 10 minutes. Council Member Ken Smith seconded. Motion carried.

At 8:15 Council Member Dan Deiter moved to extend the executive session by 10 minutes. Council Member Ken Smith seconded. Motion carried.

At 8:07 p.m. City Marshal Leo Lovely left the executive session.

At 8:15 p.m. the regular meeting resumed. Sherry Smith, Michael Slobodnik, and Leo Lovely returned to the meeting.

Mayor Pam Bales complimented Marshall Lovely on the outstanding job he is doing for the city and announced that he officially completed his probationary period at the end of January.

As a result of the executive session Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve a pay raise for City Marshal Leo Lovely to be retroactive to February 1, 2023, at the recommended wage. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried.

At 8:20 p.m. Council Member Dan Deiter moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on July 18, 2023, at 5:45 p.m. to hold a public hearing for the closing of the CDBG Grant, to be followed by the regular city council meeting. Council Member Ken Smith seconded, and the motion carried.

Sherry Smith, City Clerk

Mayor Pam Bales called the Public Hearing of the Alma City Council to order at 5:45 p.m. with the following Council Members present: Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, Ken Smith and Don Westhoff. Mayor Pam Bales declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order.  City representatives in attendance were Assistant City Utility Superintendent Trent Viergever, City Clerk Sherry Smith, City Marshal Leo Lovely and City Attorney Tome Barnes. Also in attendance were Sara Wagoner and Brett Wagoner-Governmental Assistance Services. 

The purpose of the public meeting is to close out the CDBG Grant for the Gas Line Project.

The mayor asked if there was any public comment. There was none.

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to close the CDBG grant hearing. Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.


City Clerk

The Governing Body of the City of Alma met in regular session at the Alma City Hall, at 6:00 p.m., with the following Council Members being present: Dan Deiter, Paul Gronquist, Tonya Hensley, Ken Smith, and Don Westhoff. Pam Bales declared that a quorum was present and called the meeting to order. City representatives in attendance were City Clerk Sherry Smith, Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever, City Marshal Leo Lovely and City Attorney Tom Barnes. Also in attendance were Barbara Frank, Josh Huske, Kevin Griffith, Chris Cassell, Matt Frank, Jenny Schutter and Wendy Reves.

Public Comment: 

Wendy Reves and Jenny Schutter visited with the council regarding the glass door that was broken while they had the community center rented. City Clerk Sherry Smith reported that a company will be out this week to look at the door.

Chris Cassell asked the council what he could do to extend a fence closer to city easement outside the normal setbacks on his property in Park Valley. He was told that he needed to file for a variance through the Alma City Zoning and Planning Commission.

Josh Huske visited with the council regarding the tennis courts. Currently the school district does not have the required number of votes from the school board to move forward.  Mayor Bales said she’d speak with Dr. Pitsch.  

The Alma Recreation board- Kevin Griffith, Matt Frank and Chris Cassell asked the council what expectations they would like to see of the Alma Rec. The council would like the rec to hold regular meetings, periodically reporting to the council how things are going. Everyone involved would like better communication between the city and the rec. Kevin brought up several items that were discussed at the rec board meeting that they would like to start working on to improve McKnight field, as well as future sporting opportunities for children and adults. 

Council Member Dan Deiter moved to approve the minutes of July 5, 2023, as presented. Council Member Don Westhoff seconded. Motion carried. 

Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the bills in the amount of $328,265.11. Council Member Ken Smith seconded. Motion carried. 


A RESOLUTION IN THE CITY OF ALMA, KANSAS, PROVIDING FOR THE REMOVAL AND/OR ABATEMENT OF A NUISANCE EXISTING AT  409 E 6th, ALMA, WABAUNSEE COUNTY, KANSAS PURSUANT TO CITY OF ALMA, ORDINANCE NO. 365 CHAPTER VIII, ARTICLE TWO was considered and discussed.  Council Member Dan Deiter moved that said Resolution be passed.  Council Member Don Westhoff seconded this motion.  Motion carried.  Mayor Pam Bales declared said Resolution be adopted and the Resolution was then duly numbered Resolution 2023-7 and was signed by the Council and Mayor It was approved by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk.

A RESOLUTION IN THE CITY OF ALMA, KANSAS, PROVIDING FOR THE REMOVAL AND/OR ABATEMENT OF A NUISANCE EXISTING AT  107 S. MISSOURI, ALMA, WABAUNSEE COUNTY, KANSAS PURSUANT TO CITY OF ALMA, ORDINANCE NO. 365 CHAPTER VIII, ARTICLE TWO was considered and discussed.  Council Member Don Westhoff moved that said Resolution be passed.  Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded this motion.  Motion carried.  Mayor Pam Bales declared said Resolution be adopted and the Resolution was then duly numbered Resolution 2023-8 and was signed and approved by the Council and Mayor.  It was approved by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk.

A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CONSUMPTION OF ALCHOHOLIC LIQUOR ON PUBLIC STREETS DURING HOT ALMA NIGHTS EVENT. The City Council, pursuant to Section 3.11.05(d) of the Code of the City of Alma, grants its approval for the consumption of alcoholic liquor on the city streets, sidewalks and public rights of ways which are located within the designated event area of the Hot Alma Nights automobile show for the period of 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 19, 2023 as set forth above. Council Member Dan Deiter moved that said Resolution be passed.  Council Member Paul Gronquist seconded this motion.  Motion carried.  Mayor Pam Bales declared said Resolution be adopted and the Resolution was then duly numbered Resolution 2023-9 and was signed and approved by the Council and Mayor.  It was approved by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk.  

City Clerk Sherry Smith submitted a request to attend MTI; KOMA/KORA virtually. 

Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva submitted a request to attend MTI; KOMA/KORA virtually.

City Clerk Sherry Smith submitted a request to attend 2023 Kansas Association for Court Management in Manhattan, KS on September 28, 2023 and September 29, 2023.

Assistant City Clerk Lindsey Silva submitted a request to attend 2023 Kansas Association for Court Management in Manhattan, KS on September 28, 2023 and September 29, 2023.

All requests were approved by the consensus of the Council.

City Marshal Leo Lovely submitted a request to attend Narcotics Training in St. Mary’s, KS on held July 15, 2023. Council approved ratified the attendance at the training seminar as of July 18, 2023. 

City Clerk Sherry Smith reported on the following:

  • The property owner of 508 and 510 Missouri would like to have a sewer charge removed from one of his accounts. The owner feels there should be one charge for the sewer as there is only one connection. After much discussion it was decided that since the building has two separate accounts, each account will be charged for sewer.
  • She had several conversations with Russell Torrey regarding the dump truck that has been parked on the sidewalk on the south end of Missouri Street. He was able to get the truck moved.

Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever reported on the following:

  • He asked about purchasing a street sweeper as previously discussed. He found one on Purple Wave.  The sweeper can be paid for out of the equipment reserve fund. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to approve the purchase of the street sweeper not to exceed $ 50,000.00. Council Member Dan Deiter seconded. Motion carried.

City Marshal Leo Lovely reported on the following:

  • He submitted a written report. 
  • He passed out information he obtained from the state pertaining to dog kennels.
  • He asked for clarification on what portion of the budget any clean up the city does for non-compliance issues comes from. City Attorney Tom Barnes replied that it comes out of the general fund. 

Assistant City Superintendent Trent Viergever reported that he has had several complaints about where the sidewalk ends on Iowa Street. 

Council Reports

Council Member Dan Deiter asked about the Alma Creamery signs at the roadside parks, it was decided to ask Alma Creamery to remove the signs. He is going to reach out to the local churches to refresh the sign at North Roadside Park.

Council Member Don Westhoff asked if the individuals that utilize the RV Park are following the new rules. He also asked about the gas meter at 915 Kansas. Trent replied that they have placed a temporary barrier around the meter as it has been hit by the contractors who are building the home.

Council Member Ken Smith did not have anything to report.

Council Member Tonya Hensley talked about the budget meeting she attended for the City of Alma 2024 Budget. A lot of time was spent on deciding where to make budget cuts. Several areas received cuts. She also talked about a training she attended for the county, useful information pertaining to individuals who go into an office making open record request while recording on their phones. There was discussion on how to handle the situation if they were to come to City Hall.

Council Member Paul Gronquist asked what is the height requirement for a fence in the front of a property. It was discussed that the requirement is 3 or 4 feet as governed by the zoning ordinances. He also asked about using the remaining fundraising money for the pool slide to help purchase new entry steps for the pool.

Mayor Pam Bales reported that Flint Hills Regional Council will be meeting in Junction City on July 21, 2023. She also talked about the possibility of purchasing a used SUV from the state as a patrol vehicle rather than purchasing a truck then passing it down to the utility department. The utility department will purchase their own trucks as needed. Council Member Dan Deiter said that he is not in favor of doing this, as the city is not guaranteed a low mileage vehicle.  It will be discussed further.

At 7:43 p.m. Council Member Paul Gronquist moved to adjourn to Alma City Hall on August 1, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. for the regular city council meeting.  Council Member Tonya Hensley seconded, and the motion carried. 



Sherry Smith, City Clerk

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